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rra last won the day on August 2 2017

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  1. It should still work - just a little slower.
  2. I can confirm the same with Space Invaders and Pico Frogger. I found a workaround in Space Invaders. After you lose all your lives, then you can press Menu to exit. Can't do that on Pucofrogger.
  3. I just played several Pico8 games on a Flashback 9. The menu button on the joystick exited all of them just fine.
  4. Atari re-released many of their older carts as XEGS versions, with a tan cartridge and XEGS label. Also, they released for the first time several games that used a bank-switched 32K cartridge format. Here is a list of the 32 "official" XEGS carts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Atari_XEGS_games So the XEGS section if Nexxus includes these 32 games plus a few additional 32k homebrew games in the XEGS bankswitched cartridge format. By the way, I loved Wavy Navy back in the day because I was a Galaxian fan and it was a great clone. It was ported from the Apple II version and uses bitmapped graphics instead of player missile graphics that the Atari supported.
  5. The 5200 version Vexed by Under4Mhz still doesn't launch in Altirra by pressing either of the fire buttons (or start). The date of the .zip file is January 24th, so I'm not sure the download has been updated.
  6. Here is a post from the AtariAge user Classics who did the 8bit to 5200 conversions. It lists all the ports that he did from the 8Bit to the 5200. At one time he sold the carts. This post was from way back in 2007. Definitely the Atari 5200 cart was from the HES Gridrunner II clone. The cartridge label that you showed shows a copyright HES, which was the Gridrunner II version. Here are the screenshots. Note how the Gridrunner II screen says AMC in the upper left corner.
  7. The history of Attack of the Mutant Camels for the Atari 8bit is a little confusing. There was the Llamasoft Atari 400/800 release that is similar to Parker Brothers Empire Strikes Back. In the USA, Jeff Minter's distributer, Human Engineered Software (HES), also released a version of Gridrunner II that they re-titled Attack of the Mutant Camels. Very confusing for us in the USA that there were two Jeff Minter games called Attack of the Mutant Camels. So the Atari 5200 version of Attack of the Mutant Camels isan unauthorized port of the HES release of Attack of the Mutant Camels, which is really Gridrunner II. This confusion of the two versions of Attack of the Mutant Camels for the Atari 8bit was even covered in one of the chapters of Digital Eclipse's new release "Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story." To my knowledge, there is no Atari 5200 port of the original Attack of the Mutant Camels, only the version that was a re-named Gridrunner II. Here is an Atarimania link to the HES USA version of Attack of the Mutant Camels, which is really Gridrunner II. This is the one that was converted to the Atari 5200. https://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-attack-of-the-mutant-camels_424.html Here is an Atarimania link to the Llamasoft version of Attack of the Mutant Camels - the original version. I'm not aware of a 5200 conversion of this game. https://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-attack-of-the-mutant-camels_422.html
  8. There are several MAME ROMs that are totally legal to download and use. The original copyright owners have given MAME the right to use them. Download and use them with no guilt! https://www.mamedev.org/roms/ There have been very few homebrew games that run on arcade hardware supported by MAME - and it is kind of surprising. There are hundreds of games supported by HBMAME (homebrew MAME), but almost all of them are hacks of copyrighted ROMS. One modern arcade-type game that I can think of that was written from scratch and runs on old hardware is Battle Zone II. This runs on Battle Zone hardware and therefore could potentially be supported in MAME, but I think the programmer is trying to sell boards for the arcade cabinets instead of selling ROMs for the home emulator community.
  9. Congratulations on coding a working 2600 game! Todd Frye should be proud of you!
  10. The .a52 format is essentially a .bin file with a 16 byte header at the beginning. This 16 byte header allows an emulator to determine which type of Atari rom cartridge it is (16k atari 5200, 1 chip or 2 chip, 32k Atari 5200, bank-switched Atari 5200, etc.). If you load a .bin file in Altirra or Atari800, it often asks you what type of Rom it is. If you load an .a52 file in altirra or Atari800, it will know what type of cart it is and will load automatically without asking the user. Of course, I have seen in the wild .bin files that have been simply renamed .a52 without adding the header, and if you load one of those files in an emulator it will still ask you what type of Rom it is because the information will not be in a header. If you burn a Rom to a real 5200 cart, it needs to have the header removed, because actually 5200 cart rom lengths need to be a multiple of 1024.
  11. The Weekly World News always hit the hard stories head on and was 100% truthful all the time! (For non-US readers, this is a joke!)
  12. Also, a reminder that files in the /game folder need to have a .gme extension appended to the file extension, and there can be no spaces in the filename. So if you want to run "Air Sea Battle.a26", you need to rename the file to something like "AirSeaBattle.a26.gme" and put it in the /game folder.
  13. There are now 3 games for the Atari 5200 (and 8bit) available at this site (Minesweeper, Vexed, and Bloktris). Like the comments above mention, I couldn't get past the title screen on the 5200 versions using Altirra, but these 5200 games do work properly with the atari800 emulator (tested with the latest 5.2.0 version). The 8bit versions of these games do work with Altirra. Maybe @phaeron can take a look? https://under4mhz.itch.io/
  14. Here is the updated version of the Atari 5200 gamelist in an Excel spreadsheet. Atari 5200 Gamelist v0.2.xlsx
  15. Atari 5200 Gamelist v0.1.xlsx I created a spreadsheet with all of the games listed in this thread. I created 5 separate tabs of game categories. I also cleaned up some of the categories and added some additional games that I know have been ported to the 5200. It still needs some work and cleanup, but it's a start. If someone wants to take this spreadsheet and put it on a shared Google sheets so it can be edited by the community, please do so.
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