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Everything posted by BoatofCar

  1. Everyone knows Skate or Die is a great game, but if you haven't you absolutely owe it to yourself as a C64 fan to try out Forbidden Forest. There's really nothing else like it from the time period.
  2. That's scary! About three pages into the manual, I thought, "we can do this!" By page 10, I put it back in the box silently
  3. Yeah, it's a shame Atari didn't utilize all that space to put in some ephemera that would become popular in the later PC days...maps, trinkets, thinks like that.
  4. Did you do a second chance offer for the second place bidder? If the top bid was $830, surely the second place would have been $800 or more, right?
  5. My buddy and I have a podcast where we spotlight 2 games from a different retro console every week. This week's console was the VCS, and we chose Cosmic Ark and Dragster to talk about. Little did we know in choosing that Dragster would be thrust into the national spotlight! Hope you enjoy
  6. I was playing Skate or Die for the C64, and I was kind of blown away at how good that game looks compared to so many titles on the Atari 8 bits. I'm a complete novice when it comes to how graphics are drawn on screen and how sprites move and things like that, but is there a reason why this particular title looks so good on the C64? Is it just because it's a later release for the system and by that time the devs really knew how to code for it? I realize that by 1988 the Atari 8 bit scene had all but disappeared from a commercial software point of view, but would a port have been possible, and would it have looked the same?
  7. Thanks very much! We will release new episodes every Wednesday. We record them live on Friday (along with Amigos) on Youtube, if you ever want to come hang out in the chat with us! Shh! Good catch
  8. Hi everyone, my buddy Aaron and I are starting a new, weekly podcast that focuses on a multitude of classic computers and consoles. Of course, we had to start with the greatest system of all time Our first show focuses on two of the all-time A8 classics, M.U.L.E. and Caverns of Mars. We hope you enjoy it!
  9. Yeah, I know. I'm the same way. I dig the boxes, though. I wish there was an easy way to search eBay for them.
  10. Thanks metarog! It's crazy how much more difficult the other two Master Strategy games are compared to QftR. I believe you actually do need to have a degree in finance (or at least have taken several college-level courses) to play that one! Conquest of the World seems slightly more doable, but I think we'll need to round up some more friends for that one.
  11. I was contemplating starting to collect boxed A8 software in this style: Is there a name for this style of packaging (yellow stripe on the bottom, black stripe at the top, hand-drawn, full width art), and a checklist of it somewhere?
  12. We have the other two Master Strategy games, but they're orders of magnitude more complicated. Has anyone else ever attempted them?
  13. In the spirit of Games Done Quick, but without the slick professional presentation, my buddy Aaron and I are doing a 12-hour Amiga marathon for Make a Wish UK. It was originally inspired by Commodore responding to MaW's request for an Amiga 1200 for a terminally ill boy in 1993. We believe it's the first all-Amiga charity gaming marathon. If you'd like to donate or read more, check out our Just Giving page, and we'll be broadcasting live on our Youtube Gaming channel from 10am-10pm Eastern this Saturday, August 12. We hope this is a successful event and the first of many Amiga charity marathons to come!
  14. Hey guys, it's been awhile but I've got a new video! After many attempts, I was unable to get a clean video signal out of my 1200XL to my capture card, but I really like playing on real hardware, so from here on out all my videos will be filmed from my 1200XL attached to a 1702
  15. Hey, thanks! For some reason they make you pay $2 to have the ability to post (?) but using the search feature I found this: https://forums.arcade-museum.com/showthread.php?t=316150&highlight=mario+bros. I took out the corresponding ROMs, cleaned them, reseated them, and voila! Everything's perfect!
  16. I can play Mario Bros for 5-10 minutes and all is fine, but about 50% of the time the sprites start to glitch out (see attached pic). Any ideas on what I can do to fix this?
  17. Following the success of our first Amigos challenge (which I forgot to post here!), we're celebrating the approaching summer with the Footbag event in California games! If you'd like to participate in the challenge, just record yourself and submit via WeTransfer (no sign up required) at http://www.wetransfer.com to amigoschallenge@outlook.com by 22nd May 2017. Be sure to rename your file before you send it with your name and the Amigos Challenge number, i.e johnsmithchallenge1.avi. Whatever name you submit will be how it appears on the leaderboard. Check out the results of Amigos Challenge #1!
  18. Thanks, this is what I was looking for. Obviously the cable works for its intended purpose, it converts the standard monitor out Chroma-Luma signal to a standard composite signal which I can plug into any monitor or television, but there's something about the signal itself that the video capture card doesn't like.
  19. I bought one of these DIN to composite cables. http://www.ebay.com/itm/6-Atari-Video-A-V-TV-Cable-Composite-Video-Audio-800-800XL-65XE-130XE-/232067429109?hash=item36084bf2f5:m:mhxCVb2Be9ooRoq7kfNg7Pg It works fine with my 1702 monitor, but it outputs black and white through my capture card. Every other composite device I have works with my capture card. Do you think there is something different about the composite signal from my 1200XL?
  20. Does anyone have any experience with this? Or even a picture? http://www.jagshouse.com/powerrconverter.html I'd love to be able to get a VGA signal out of my Mac Plus just for capture purposes.
  21. Well, this is what it looks like now. My dream of fitting all my computers on there has gone away--after three it started to look crowded. Anybody know where I can find a cheap replacement Mac Plus compatible keyboard? All the ones on eBay are like 1/3 the price of a whole computer!
  22. I have a 6' long IKEA table I'd like to push against a wall and use as my retro computer desk. I'd like to have my Amiga 500, C64, Atari 1200XL, Apple IIe, and ZX spectrum all lined up beside each other, each with its own monitor. The problem is cable organization. How do I deal with all of those wall warts and huge power supplies? Does anyone who has a similar setup have tips to share about power strips, cable management, etc?
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