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Posts posted by Agillig

  1. 10 hours ago, digdugnate said:

    if anything, it'll be nice when this comes out so that the the superfans can finally show all us 'haters' just how wrong we were and how we'll continue to type our hate messages on our secret Atariboxes.  Wouldn't that be something?


    the sun will rise and set on yet another mediocre PC set-top box.

    LOL.  I saw that comment on the supporters page.  The idea that we'll buy this thing because retro collectors have to have everything because we don't want to be left out is absurd.   Apparently they think we'll be so curious we need to buy one of these systems in order to keep bashing it.


    One of the mods says a backer who criticized Atari should get a refund, because he doesn't deserve to own one of these systems.  What world are these guys living in?  I'm sure a lot of backers are feeling like they don't "deserve" to own a Taco Box, and should be forced to get a refund.

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  2. 15 hours ago, Tidus79001 said:

    Intellivision can put out cornball videos each week that have no value at all towards informing us as to the production status of the Amico console, and you guys have wet dreams over that project, but when Atari on a regular basis is giving detailed production updates, news about partnerships and content on the upcoming Atari VCS you crap all over them saying there is no transparency to the how the project is being conducted.  Before you call me an shill being paid to promote the Atari VCS I want all of you to know that I have a pre-order for the Intellivision Amico Founder Edition console as well as being a backer of the Atari VCS on the day its Indiegogo campaign launched, so I have a vested interested in seeing both consoles reach production and succeed.  I truly feel that both consoles are a big win for retro gaming enthusiasts, indie developers and homebrewer's should either of these consoles succeed, let alone both.  It just comes across as a double standard when legitimate serious news from one project is treated with scorn, distrust and disdain, while comedic non news from the other project is treated like gospel.

    Some of us look down on both products. The difference is that TT is producing a product no one asked for.  Atari is claiming to be producing a product no one asked for, and has been deceptive the entire time.   


    They're both DOA, but one is clearly worse than the other. 

    • Like 6
  3. 59 minutes ago, Clint Thompson said:

    Guys.... I honestly just don't have the energy for today's latest Indiegogo update... good grief.

    Lots of softball questions, and Artz didn't really say anything new.  Looked like an infomercial as opposed to an interview.

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, OCAT said:

    What is taking so long for Atari to show of thier wonderful box-o-crap?
    I bet they are sitting around playing Pachinko machines waiting for the right moment... like 2025
    Or perhaps Atari is just following trends...
    Delayed Movies
    Delayed Electric vehicles from GM and Ford

    Back in my day, this was frowned upon, if the Pizza was not here in 30 mins it was FREE!
    Today there is no discipline, dates are constantly being eschewed, ignored, blatantly extended.

    I'm not sure Atari wants people to see their box-o-crap.  If the loading times are terrible, or other modern games run as bad as COD Warzone, that's a problem.   Can't let the cat out of the bag while they're still begging for pre-orders.

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  5. 1 hour ago, racerx said:


    Good news



    Except for their extended history of non-payment to contractors and vendors, as well as abandonware releases.



    Yeah, I'd just as soon keep a few of these types aboard. Nothing highlights the complete disconnect from reality of the truly fanatical backer like the old chestnuts of "You're not a fan! You weren't there! Atari WAS gaming! Atari's back!"


    They aren't seeing the pros and cons of a product. They're defending a religion.

    You might not be far off.  It's similar to what you see with Sega fans every few years when someone trots out a petition for Dreamcast 2.  Look, I love Sega, but they're a shell of what they used to be.  Sega can barely function as a third party, how could they support a new console?  Those days are gone.


    Even if this were the same people who released the Jaguar, they'd be in trouble.  At least the Jaguar had some big attractions that were impressive at the time - Doom, AvP, Raiden, NBA Jam,  etc.  Everyone knew what Doom was, and this was a reason to consider getting a Jaguar.   There's nothing like that on the VCS.   Mobile games and a bad GTA clone.


    Anyway, nostalgia is a powerful drug.  Maybe certain VCS supporters long for a time the world was simpler, and deep in their subconscious they believe a new Atari system would transport them back to that time.  I've said all along that there's a lot of people on the IGG page and Supporters FB page that have obvious pronounced mental health challenges- just an absolute disconnect from reality.   Maybe we're starting to narrow things down. 

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  6. 58 minutes ago, flickertail said:

    What do you expect from a guy who had the words "Marine" and "Soldier" as a mashup in his profile name? WTF? That's like trying to plug an NES cart into a 7800.


    Semper Fi


    I called Marines "high strung" once, and I got read the riot act by a leatherneck.  Maybe "highly motivated and enthusiastic" would have been a better way to put it 

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  7. 3 hours ago, Phantom_of_Krankor said:

    I really like the superiority complex some gamers have with the whole “You aren’t a real gamer!” shtick.

    Get bent, dude.


    Yeah, he was a bit high strung.  Not sure if it was ban hammer worthy, especially since he provided some discussion as opposed to taco talk.   But, I respect the house rules.


    His problem is that he seems to have the same mentality as a lot of the more toxic supporters.  Regardless of whether someone enjoys the final product or not, there are two things that are undeniable:


    1.  Atari's behavior has had an aura of impropriety the entire time.  Maybe they aren't actually crooks, but are just really incompetent.   Take your pick, but there's no reason to believe a thing they say.


    2.  This system will be deader than a doorknob upon release.   Yeah, you'll get some mainstream press articles talking about "The Return of The King" or other such talk.  Articles by Time or Newsweek that have no research done and will be put out for clicks.  But after that, people will forget about it quicker than Shen Mue 3.


    The only thing that looks mildly interesting to me is Antstream.   Most people have other ways to play these games, but if the service was released on Xbox and the price was right, I'd give it a shot.  Everything else looks like shovelware.   If someone buys the system and is happy with it, that's great.  But without a killer app, this won't sell nearly enough to be considered anything more than a continuation of Atari failures.

    • Like 3
  8. 4 hours ago, Downland1983 said:

    My family got a 7800.  I think it was Christmas of 88'.  The only game I remember having for it was Pole Position II.  One of my older brother's friends brought over his NES and "The Legend of Zelda" one day, and my younger brother and I immediately started pining for that system.  We got an NES for Christmas the following year and the 7800 was quickly forgotten.

    Castlevania was the game that did it for me and my brother.   Man, what an epic game at the time, but alas, Konami has also fallen.


    Maybe when Atari opens their casinos, we can use Atari tokens to play Castlevania pachinko machines?  I can only dream.

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  9. 1 hour ago, joeatari1 said:

    According to Google there were 30 million "Flashback"units sold.  If Atari can manage a good fraction of that number, I would call that a success.

    I think those are the casual players Atari would like to reel in.  If they're relying on brand nostalgia, they're going to be competing with themselves. 

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  10. 15 minutes ago, Iron-Marine Soldier said:

    My first video game as a very little kid was ATARI tabletop PONG in my Dad’s business...1976...a time when people were proud of their nation(Bi-Centennial year) & were nice to each other...wow. I got to see the arcade BOOM & BUST...from 4 tokens per $1.00 to 10-15-20 tokens for a dollar...and back to 4 tokens/$1.00. All the incredible video games that were just released...not there/anywhere one day to being there for the first time.


    ATARI was so huge...ATARI was part of The USA’s culture...and the world’s culture and it didn’t just stop overnight. The ATARI arcade/computer/console/handheld systems & games went on for a very long time...my nostalgia estimates are probably far too narrow...we’ll see. 

    My first was the 5200.  I knew lots of kids with the 2600.  No one I can remember had the 7800.  In my little corner of the world, the Lynx and Jaguar were complete non-entities.  We played Atari games at the arcade, and some home ports, but never had any reason to consider those two systems.


    But yeah, Atari WAS an absolute juggernaut in the early 80's.  I'd say Atari was synonymous with video games, just like Nintendo was from 85 - 91.  I guess we'll have to see whether nostalgia for the brand is really that strong. 

  11. 27 minutes ago, Iron-Marine Soldier said:

    This will be for Gen-Xers born from 1965-1977 as the main target...”younger” Gen-Xers & Boomers...won’t have the same emotional attachment or probably won’t/don’t even care so much about ATARI. They were either Pinball Wizards...didn’t care about the arcade video game explosion or just didn’t experience the arcade & home console phenomenon that was headed by ATARI. 

    Yeah, I fit into that age bracket.  There's a reason video game history progressed the way it did.  If the people who loved those games didn't keep playing them over time, it's pretty unlikely they're going to get sucked back in now.


    I play some of the oldies every once in awhile when I'm in a wild mood, but there's a reason I never looked back when things progressed.   I think the majority of gamers my age feel the same way. 

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  12. 13 minutes ago, godslabrat said:

    So let's then ask the next logical question:  is there anything l'Atari can do to make that happen, or is it entirely up to the aforementioned Gen-Xers?

    Hey, don't put the blame on us for this.    The nostalgia glasses get pretty blurry for anything past the NES.  

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  13. 37 minutes ago, Tidus79001 said:

    That is one thing, but nice try to trying to cherry pick that out of all the points made but for bringing this experience to the living room opens up an whole new audience who might not otherwise experience these services such as retro and indie games.  That is niche thing for people to do on their PCs, so it the Atari VCS expands that audience by bring that to the TV & sofa then it help that community to grow and more homebrew love so.  I think there is potential for this to be a great opportunity for aspiring hombrewers and indie devs.

    I'm not going to pile on.  I admire watching one person take on the mob, but you're really reaching with this.  The "new audience"  already found indie games on the Xbox 360 and PS3.  With stuff like FNAF and Hello Neighbor, kids are already knee deep in indie games.  I'm not sure what untapped market is out there.

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  14. 29 minutes ago, frankodragon said:

    It's just a box of disappointment for around $400.  We're waiting for the next round of "we had to push back yet another six-to-eight months for (reason we haven't used yet)."

    I can't imagine the level of rage that would ensue if there's another delay. 

  15. 2 hours ago, godslabrat said:

    It won't buy them *any* time.  Not so much as an hour.  L'Atari is stuck in this weird myth where a company can "control the narrative" if the product isn't up to snuff.  The first one that rolls off the assembly line, it's going to be all over the web.  If l'Atari doesn't realize that, it's yet another sign they shouldn't be doing business in the 21st century.

    Well, if they release a batch and send them to the usual suspects, then I'm sure that group will spread the VCS Gospel as far as they can.    There are also some Youtubers who will say nice things about any product for a price.


    It's kinda like the review embargoes certain companies have now for AAA games.   Media can't release their reviews until launch day, so as not to hurt preorders. 


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  16. Or, Atari could send one of us here a copy to review.   If we give it negative reviews, they could just write us off as trolls.  If we say good things, then that's pretty impressive.  Nothing to lose, really.


    Trying to limit review copies to obvious supporters is ridiculous, and won't buy them much time if the product is as bad as indicators say.

  17. I would say "No news is good news," but that is no longer applicable.   We found out if you spend some extra money, you can play COD Warzone at low detail and framerate.   There will apparently be native versions of some mobile games.  So if you like spending money on games you could get for free on your cellphone, that's a plus.

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  18. 2 hours ago, OCAT said:

    Oh dear, my condolences.

    THQ=Think High Quality?

    Yeah...THQ was like a reincarnated version of LJN.  A veritable crap factory.   People seemed to like their pro wrestling games on the N64, but that was it.  

    4 hours ago, AtariLeaf said:

    Good Lord this thing gets more pathetic with every lame announcement.

    True that.  The closer this thing gets to release, the more entertaining it's going to be.   I'm sure the system will be made with the highest quality components, and the warranty department will be very helpful if anyone has issues. 

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  19. 36 minutes ago, OCAT said:

    ^ Umm, is this the videogame from almost 20 years ago?

    Looks like part 2 is a free to play mobile game from 2012.  While I'm suffering through Halo Infinite this winter, lucky VCS owners will be immersed in this true classic.   So jealous!

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  20. 9 hours ago, Matt_B said:

    They both come with 8GB.

    However, that's not to say that the VCS is going to have enough RAM to run the same games well, and that's particularly true if it's going to be running generic Windows or Linux versions when the recommended spec for AAA gaming on the PC has been at least 16GB of system RAM and another 4GB of video RAM for the past few years. Rather, it'll be like getting those games to run on a cheap laptop and, as anyone who's actually done that will know, the amount of RAM you've got can be the least of your problems.

    Thanks, and thanks to RacerX for the clarification.

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