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About DarkLord

  • Birthday 12/24/1961

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    Prestonsburg, KY USA
  • Interests
    All things Atari!, air guns, Dungeons and Dragons
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    Neverwinter Online, Guild Wars2, and Knights of the Old Republic...

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  1. I've only got 1 complete, assembled board (untested). I've got a bare board otherwise...
  2. I don't know of any way to turn the cache on/off on the AdSpeed accelerator. However, the AdSpeed does have a fast ROM option. It's in the owner's manual. I never acquired the correct higher speed TOS ROMs to try this and now that I'm using TOS v2.06 with a Cloudy board, I guess it's not an option for me anymore. Using the Cloudy/Lightning ST setup, I pulled the original TOS v1.4 ROMs from my Mega ST's motherboard to avoid conflicts. I would have liked to have seen if it improved the scores but...oh well.
  3. The lack of a cache is problematic though. It will give acceleration but without a cache it's a big performance "hit"...
  4. The Atari BBS scene is actually doing quite well. You might want to check out some of the ones (heck, try them all!) listed here: http://sfhqbbs.org/ataribbslist.php DarkForce! <cough>, is on that list...
  5. Ran into that issue a couple of times here myself. For example, FANSI (the ANSI editor) will not work with NVDI, neither will the IGS (Instant Graphics) software. I just leave NVDI disabled when I'm using them..
  6. Check it out here - it's amazing! https://gribnif.github.io/downloads/geneva/
  7. Make sure to grab Geneva as well. The two go literally "hand in hand".
  8. Why not just use one of Lotharek's internal Ultrasatans and adapter boards instead of the "gutting" and "hotwire" options?
  9. I would certainly open it up and check all visible connections as well as re-seating any socketed chips. Inspect the power supply and see if anything obvious sticks out (blown caps, etc). Examine the battery bay - clean it and make sure there's not battery acid leakage or damage over the years. And congratulations on getting a Mega ST! I love mine, it's a veritable tank and a real workhorse for me.
  10. Okay, some great pictures there! Loved the acoustic modem. I'm also a big fan of those old style IBM keyboards that weigh about 10-15 pounds and are near indestructible. I love that responsive feel and aggressive click. Unfortunately, I could not get HNF.ZIP to uncompress. Windows 10 here kept saying it was an invalid file...
  11. Yep, the original was pretty limited. P.Pera at one time had a mod to the original controller board that allowed drives larger than 1 gig to be used. I've got Ultrasatan's in both my Mega STe and STacy. Both work fine with multi-gig SD-cards. I replaced the original controller with Alan H.'s card in the STacy and the one from Lotharek in my Mega STe. You can see the one from Lotharek here: https://lotharek.pl/productdetail.php?id=49
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