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Everything posted by Razzie.P

  1. One of the kids had a problem a few years ago where they had to make a new account (MS couldn't fix the issue) -- but since MS support was involved, they did move all the purchases to the new account. Not sure about achievements, though, as that didn't matter to us. But anything we spent money on was moved over. They didn't want to, tried to pull the whole "we can't" nonsense and I had to argue a bit, but ultimately they could and did.
  2. That "1" was an intentional typo added in there to troll the haters.
  3. 4) Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin I've now officially played a total of 2 Final Fantasy games. The original on NES back in 89 or 90, and this one. This was alright. I started quite some time ago but got distracted and forgot to get back to it, so I jumped back in this weekend to finish it up. I finished it, did some "post game" stuff, but honestly have no idea what the heck happened for the most part. Maybe it's one of those stories that really clicks for Final Fantasy fans, but if occasionally just seemed like random cutscene nonsense that was "look cool" first and "make sense" second. A favorite moment of mine was when I found a door, and one of them starts droning on about "solving the ancient riddle of this door..." Their was a key in a chest about 15 feet away. 🙄
  4. So close. But it was actually "CEO Cosplay for Dummies" and in blue -- Learn How to Pretend to be a Big Boy CEO!" with a disclaimer of "100% Refundable at ANY Time" in big bold print and "... but not really" in really fine print
  5. Wait... so since even before this game was released, nearly all the focus that I had seen from media to users/gamers has been constant squabble about the romance, sex, homosexuality, etc. it was especially annoying when it first released because it was impossible to find any discussions about the actual game because of all the rants about all the things they were "FORCED" to do and what was being shoved into their lives, blah blah blah... but you're saying there's an option to simply disable it from the beginning? If so... jeez, people....
  6. 3) Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown It was alright. I love a good metroidvania, and this one had a lot of great parts. But it kinda overstayed its welcome a bit for my tastes and the boss fights in the last quarter or so brought it down a LOT. I'm not a fan of the "I'm gonna zip around constantly so you can't hit me" fights in general, and this one seemed to rely on that 100% as it neared the end.
  7. The previous games allowed you to pause, strategically plan, assign your moves, then unpause to allow it to play out. Then pause again, plan, unpause, etc. Sounds annoying when typed out, I'm sure, but it really worked to allow the games to have a "turn based strategy" feel to the battles which batter matched the pen and paper/board games, in my opinion. I think it'd be kinda rough to keep up with it all in real time. This one not have that feature, and all the gameplay is real time?
  8. Ah well, there ya go -- seems like no matter which route they go, it's gonna be nice and simple for them. I came in late, so I didn't really stress over warnings and charts and such and so far, it's really been as simple as "whichever controller i wanna use, just plug it in" so I've been pretty happy with it.
  9. Ya know, I thought the same thing and never bothered giving them a chance until recently, but that's really not the case at all. I only have 1 interface plugged in, so whenever I want to use a "real" controller, all I have to do is plug it in. No extra configuring or any sort of hassle like that. And if I don't wanna be bothered with it and wanna stick to my usb gamepad, that works too. It really is the best of bother worlds, from what I can see. But.. I did go with MiSTer Addons and their Snax interface, and I guess from what @Reaperman is saying, it's a proprietary sort of thing maybe, so that simplicity might not translate to others? I didn't read too much into it, just order the Snax64 (interface) and all the appropriate controller adaptors. I got mine from misteraddons but yeah, looks like they're showing sold out now.
  10. "Everyone wanting to bang me" is pretty much detached from my reality. 😔
  11. Then they would have succeeded, to keep with the whole "failing at every friggin' point" theme
  12. OP is like "you've seen the posts... I'm not gonna attempt to read that nonsense and try to figure it out"
  13. Dude... they said Christmas for release, right? So they probably don't feel they have to tell anyone "our new date is..." until at least 12/24. So plenty of time. And that whole "manufacturing" thing by Summer can easily be explained by "formal, informal, fictional, etc" so no reason to worry over that either. It's been proven that the faithful will still lap it up.
  14. Yeah, from what I've heard it's pretty amazing. I'm a fan of that type of game and it's certainly on my "to do" list, but I know it's gonna be a good chunk of time invested when I do start it.
  15. Hmm... it could be "neat," and a fun approach to things, but would surely feel a bit tongue -n-cheek to be playing as Mario and have to play an old school Mario mini game. 😁 I dunno, it sounds silly, but something about the idea of it makes me smile a bit and thinking it could work. I think adding something like that is a simple thing, of course, especially with today's development tools -- but the difficult part is finding that balance with making it fun but not taking away from the core game. Sly Cooper series comes to mind for me -- now this is a series that I absolutely ADORE, but -- but they had these hacking mini games where you'd play a simple, retro feeling "top down shooter" and it was fun and it seemed to fit. But as you got deeper into the game, those increased in length and complexity to where at some point, some players (myself included) were just like "not another one of these..." They had gotten a bit too involved and became more of a chore than a fun part of the game. So that's the hard part, in my opinion at least. They could do it easily, they could make it fit easily, but finding that sweet spot is gonna be the hard part.
  16. Something like that is actually very simple to "slap" on any sort of generic game. But even so, I'm looking forward to this one more than anything Atari related in a long time, so I really hope it turns out to be up there with the "better" part of WayForward's work.
  17. Probably a good battle strategy, if you think about it. I'm about to engage in battle against a warrior decked out in full metal armor, alright, I've done this a thousand times, I got this. But I'm about to have a one-on-one with some nekkid dude with a tie-dye ball sack, well, I'm man enough to admit he's got the psychological advantage already. I've not played BG3 yet, so any opinion of mine has a bit of ignorance in there... but having played all the other BG games, plus Icewind, Tormet, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc (all the "kinda the same type" of games) I'm pretty sure all that stuff is only a part of your playthrough if you want it to be. Someone who knows better can correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're getting all anal probed by your halfling cleric or something, probably because you chose that. I don't think it's has any mandatory "lets bang a bear" scenes or anything like that.
  18. My issue wasn't really "missing cores," but for some reason multiple arcade games stopped working and gave a "missing roms" error. Not sure if that's related at all.
  19. I know. I was joking/kidding really, but apologies if that didn't come out that way.
  20. I'm so embarrassed for you right now. 😌
  21. I'm a slow mover 😁 I just picked up a bunch of SNACs recently and PS1 was part of them, so its on my "to do" list. But I dove into the N64 one first and spent quite a bit of time with that. May load some PS1 this weekend and give it a shot. Yeah, I had a similar problem after using update_all. I mentioned it about 6 awbacon videos ago. That's a bit of a bummer.
  22. I'm be pretty interested in seeing a video game that's playable if both audio and video are disabled. That'd have to be something unique, I think. I agree. I'm interested in the game and hope its awesome, but I do agree that it seems like they just slapped the Yars stuff in there to make it fit. Hopefully wrong, though, and it all fits nicely once released.
  23. Anything think the N64 may represent the "ceiling" for MiSTer? I haven't tried PS1 or Saturn yet, all earlier consoles I've played on here felt virtually flawless. N64, though... just feels a bit off. I did some reading to see if there's some combo of settings I can play around with, but nothing stuck out. I did see a couple of references to the developer saying something like "nothing more I can do given the limitations" but not sure if that's accurate, out of context, etc.
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