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Everything posted by Razzie.P

  1. I love those games, but I always found myself confused when trying to figure out what's what regarding Wonderboy, Monster World, and Adventure Island. He hasn't found a youtube video with that one in it yet. We gotta be patient.
  2. This is probably gonna sound so ignorant it seems like I'm trolling, but --- what's the difference between a port and a conversion? I would have thought that any game originally created for one system that's then developed for another system is simply a port.
  3. For your sake, I really hope not. I mean, if it was a super positive discussion and it painted you in a positive "wow, this guy really knows his stuff!" light, then a lot of views would probably be welcome for what you're trying to do. But as it is -- I doubt you'd want 8k unique sets of eyes to see a thread that mostly paints you in a very negative light and includes experts who have actually created content for the system calling attention to how wrong you are. At least with a blog, you can delete any fact checking that you don't like and present whatever info you wanna present, whether wrong or not, and have it portray you in the way you're hoping. But it's definitely not happening here.
  4. I did have quite a few moments in my "Wonder" playthrough where I thought "I see they've been drawing some inspiration from Rayman for this one..."
  5. If I understood the bickering right (it's been a while) I think he got quite a bit butthurt over this, too, since Genesis had quite a bit more posts than SNES -- I dunno... now that I think about it, that seems too ridiculous and petty even for Kirk, so I probably misunderstood. 😁
  6. Yeah, probably would be more complex to code from scratch, but my line of thinking was that, as is common with development today, they may have started with a prebuilt template/engine and just modified it as needed. So from my experience, using things like Game Maker, Unity, etc -- it's very much easier to find a generic Twin Stick shooter and tweak it than to try to make something unique that fits an original vision. I just checked for kicks and see several that be bought with commercial license very, very cheaply. Nah, I didn't mean to imply they did anything shady like that. Just that they likely bought and used something already built. With appropriate licenses of course, I'd imagine. And again, my comments aren't intended to be a knock on that type of development. I use the "build on what's already there" method as a hobbyist as well as in a professional environment at work. This may sound stupid and may not help at all, but I saw this in a review, so sharing in case it helps -- "So, I asked the PR person representing Sneakybox and Atari about it. They told me that it was a problem with the sound levels. In order to hear the voices, you had to turn down the music completely. They had a patch for it out well before launch." So maybe turn down the music and/or make sure you have the patch? Stinks if neither of those steps works.
  7. Not sure if you're serious, but just in case -- just click "Atari Jaguar" and post away. You don't have to put it in one of those 4 subsections (options) Think of that Atari Jaguar section as "Jaguar Gaming General Discussion" I guess.
  8. Well that's awesome! 🤣 I didn't read the article or comments when I saw that headline, just thought it was funny since it was related to the mission at hand.
  9. Yep! At some point over the summer, I picked up the DVD complete series box set because it was cheap. Yeah, they're still the same level of "awful" that I thought they were when I was a kid, but I still love them just a much now as I did back then.
  10. maybe all his "awareness" nonsense is working and he's bringing it back! Starting to see random articles like this pop into my feeds.
  11. Likely because cheap and easy. You can quickly find thousands of premade generic twin stick shooters, pick one, modify and reskin it, add the name and an "iconic enemy" and away you go. That's not a knock, as much as it probably sounds like it is. But it makes sense (to me, at least) why they would do it. I'm holding out for that reskinned Flappy Bird game where they reskin it with a plane and bridges for River Raid Recharged! 😁
  12. Disappointed this isn't in the Jaguar section. They'd love this sort of insight over there.
  13. Probably on the backside of the label. Might wanna peel it off to see if you really need to be sure.
  14. I mean... as far as jobs in game development go, that role seems pretty safe from being replaced by AI, at least.
  15. Razzie.P


    Is this greeting still available?
  16. Buy three copies and play against the Infamous El Guapo!
  17. To me, that's kinda related to what I personally feel is the worst part of what he's doing. Imagine being a newish developer seeking information, finding this crap that can't be achieved, then getting frustrated and giving up because they failed at doing something that can't be done. He claims to wants to improve awareness and activity for the SNES development scene, but the reality is, his behavior has contributed to the opposite effect, actively turning away those with potential interest. He wants to promote himself as some sort of expert resource while leaving false information and gets all pissy when anyone fact checks it.
  18. Don't discount your small blessings, though. For example... you literally just had someone recognize you as a potential talent/asset and make a proactive effort to sound off in some small way to send a message of "hey Atari... you really outta work with this dude and here's why..." May not be a lot but that sort of thing ain't "nothing"
  19. Nah... He's not hiding that fact at all. 😄 The rest of what you said seems accurate though.
  20. Yeah, poor ol' Brother Jebediah will still be rocking this old tech -- Instead of this --
  21. Well, to me, touching that flower pretty clearly showed me "something's down here..." which is about as nice a "tell" as I can hope for them to add without just having a pop up saying "hey! For this secret, you gotta stand here and ride the pipe down." And they made it a point to show you pipes being moved a few times up to that point to indicate that's a thing, so I still think it's a pretty good "tell," and made perfect sense to me as far as puzzles and secrets go. But it's ok to disagree, so no worries there 😁 But yeah, if you like it enough to continue playing it, be sure to watch what happens when you touch those blue/purple flower things. Sometimes they just give coins or something, but it's a pretty common thing throughout the game for them to fly in a direction and/or offscreen to indicate there's a secret of some sort hiding there. Nah, don't have to be the elephant. I'm not sure if "small" Mario can do it (I'd have to test) but those can definitely be pushed by big Mario.
  22. Berzerk Recharged looks like they hired someone from Fiverr to slap together a generic twin stick shooter over about a weekend or two, add an "iconic enemy" and slap the name "Berzerk" on it. Next up should be Flappy Bird, spend a few hours changing the sprites, add some bridges, and call it River Raid Recharged
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