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Everything posted by Atarifever

  1. Do they even still make those? Oh, wait, you mean the Xbox One that is actually the Xbox 3. Right? You didn't mean the one that was actually one, right? Nice to know it's on the 360 too. And we mean the 360 right? Not the 3 that is the One?
  2. I'm just checking to see if anyone else here would be interested in a high score club for the FB2. I know you're all thinking "but that's just a 2600 HSC." And that's kind of true. However, I imagine there is a group of people on Atariage who, because they are new to this, may only have a FB2, or who, like me, havetheir FB2 hooked up through AV, and don't have their 2600 hooked up that way, or at all, and would just as soon use the FB2. I also like the idea of giving this incredible little product its due. Anyway, if anyone would be interested, here's what I'd suggest: In one year, we play through every score based, one player game on the system. It could be a game every however many days that works out to, or an ongoing tally of top scores for each game, with a final tally to determine the winner. Anyway, maybe that's a really small group, or an unappealing idea, but I'd certainly go for it.
  3. Good luck everyone with "annual spending into debt to save money you then lose to credit card interest" stupid time that starts tomorrow and lasts until you finally go bankrupt to save $10 on slacks on "cyber" Monday. Who even says Cyber anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Charlie Cat

      Charlie Cat

      I'll wait after New Years when everything is 50% off in my area!

    3. Keatah


      Cyber is like so 90's!

    4. NE146


      All I got was a rock. :(

  4. Wow, no more hockey on TSN for 12 years. Wow.

  5. I would like to see a CFL football game on the 3DS.
  6. I'm thinking about getting that one too. Bob is currently tied with Nintendo for the number of games he has on the market that I don't have that I want. sh3-rg is probably just sad about something or other today. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yop62wQH498
  7. Hey man, good to meet you. Thanks for the input and have a great day!
  8. Trying to see if playing "Our Town" and "I Wanna Go Back" on a loop will actually choke me to death on nostalgia.

    1. PacManPlus


      That's finny; "I Wanna Go Back" just came up on my media player (on shuffle) and it brought a tear to my eye.

  9. Easier on Nintendo. That's why real men play Atari.
  10. There are a ton of versions with different names. Isn't Nebulus the most common form of it? I think Nebulus C64 was playable on the Wii Virtual console, but not the NES version oddly enough.
  11. Miley Cyrus died today of a drug overdose -- The news next year

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DracIsBack


      Not really sure that this would be a laughing matter. Hope she finds her way


    3. frankodragon


      Breaking News: Lady Gaga wears a wearable and playable bass guitar and the strings are attached to her teeth.

    4. OBO


      I won't make any comment about pluging the jack.

  12. Just so everyone gets it, I have to believe it's pretty long odds that the system shells would be that close, so it is pretty impressive in a way. I mean, even though the system didn't set the world on fire, we're still talking MILLIONS of units. Something like 3000 times one thousand units rolling off the assembly line. And of those then you have to have ones that are still around a quarter of a century later. And the people who own those units have to still be interested enough in them to talk about them online. And then the people have to want to talk about them here in particular. And they have to be some of the few people who actually listed their serial numbers. It's actually prety long odds finding matches within 20, let alone within 3. The two that are three apart, did you guys get them from an online retailer at some point perhaps?
  13. My favourite videogame publisher is a great little indie outfit called Atariage. Everyone else can shag off.

  14. I believe I should be a few places higher. Oh, your numbers are correct, but I still believe that. So if the rest of you could take a few rounds off so I could move up to where I should be, that'd be great.
  15. Just so I know, can we read, say this: As likely meaning those two consoles were in spitting distance of each other on the assembly line? Or do the numbers not actually follow each other that closely?
  16. 469,427 Glad so many people like this one. It really is the one game in the "good releases during the actual lifecycle" list that most people don't pay any attention to. It is a solid offering that compared just fine up against anything similar on the other systems at the time.
  17. Actually, you can just press and hold them. There is also no trade-off time. You just lose the same amount of time the animation would have taken. If you watch out the animation the time counts down too.
  18. Looks to be exactly the same issue. Thanks!
  19. Definitely possible. It's a newer Plasma TV, and back when I used my other 7800 I was using an older CRT. Perhaps the change in Ataris wasn't the difference maker, but rather the change in TVs. Thanks.
  20. Yeah, I think a lot of people think it should be more like that because of the name. I think Atari started to go for anything weird that they thought could get people to look at their games over Nintendo's right at the end of the 7800's run. Ninja Golf, Grandpa Munster, Aliens in army unifroms, etc. This was more of the same.
  21. The screen wasn't rolling. The game wouldn't do anything. It was just black screen. I tried it a lot of times and got nothing at all. Now I have my current 7800 and it works like a charm every time, just with weird colours. There was no rolling before. There was no anything at all before. How it could be a PAL copy is beyond me. I bought it in a sealed box from Atari2600.com, and I certainly didn't order a PAL copy. How would I be able to tell if it was a PAL copy? The box and cart look like every NTSC game I ever bought.
  22. I've generally seen it review poorly, but I don't know why. It's Pole Position with motorcycles. Where Hang-On did that with a day/night thing if I remember, this one did it and added jumping and hills. I think it is grossly under-rated. One problem is that most people don't know about skipping the agonizingly slow crash scenes. The other thing is probably that people think jumping is something you should be able to just do anywhere. It isn't. Like finding a short-cut in Mario Kart, the jumping is something you only use at the right places and the right times. Learning where those are, and when to lay off the gas is part of doing well at the game (unfortunately I've forggoten most of that). If you can get into a groove, and know when to jump and when to drop gears, etc on the landing, you can do some great stuff with the game.
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