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Everything posted by Razzie.P

  1. Ah, mr_me’s explanation makes it clear. ? With that “we’re on the Launchpad” comment, they weren’t saying they were close to launching a product, like we all thought. What they were really saying is -- "we’re about to start getting started." …which really explains so much.
  2. The thing that I hate seeing on here isn’t someone posting their content, really, it’s those people who use the forum to post their content with absolutely 0 interest in discussing the subject with the community. It’s nothing more than “here’s the link, support me” and they’re gone until the next time. You can post in the thread and find they they legitimately don't seem to really want to discuss it, as they're just using the forum as their own little ad space. Here’s an example – I participate in the discussion (I love that game and would be all about a thread discussing it) but “Adrian” couldn’t give enough of a shit to come back. And dang, looking at their posting habits, looks like they usually just spam the crap out of AA with the same posts multiple times, but different sections – Personally, I'd love to see all those types of posts moved to a "here's my Youtube shit" section. Or even one single thread.
  3. 8 ) Breath of the Wild (WiiU Version) I bought this on Switch at launch, and tried multiple times to play though it but it just never clicked with me. But there was something there that stuck in my mind as a game I wanted to complete “some day” and that day finally came, I guess. I played through the WiiU version on PC due to the graphical upgrades and framerate increase. The framerate increase really improved it a lot, for me. I can see why this one is considered a masterpiece. And the good parts are amazing and the attention to detail and world building are likely the best I’ve ever seen. But overall, it’s just not for me, I don’t think. I’m glad I stuck around for the good stuff, but it really feels like the whole game was about 10% gameplay, and 90% walking around doing f all. Which is cool if you’re the type of gamer that likes to “chill and explore,” but I’d prefer to see those percentages reversed, personally.
  4. I find it funny, too, but probably for a different reason than you guys are thinking. Or maybe not, I dunno. Glancing over it, its like - Maneater is about as similar/equivalent to Shark Shark as something like the new Flight Simulator is to River Raid. They both have a plane in them, so I guess that meets the criteria for whoever created this list. ?
  5. I got mine at launch and the damn thing came with neither friends nor rooftop. Was pretty disappointed.
  6. What settings do you normally adjust (and how) to improve them? I've been really curious about how poorly the light guns work using Composite connections and wondering what's the deal? I seem to have fixed my issues by using the component cables from HR Retrovision, but since we didn't have that back in the day, I wonder why these guns seemed to work properly with "normal" connections back then, but not now. NES Zapper works fine, but XE gun, SMS Blaster, and Genesis Justifier guns are a mess for me without jacking up the brightness or using component cables. This is testing across 3 different screens that all work properly otherwise.
  7. Can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something awesome about bringing a squeaky gun to a shootout!
  8. So, I didn't quite expect this, but using the component cables from HD Retrovision fixed all my issues with Master System AND Genesis light gun games. Accuracy seems cool, no issues hitting those targets far left and right, and I don't have to increase the brightness at all. It just works.
  9. I had to max the brightness on my TV for Rescue Mission, but it was accurate for the most part. On some of the levels where "brown" was the main screen color, it had some issues hitting targets on the far left and right, though. No so much "accuracy," just like it didn't see them at all, so I had to wait until they were a bit more on screen. Gonna hook it up via Component cables later tonight and see if it registers any differently.
  10. Rescue Mission - 105,000 (bonus point) Found this one sitting on my shelf and realized I've never actually played it, so this gave me a good excuse.
  11. 204,700 I almost quit trying because of a bit of BS (in my opinion) in that last boss fight that kept getting me, but I finally finished it.
  12. Or perhaps a ship owned by someone named Theseus
  13. So close to beating this game (can make it to what I think is the final stage) and still don't fully understand the ducking. My "strategy" cracks me up a bit, though. I tend to keep them below me a bit, whenever I can, and shoot down. So the cursor is right below my waist and seems like I'm pissing on them. ?
  14. 5200 fans hate playing on the TV for extended periods.
  15. 47,000 Getting better at not getting in front of them, which seems to be the only time they can shoot ya, but I still haven't figured out the ducking.
  16. The timer not resetting gave me a few WTF moments, too. Not cool.
  17. I see this game pop up a lot these days. Something happening to cause a resurgence or some sort of increased interest suddenly? Or just coincidence? I don't think I've ever really given it a chance, but thinking I may have to check it out.
  18. I checked Operation Wolf with Fusion 3.64, and it supports mouse for gun games. It was really fast moving though, and unplayable to me, but there may be some settings to tame it a bit. Same here. I played a bit and got 15,000, but not sure what was going on, really. Some dude in a striped pimp suit (boss, I suppose) gunned me down proper.
  19. Dang it. Now my nosiness is wondering what ya said. ?
  20. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, but you can kill everything in the game except for the mini-bosses, which you just need to dodge until they leave. Well, to the best of my knowledge, you can't kill those. If there's a way and I just haven't found it, that'd be awesome. But yeah, everything else can killed easily, even the ghosts. Just hit it, or chuck a rock at it or something.
  21. Wow. She must really care about how they did if she's gonna do all that to you just for communicating with her.
  22. Yep. But ya know, that probably applies to any platform (old and new) that has more than a couple dozen titles on it.
  23. So much for my "day 1 buy." Was all excited for this, but seeing that they locked co-op until you beat the story mode really put a damper on it.
  24. A bit of a bummer on the last level since there are a few coins and diamonds to find, but they're not added to your score, best I can tell. After defeating Dracula, it goes straight to the cutscene and nothing's added since it never bothers to show the score again.
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