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Status Updates posted by masschamber

  1. anyone else enjoy looking at your old messages and seeing the what are now crazy good deals on items you sold years ago?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Trinity


      CRT TV's...:-o

    3. Crazy Climber

      Crazy Climber

      @Trinity I saw that trend coming and stocked up when they were free :)




    4. masschamber
  2. trying to decide which pre nes console I think is best the 2600 or the intellivision, 2600 has a fuller library and better easier to deal with controllers, the intellivision has better exclusives and more feature rich controls

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BydoEmpire


      I had the Inty first growing up so it has a special place (and I also have no problem with the controllers), but I play the 2600 far more. More great arcade-style games, larger library, etc.

      They're both great but if I had to pick one it'd be the 2600.

    3. doctorclu


      Atari VCS might be cool, but can you call a BBS with it? :P

    4. MrMaddog


      Don't forget that there's M-Network games that are 2600 ports of INTV titles. The game names are different but they do play the same way...

  3. ebay has 20 off anything coupons for the next few hours

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GoldLeader


      Thanks for the heads up!

    3. RodLightning


      Got $7.95 off a Pi 3 model b..good deal with the code.

    4. Turbo-Torch


      Had a trailer hitch in my watch list, saved over $30 bucks. Does eBay eat that amount?

  4. really good haul today, finally met with someone that had a bunch of old stuff for sale and boy was it a good haul, nearly complete studio 2 collection, really good 2600 stuff and more

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. masschamber


      Hey I make the effort to always talk when I buy any small amount of classic game stuff, and yes sometimes it is kind of like that.

    3. masschamber


      Hey I make the effort to always talk when I buy any small amount of classic game stuff, and yes sometimes it is kind of like that.

    4. GoldLeader


      I lucked out once...My friend called and said some guy was throwing away some SNES games like Earthbound and such and would I want them. <<Schwwinggg!!>>

  5. so in one room was the latest and greatest video game hardware and software, in the other a 40 year old voice synthesizer with a trash keyboard and primitive text to voice software. Yet all the kids gathered around the ancient machine to have it say things like butt and fart in a robot voice for hours

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Syzygy1


      I'd make it say "Booyah!"

    3. frankodragon


      Someone long ago introduced me to a VIC 20 with a speech synth and of course I wanted it to say "Fart."

    4. save2600


      Oh good, so there's hope after all. Sounds like those kids new where it's at and where it's always gonna be. :P

  6. the street fighter cartoon from the 90s is the best type of terrible, 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. retrorussell


      I thought the guy that played Bison was terrific-- absolutely cheesy and hammy, which was perfect for the show.  Otherwise.. yuck!  Great "worst clips" montages on YouTube.

    3. Charlie Cat
    4. frankodragon


      The only memorable scene was Sagat saying to a kid, "You like some corn flakes, ha ha ha!"

  7. Which tank themed pun title do you prefer, 

    tanks but no tanks

    or tanks a lot?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zetastrike


      So long and tanks for all the fish

    3. GoldLeader


      ^When those fish get armored vehicles they drive underwater...Well, Those'll be Fish Tanks!

    4. masschamber


      Fish tanks, now that is a good idea for a game.

  8. hit a garage sale today, found a sears heavy sixer with 2 cx 10s, the grey psu and a couple of gatefold boxes

    pretty happy with that

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GoldLeader


      That is seriously Awesome!!!


      Do ya mind if I ask how much?  Inquiring minds wanna know.

    3. masschamber


      50 dollars,

    4. GoldLeader
  9. anyone remember the felix the cat:the movie? I remember it being weird and not very good

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Turbo-Torch


      Felix movie does exist, I have it on original vhs. I was always of fan of the early B&W series when drugs were obviously legal and being used by the animators. The movie aint half bad in that respect. Twisted Tales from mid 90s is excellent and needs a DVD release.

    3. masschamber


      The movie starts with a cgi felix the cat head, I wonder what percent of the budget that used up

    4. D Train

      D Train

      I saw that! the whole thing is on youtube. then it moves to really bad disney-style art/animation. This is not the felix of my youth!

  10. France post mangled a packages of games I sent them, really destroying them in customs. to top it off they charged the guy 44 euros customs on 75 us dollars of games,

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. save2600


      People are what's wrong with people. ;-)

    3. masschamber


      ofcourse they guy then goes to the forums and immediately opens a return request, because somehow I should be responsible for his customs fees

    4. derFunkenstein


      Sorry to hear it man. I just refuse to ship internationally. There are plenty of dumbasses in America to hose me over, don't need the added headache of someone in France doing it too.

  11. The revenge is the best subtitle for any sequel

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grig


      @jaybird - YES!!!



    3. SlidellMan


      @atari2600land - That sounds like a bitchin' Acid Techno song.

    4. DZ-Jay


      The Revenge III: This time it's personally electric boogaloo.

  12. I think ebay should add an autocorrect to fix titles with the word rare to incredibly common

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RockyRaccoon


      I always love these ads because it's always like it's written by someone with the base knowledge of some Atari 2600 cart practices but not really. Like it mentions it's a graphic label because, hey some 2600 carts we're text way back in the day! But also doesn't know enough that it's also a really common dirt common game.

    3. masschamber


      I just wanted to find a title as close to yours as possible,

    4. GoldLeader


      I remember seeing RARE HTF Coleco Donkey Kong for ColecoVision. LOL.

  13. I've got a spare 7800, some arcade stick parts, and good 7800 games, should make a 7800 compatible stick then offer it at a bargain price, see if I can knock jin off the wagon

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Skippy B. Coyote

      Skippy B. Coyote

      Oh yeah, that's right. I would owe you something like a million Zimbabwe dollars if I got another 7800 wouldn't I? It's cool, I think I can spare the $0.03 or so. =) Got a Jaguar, Lynx, and/or XEGS you wanna sell me while we're at it?

    3. masschamber


      Only jag I have right now is dead as a door nail, I have an 800xl but I'm using it to teach at school but If you really want in on a 7800 send me a pm and I'll put together a package at a good price

    4. Skippy B. Coyote

      Skippy B. Coyote

      Yeah, let's talk. PM incoming.

  14. My daughter has a new hobby, ripping keys off of keyboards

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BassGuitari


      Ebonies or ivories?

    3. TheTIGuy


      Sounds like my brother.

    4. Keatah


      I used to be a speaker puncher, too. It was oddly relaxing to poke those domes, wasn't it?


  15. Well I don't think I'll be able to rely on my daughter's poor understanding of physics to keep her out of places I don't want her going... she has used her leg as a lever to get herself off my shoulders for the third time.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. masschamber


      No, but I'm sure she would if she could. It is still years away (fortunately) but I wonder if her kindergarten teacher is going to love her for her intelligence and inquisitiveness, or be driven crazy by her never ending well of energy

    3. DZ-Jay


      Probably the latter. Those are the ones that grow into successful and interesting people. ;)

    4. Jess Ragan

      Jess Ragan

      An odd paradox... a toddler that can count to a hundred, yet can't seem to grasp the concept of gravity.

  16. just got a giant pile of ds, ds lite, gbc and gba systems, going to test them all and any working ones should be available here pretty cheap

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. masschamber


      I don't need to play 10 different ds systems at the same time, although....

    3. GoldLeader
    4. jd_1138


      I could use a DS, how much? And what's difference between the Lite and regular one?

  17. found competition for the rca studio 2 for worst console of all time, I think that koei pasogo defnitely tops it,

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. masschamber


      I guess this thing would have been aimed at serious go players or something, really terrible idea

    3. Jess Ragan

      Jess Ragan

      The new Koei Wiboryu, with a dozen different turn-based strategy titles based on Nobunaga, Chinese warlords, and Napolean Bonaparte!

    4. thanatos


      But the Ebay auction says it is a HOLY GRAIL!

  18. got a panasonic tau with hdmi input , shame xbonex and switch don't support 1080i, but man that 0 input lag

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. wongojack


      I'd probably have a hard time passing that up for 0.99

    3. masschamber


      it does actually weigh over 200 pounds, but the image is amazing and the 0 lag makes a difference.

    4. Swami


      It does. I always do better on my crt than with PC emulation on the flat screen.

  19. bought a copy of xenophobe 2600 from venezuala several years ago, arrived today.  Never saw that  coming

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ChildOfCv


      Hmmm. Well, that beats the 433MHz remote I bought from Shenzhen in June, that arrived last week.  According to tracking, it made it to LA in July, BTW.

    3. DragonGrafx-16


      Well, I ordered a Thunder Force 3-in-1 cart from a Chinese seller a year and a half ago and it still hasn't arrived. I did get refunded though. lol

    4. Shawn


      It would be fun to see pics of the date stamp on the postage.

  20. Nice when Christmas starts to approach and people start buying more stuff.  Nice to clear  out large chunks of the doubles I accumulate over the year.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. masschamber


      Don't remember the sale but I assume it must have been for barely more than shipping costs so probably wrapped the games in bubble wrap then put them in a thin cardboard box.

    3. masschamber


      Don't remember the sale but I assume it must have been for barely more than shipping costs so probably wrapped the games in bubble wrap then put them in a thin cardboard box.

    4. save2600


      Well, I paid more than what I could have gotten on eBay, but was sent exactly as you described. If you needed an extra $.50-$.75 to send in a box, could've  asked.   :)

  21. microsoft  must be desperate with the xbox brand, they're giving away there ultimate game pass like candy.  I got a free month, and when I redeemed the code they gave me another free month to turn on auto renew, which I promptly turned off

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GoldLeader


      Whaaa?  They are=They're ... There is like Over there or There, there it'll be OK...Their is when They own it, it's Theirs etc.,....I was just having fun,  Well,  you know that...haha Cheers!

    3. masschamber


      no fun allowed

    4. GoldLeader
  22. Woke up on Thanksgiving with severe back pain, it's been getting  better but man I could use a snow day tomorrow 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. masschamber


      thanks, I'm sure that call will go well, some guy on the internet said I can have the day off. Anyway a snow day seems like a  lock for tomorrow 

    3. D Train

      D Train

      I'm not just *some* guy on the internet; I'm *a* guy on the internet!

    4. masschamber


      neither here nor there now as I have a snow day, 

  23. baby ate solid food for the first time, that was....messy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Papa


      Bowl discus, naked greko-roman standing poops, gum rubbing (squeeky squeek), food painting, food face painting, food hair gel, food clothing beauty augmentation. I have six kids and a seventh on the way. Babies are gods. They sense all.

    3. yell0w_lantern


      We set a plastic sheet on the floor when our first started eating solid food.


    4. Atarian7


      LOL 128Kgames

  24. making mashed potatoes, but can't eat them because my wife needs them for work

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 128Kgames


      "Some folks call it a Sling Blade, I call it a Kaiser Blade."

    3. carlsson


      Perhaps I should also bring mashed potatoes to work. I just need to find a use of them, other than to eat.

    4. save2600


      takes forever to boil that stuff! I'd have to have a sample or three before relinquishing. :-)

  25. my brother is adamant that the russian guy that bought a projector I sold is Vladimir Putin, I think it's just some russian guy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sauron


      All Russians look the same.

    3. Papa


      So. Your brother is Colossus? I read that fast..


    4. jd_1138


      You better give him first rate customer service. lol

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