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Everything posted by doctor_shred

  1. As said above, not all STs support composite out. I was caught out by the same issue. I have a ST monitor to out to composite cable that works fine on my 1040STE. I picked up a Mega ST and thought it was faulty as I only got a black screen with the same composite cable. It turns out the Mega ST only outputs RGB and mono signals through the monitor port. There is no composite line on some of the older STs.
  2. Which version of ROTJ is this? Wire frame shooter like the first two or a different format? Thank.
  3. It was a cd only release I believe. Not seen it reissued in a while. It occasionally turns up for sale. There is a tool for converting the binary into a file that will run on the GD if you have the binary.
  4. I can't wait for this to be released. It looks incredible. Well done to all involved.
  5. This looks great. I'll be buying it.
  6. Well done with this. There is still a dedicated scene that uses Atari Notator and Logic for Midi sequencing. This helps future proof my set up for years to come 👍
  7. Mine arrived today. It's in my Jag now. Sounds great and the graphics are a nice addition too. Well done Remute on a great album and truly unique format.
  8. That is one very cool clock 😎
  9. Cannon Fodder 353 : 3 It keeps crashing after mission 7 on my GD. I'm sure my cart version didn't do that.
  10. 13,425 on Degz I don't know how I missed out on this game until now. Great stuff.
  11. Someone on eBay is selling rotary pro controllers https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305454609112?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=i442YuetTOG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=YoPxXN5iRTC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Whilst rotary controllers are awesome for T2K and Rebootroids why use an original Pro controller? Surely a regular Jag pad would have sufficed? I'm not knocking the work but given how rare these things are in stock form...
  12. I have the Dreamcast version and would love to see this on the Jag with Pro controller support. I agree, the graphics and sound do not need messing with. The game looks and sounds great as is.
  13. This is great news. I finally tracked down a Samsung Nuon Dvd player last year and Tempest 3k has been top of my want list since. Good luck Songbird in getting this out ASAP. I'll be buying it.
  14. Thanks for the replies. I am happy with the Retron 77 for what it is. The HDMI out was the main draw. There's nothing like the original hardware though. The 2600+ caught my eye for the aesthetics and 7800 compatability. I don't own any 7800 games yet but there are a few I'd like to play. Given the 2600 compatability issues reported above and elsewhere I'll bide my time and see how the firmware develops. Or I might buy a used 7800 and put up with the Rf out.🙂
  15. Hi, I appreciate this has been touched on more than once previously. Now that the 2600+ has been out for a while I'd like to know the real world experience. To put it in context, I grew up with a 2600 VCS 6-er in the 80s, which I still have, I have a composite modded VCS Jr and a Hyperkin Retron 77. I like the idea of 7800 compatibility but does the 2600 + offer anything tangibly more than I already have? I have a large collection of original 2600 carts that work OK with my current set up. I love that Atari is back making hardware again but is it one emulator vs another? The Retron 77, whilst flawed, does pretty well IMHO.
  16. This is sooooo niche I had to pre order it. Good luck to Remute. This is a genius idea to make your music available to a finite audience. It's even more odd than the audio cassette revival that is happening in the UK right now.
  17. I have played through Jag Space Ace to the end. It was hard work and a lot of trial and error, even when knowing the correct sequence of moves. I can see why these games were ground breaking in the 80s. The graphics were leagues ahead of the other games of the era. The interactive cartoon thing is appealing to those of us that grew up on Masters of the Universe, MASK, and Thundercats etc. I like Space Ace and Braindead 13 on the Jag despite their flaws, as entertainment. I'm yet to play through Dragon's Lair although I do have it on Jag Cd. These games are of their time IMHO. An important relic, if nothing else, and can be enjoyed for what they are.
  18. There's an upcoming feature-length documentary about Jeff Minter called "Heart of Neon" in post production now. Should be a good watch for Atari fans.
  19. After the STE I got a Lynx 2, then a Jaguar. I finally ended up with a Windows 95 PC in about 1999 for productivity but still used my Jag for games.
  20. Interesting project. I have an original combiner and it is great if you use multiple dongle protected programs. Good luck.
  21. Best Electronics do a Jagpad to Atari 2600 adapter that works well with the ST. Only the d pad and B fire button work but it keeps it Atari Also, if you have an STE you can use the Jagpad for the handful of games that support the enhanced joystick ports on the side.
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