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Everything posted by xucaen

  1. One more thing, I just looked and I don't have the original box for the Mark Williams C compiler, but I do have the manuel. I also have Mark Williams csd C source debugger and manuel but no box.
  2. Hi everybody, about 2 years ago I won 2 Atari 1040STF's on Ebay. One of them has been sitting in a corner collecting dust. I hate to throw it out. The floppy drive is broken. I have two external floppy drives that I'll never use and can't because I have no cables. I don't even know if they work or not. I have software that I'll never ever use: Mark Williams C including manual and original box. Plus I have a bunch of floppies that were given to me. The computer does work. I have powered it up and the operating system does load and is usable, except of course I can't load any software because the floppy doesn't work. I have no mouse for it either, the only one I have I am using with my other 1040. I'm not looking to make any money on this, but shipping is going to be expensive. If anyone is interested I'll weigh everything and get a shipping price from usps.com based on your zip code. You pay for shipping and it's yours. I live in Hull, MA so if you think you want to pick it up I'm open to that as well. If you are interested send me personal message here on atariage and I'll respond as soon as I can. Thanks! Jim
  3. Check this out. http://www.urchlay.com/stelladoc/v2/tia_colorchart.html This chart gives hex values for each color while it looks like batari's chart gives decimal values. I believe the bits are in color-lum order, and by that I mean the color value (A thru F across the top of the chart) is the left most 4 bits, and the luminosity (down the left side of the chart) is the rightmost 4 bits. So according to this chart, Black (NTSC) would be 00 and 01. Green would be C0 and C1. On batari's chart Black is 0 while Green 192 (C0 = 192) Read more about colors here: http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?s...338&mode=linear Hope this helps! Jim
  4. Hi, I've been out of this for a while and I find that I've forgotten a lot. So, I thought I'd start with something simple. I wanted to code a kernel that does nothing but display and position a ball. After about an hour I was finally able to get a straight vertical line to appear. An hour after that I was able to get a ball that is one clock wide and one scanline tall. I've experiemted with ENABLE and RESBL for a few hours now and I wasn't able to reposition the ball horizontally until a few minutes ago. I didn't find any discussions about Ball (lots of player and playfield) so I wanted to share my noob experience. My understanding of RESBL was that I chould set it one time only at the color clock where I wanted the ball to be positioned. What I didn't understand was the I need to set WSYNC after RESBL to get the ball to appear. I misunderstood what was meant by "strobe" register in this case. Writting to RESBL doesn't take affect until the next scanline. Then when I reach the correct scanline I set ENABLE and presto! the ball appears at the color clock where I had positioned it. After another WSYNC I disable the ball so I get the ball for just one scaneline. These are some of the things that confused me in the Stella Programming Guide. 1) RESBL and ENABL can not both be set at the same time for the same scanline. There needs to be at least one WSYNC after RESBL before setting ENABL 2) Page 6 of the Stella's Programming Guide states I need to set a "1" to ENABL. But I think they meant to say write a "1" to bit 1, which is a "2" in decimal (#%00000010) 3) Page 8 of the Stella's Programming Guide states that setting RESBL during Horizontal Blank will position the ball at color clock zero. When I tried this, it positioned the ball around color clock 69 or so (give or take a clock) 4) I am still experimenting with HMBL and HMOVE. processor 6502 include vcs.h include macro.h ;set origin to the start RAM ;this is where variables are declared SEG.U vars;this declares Uninitialized space. i.e. RAM ; "vars" is the label. YOU NEED THIS!! ORG $80 ;$80 is the beginning of RAM ; vet up variables YPos ds 1 XPos ds 1 ;set origin to the start of the 4k rom SEG;this ends the unitialized space and begins Initialized space ; i.e. ROM ORG $F000 ;$F000 is the beginning of ROM Reset ;Clear RAM and all TIA registers ldx #0 lda #0 Clear sta 0,x inx bne Clear ;total 9 bytes! ;////////////////////////////////////// ; InitializeVariables ;////////////////////////////////////// lda #$D6 ; light green sta COLUPF;set the playfield and Ball color ;EndInitializeVariables ;//////////////////////////////////////// StartOfFrame; Beginning of the game ;//////////////////////////////////////// ;///////////////////////////////////// ; VerticalSync ;top 3 scanlines ;using macro. this also stops vsync VERTICAL_SYNC ;///////////////////////////////////// ;///////////////////////////////////// ;VerticalBlank ;37 scanlines ldx #37 ; 37 scanlines of vertical blank... vblankloop sta WSYNC dex ;2 bne vblankloop ;3 SLEEP 17 ;end of hblank SLEEP 20 ;about the center of the visible scanline sta RESBL; enable the ball for color clock 60 (give or take) LDX #0 STX VBLANK sta WSYNC ;EndVerticalBlank ;//////////////////////////////////////// ;//////////////////////////////////////// ;DrawScreen ;192 scanlines ldx #192;set the counter for 192 scanlines scrloop ;I have 192 scanlines of picture ;remember, that's 228 clocks / 3 = 76 cpu cycles per line ;HBLANK 68 CLOCKS/ about 22 cycles ;VISIBLE 160 CLOCKS / about 53 cycles CPX #40 BEQ PLAYBALL; if scanline 40 from bottom jump to PLAYBALL JMP NOBALL ; else jump to NOBALL PLAYBALL lda #2 ;Stella's Programming Guide ;page 6 says to write a "1" ;but doesn't seem to work. sta ENABL ; enable the ball! STA WSYNC ;ball does not display if I don't set WSYNC here DEX ; decrament the counter after setting WSYNC NOBALL lda #00 ;zero disables the ball sta ENABL ;disable the ball sta WSYNC ;end of scanline DEX BNE scrloop ;EndDrawScreen ;//////////////////////////////// ;//////////////////////////////// OverScan ;now you have 30 scanlines of overscan LDA $%0001 STA HMBL STA WSYNC STA HMOVE LDX #29 O1 STA WSYNC DEX BNE O1 ;EndOverScan ;////////////////////////////////// ;/////////////////////////////////////// ;go back to the beginning: ;inifinate loop JMP StartOfFrame ;////////////////////////////////////// ;***************************** ;Graphics ;***************************** ;//place graphics here ;this is the end. change origin to the end of the 4k rom org $FFFA TheEnd .word Reset ;NMI;used in 7800? .word Reset ;RESET .word Reset ;IRQ;used in 7800? ;end of file END
  5. Are you talking about the main RSS feed for the news we post on the front page? It should be working, are you having any problems with it? Or are you talking about something else? ..Al 840730[/snapback] Hi, I just installed thunderbird version 1.0.2. I tried the Atariage rss feed http://www.atariage.com/news/rss.php but all I get is headers (i.e. subject,sender...). I have not tried any other rss reader. I did some searches on mozilla.org as well as the Atariage forum but didn't see any mention of the rss feed except for this post. I just thought I'd post and see if anyone else having trouble with it. Jim
  6. I got the A/B switch and it works like a charm! I hadn't thought about getting any other old systems. The A/B/C switch is only $3 more so I might go back for it cuz you never know. Thanks again! Jim
  7. Thanks! I've never seen one of these before. I'm going to bring the switch box back and try this one . It costs the same as the other tv switch box so I should be able to make an even trade. I'll post my results later. Jim
  8. Oh! One of those manuels. I have one. I can scan it into a pdf. Is anyone else interested? Does anyone know if that would violate any kind of copyright? Jim
  9. Hi Nostalgic, I checked my tv's settings and I did have it set to cable. I changed to antennae. That didn't change anythinbg but it did lead me to try something else. I noticed that when I move the switch box around the interference changes; gets louder and softer. Then I noticed if I walk past the tv with the atari on, the static changes just like a radio. I figure there is some kind of tv or radio signal being picked up by the switch box. Why the darn thing isn't shielded I'll never know. Is there a way to block incomming radio and tv signals? aluminum foil didn't work Jim
  10. Hi, yesterday I bought a new tv game switch box from RadioShack.When I hooked it up I can see the game being displayed, but there is all kinds of visual interference as well as static. When I disconnected the Cable tv from the switch, the picture cleared up a little but still not too clear. When I use my RF to Coax connector instead of the switch I get a much better picture so I know it's not the atari itself. Is anyone else using one of these RadioShack switch boxes? Are they all this bad or did I just get lucky? Thanks! Jim
  11. Hi, will something like this work? I found a bunch of these RF to s-video converters for about $5.00 on e-bay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...mMakeTrack=true Jim
  12. Hi, thanks for the link. all of my searches kept coming back with "No topics or posts met your search criteria". Probably I just never hit the right combination of keywords. Jim
  13. Hi, sorry to post this. I am certain that has been brought up before.... but I've done searches here, and on google and radio shack for "coax to av" and "rc to av" but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I was hoping to find a converter for my atari 2600 so I can plug it into my AV splitter box (I have a genesis, playstation and nintendo plugged into a 4-way) . Does such a thing exist? Thanks, Jim
  14. I hope this isn't too far off topic... I heard that because OS X is basically linux, that linux programs can run on OS X. I don't have OS X so I can't try this myself but I'm wondering if the source code for z26 or stella would compile on OS X ? Then there wouldn't be a need for a seperate port. I did a quick search and found a couple of web pages that discuss linux and OS X. Compiling Gimp for OS X may be way more complicated that compiling z26, but it shows that it can be done. http://howto.macgimp.org/ Here is another page that discusses OS X and Linux http://ccrma.stanford.edu/guides/planetccrma/OS_X.html Jim
  15. Hi all, I hope this is the right forum for posting general questions about 6502 assembler.. For this question I am refering to the book Assembly Language Programming for the Atari Computers By Mark Chasin published 1984. I have read the online version at atariarchives and this question refers specifically to appendix one . In this example, after SBC is completed, will the carry bit be set to zero or one? I had thought it would be zero, but after reading this I'm not so sure. If the Cary bit has a value of 256, then should I assume that any value less that 256 is zero? Or maybe a better way to look at might be that if the carry bit is set, then the value 256 is used in the borrow, then after the borrow the carry is zero? Jim
  16. Yikes! I remember in my playfield test, I set up NUSIZO because I wanted a larger sprite, then I forgot all about it! ::embarrassed:: I basically took my playfield source code and removed all the playfield and joystick code so I could start learning how to use RESPx and have 2 sprites. Thanks Nukey! Jim
  17. Hi, I'm playing with getting two sprites to display on the screen. For some reason the data that I load into GRP1 appears smaller on the screen than the same data loaded into GRP0. I don't understand why. I don't quite have cycle counting down yet so my timing could be off. I tested this with another example of mine that displays one sprite and a playfield. When I changed all GRP0 to GRP1 the sprite appeared smaller. Has anyone seen this sort of behaviour? processor 6502 include vcs.h include macro.h ;set origin to the start RAM ;this is where variables are declared SEG.U vars;this declares Uninitialized space. i.e. RAM ; "vars" is the label. YOU NEED THIS!! ORG $80 ;$80 is the beginning of RAM ; vet up variables YPosP0 ds 1 HeightP0 ds 1 YPosP1 ds 1 HeightP1 ds 1 ;set origin to the start of the 4k rom SEG;this end the unitialized space and begins Initialized space ; i.e. ROM ORG $F000 ;$F000 is the beginning of ROM Reset ;Clear RAM and all TIA registers ldx #0 lda #0 Clear sta 0,x inx bne Clear ;total 9 bytes! ;////////////////////////////////////// ; InitializeVariables ;////////////////////////////////////// lda #90 sta YPosP0 sta YPosP1 ;EndInitializeVariables ;//////////////////////////////////////// StartOfFrame; Beginning of the game ;//////////////////////////////////////// ;===================================== ; VerticalSync ;top 3 scanlines ;using macro. this also stops vsync VERTICAL_SYNC ;===================================== ;===================================== ;VerticalBlank ;37 scanlines ldx #37 ; 37 scanlines of vertical blank... SLEEP 23 STA RESP0;put player 0 at clock 68 SLEEP 20 STA RESP1 ;put player 1 at clock 130 vblankloop sta WSYNC dex bne vblankloop LDX #0 STX VBLANK ;EndVerticalBlank ;======================================== ;======================================== ;DrawScreen ;192 scanlines ;now you have 192 scanlines of picture ;remember, that's 228 clocks or 76 cpu cycles LDA #$00 ;2 (load immediate) STA COLUBK ;3 [5] (store zero page); Set Background to Black STA COLUPF ;3 [8] STA GRP0 ;3 [11] STA GRP1 ;3 [14] LDA #1 ;2 [16] sta CTRLPF ;3 [19] lda #$1C ;2 [21] sta COLUP0 ;3 [24] lda #$66 ;2 [26] sta COLUP1 ;3 [29] lda #%00000101 ;2 [31] sta NUSIZ0 ;3 [34] LDY #0 ;2 [36] STY HeightP0 ;3 [39] STY HeightP1 ;3 [42] LDX #191 ;2 [44] STA WSYNC LoopScanLines LDA #0 ;2 STA GRP0 ;3 [5] STA GRP1 ;3 [8] ;test player 0 CPX YPosP0 ;3 [11] BNE EndP0 ;2+ [13][14];if not at Y position, then jump to end ;else LDY #8 ;2 [15] ;load Y with Player 0 height STY HeightP0 ;3 [18] EndP0 ;do we draw player 0? LDY HeightP0 ;2 [20 if bne wasnot taken] ; [16 if bne was taken] BEQ EndDrawP0 ;2+ [22][18] ;if heightP0 is zero we are done drawing LDA Player_0-1,Y;4+ [26][22] ;else draw Player 0 STA GRP0 ;3 [29][25] DEC HeightP0 ;5 [34][30] EndDrawP0 ;test player 1 CPX YPosP1 ;3 [37][33] BNE EndP1 ;2+ [39][35] LDY #8 ;2 [41][37] STY HeightP1 ;3 [44][40] EndP1 ;do we draw player 1? LDY HeightP1 ;2 [46][42] BEQ EndDrawP1 ;2+ [48][44] LDA Player_0-1,Y;4+ [52] STA GRP1 ;3 [55] DEC HeightP1 ;5 [60] EndDrawP1 FinishP0 sta WSYNC ;3 [63][51] DEX ;2 ;jump here if we are not painting BNE LoopScanLines;2+ LDA #2;#%01000010 ; Disable TIA Output STA VBLANK ;EndDrawScreen ;================================ ;================================ OverScan ;now you have 30 scanlines of overscan ;(2280 machine cycles, 6840 color clocks LDX #30 O1 STA WSYNC DEX BNE O1 ;EndOverScan ;================================== ;/////////////////////////////////////// ;go back to the beginning: ;inifinate loop JMP StartOfFrame ;////////////////////////////////////// ;***************************** ;Graphics ;***************************** Player_0 .byte #%00001000 .byte #%00010100 .byte #%00100010 .byte #%01000001 .byte #%10000010 .byte #%01000100 .byte #%00101000 .byte #%00010000 ;this is the end. change origin to the end of the 4k rom org $FFFA TheEnd .word Reset ;NMI;used in 7800? .word Reset ;RESET .word Reset ;IRQ;used in 7800? ;end of file END Jim
  18. Thank you Andrew and Thomas, I do understand now. and to figure out where I went wrong I picked up the stella guide again for the 20+Nth time and I read the following.. For some reason I had thought it meant wsync halts the cpu until the beam reaches the left side of the screen. So you see why I was confused... it's good to know that I do have those 68 clocks (68/3=22.667 cycles) to use for game logic after all. Very cool. Jim
  19. Hi, I think I'm confused about what exactly WSYNC does. I thought I only had 160 color clocks to work with and that the other 68 color clocks were used up by WSYNC. From Stella: I took this to mean that the cpu is halted during the 68 color clocks of horizontal blank But if the cpu is not halted, then.... no wonder my timing is always off. Jim
  20. Hi, I did that and it shows my example runninfg 45 FPS and 343 lines. Yikes! After careful examination I found what I did wrong: ;draw the viewable screen ldx 192;<-- I forgot the '#' symbol ; so I was moving junk from address 192 ; instead of the value 192 LDA VarPf LDY #$16 STY COLUPF sta PF0 sta PF1 sta PF2 DrawLoop sta WSYNC dex bne DrawLoop This is one hell of a gotcha! Is there an emoticon for embarrased? Jim
  21. Hi, I'm playing with playfield registers and doing a simple exercise. When I run this in stella the screen flickers, but it looks OK in z26. Has anyon else noticed differences between these two emulators? Is there something wrong with my code? processor 6502 include vcs.h include macro.h SEG org $F000 VarPf = $80 Reset ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Clear RAM and all TIA registers ldx #0 lda #0 Clear sta 0,x inx bne Clear ;total 9 bytes! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;load test playfield bits LDA #%10001000 STA VarPf StartOfFrame ;///////////////////////////////////////////////// VERTICAL_SYNC ;//////////////////////////////////////////////// ldx #37 ; 37 scanlines of vertical blank... vblankloop sta WSYNC dex bne vblankloop LDA #%00000001 STA CTRLPF LDA #0 STA VBLANK ;draw the viewable screen ldx 192 LDA VarPf LDY #$16 STY COLUPF sta PF0 sta PF1 sta PF2 DrawLoop sta WSYNC dex bne DrawLoop LDA #%01000010 ; Disable TIA Output STA VBLANK ;overscan ;initialize graphics LDA #$00 ; put $00 in A STA WSYNC STA PF0; clear out first playfield section STA PF1; clear out second playfield section STA PF2; clear out third playfield section STA GRP0 ; clear out player graphic 0 STA GRP1 ; clear out player graphic 1 STA ENAM0 ; clear out missile 0 STA ENAM1 ; clear out missile 1 STA ENABL ; clear out ball STA COLUP0 ; set player 0 to black STA COLUP1 ; set player 1 to black STA COLUPF ; set playfield to black STA COLUBK ; set background to black ;end initialize graphics ldx #30 overscanLoop sta WSYNC dex bne overscanLoop JMP StartOfFrame ;this is the end. change origin to the end of the 4k rom org $FFFA TheEnd .word Reset ;NMI;used in 7800? .word Reset ;RESET .word Reset ;IRQ;used in 7800? ;end of file END thanks, Jim
  22. Hi, I'm going to do more reading on sprites. I only got up to session 14 then skipped up to session 22, so I definately missed some important information. I cleaned it up the best I could, plus pulled out all my subroutine calls as soon as I learned that each one uses up 6 cycles to call, then 6 cycles to RTS. Yikes! Next I'm going to count the cycles and see if this is a timing issue which I think it is. So, for anyone who may be interested here's my source. I appreciate any hints, but I'm not looking for a flat out answer.. that would take all the fun and learning out of it. processor 6502 include vcs.h include macro.h ;set origin to the start of the 4k rom SEG ORG $F000 ; vet up variables YPosP0 = $80; first address in RAM HeightP0 = $81 SpeedCounter = $83 ScanLineCount = $84 Reset ;Clear RAM and all TIA registers ldx #0 lda #0 Clear sta 0,x inx bne Clear ;total 9 bytes! InitializeVariables lda #90 sta YPosP0 lda #186;we have 6 lines of playfield at the botton so ;192-6=186 sta ScanLineCount ;EndInitializeVariables ;//////////////////////////////////////// StartOfFrame; Beginning of the game ;//////////////////////////////////////// ;===================================== ; VerticalSync ;top 3 scanlines ;using macro. this also stops vsync VERTICAL_SYNC ;===================================== ;===================================== ;VerticalBlank ;37 scanlines ldx #37 ; 37 scanlines of vertical blank... vblankloop sta WSYNC dex bne vblankloop ; check the joystick controls here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;MovePlayers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; for up and down, we INC or DEC ; the Y Position ; MoveDown LDA #%00010000 ;Down? BIT SWCHA BNE EndMoveDown LDA ScanLineCount CMP YPosP0 BEQ ResetYDown INC YPosP0 JMP EndMoveDown ResetYDown LDA #11 STA YPosP0 EndMoveDown ; MoveUp LDA #%00100000 ;Up? BIT SWCHA BNE EndMoveUp LDA #11 CMP YPosP0 BEQ ResetYUp DEC YPosP0 JMP EndMoveUp ResetYUp LDA ScanLineCount STA YPosP0 EndMoveUp ;assum horiz speed will be zero LDX #0 ; MoveLeft LDA #%01000000 ;Left? BIT SWCHA BNE EndMoveLeft LDX #%00010000 ;a 1 in the left nibble means go left ;; moving left, so we need the mirror image LDA #%00001000 ;a 1 in D3 of REFP0 says make it mirror STA REFP0 EndMoveLeft ; MoveRight LDA #%10000000 ;Right? BIT SWCHA BNE EndMoveRight LDX #%11110000 ;a -1 in the left nibble means go right... ;; moving right, cancel any mirrorimage LDA #%00000000 STA REFP0 EndMoveRight STX HMP0 ;set the move for player 0 ;testing. trying to fix obstruction on left side of screen LDA WSYNC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;EndMovePlayers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STX VBLANK ;EndVerticalBlank ;======================================== ;======================================== ;DrawScreen ;192 scanlines ;now you have 192 scanlines of picture ;remember, that's 160 clocks / 3 = 53 cpu cycles ;RestoreGraphics LDA #$00 STA COLUBK ; Set Background to Black LDA #15*8 STA COLUPF LDA #1 sta CTRLPF lda #$1C sta COLUP0 lda #%00000101 sta NUSIZ0 ;end restore graphics ;paint image here LDY #0 STY HeightP0;init height to zero LDX ScanLineCount;192-6=186 because we have 6 lines of playfield to draw sta WSYNC STA HMOVE;set the sprite in motion loop sta WSYNC LDA #0 STA GRP0 CPX YPosP0 BNE SkipP0 LDY #8 STY HeightP0;if we are at the correct local, set the height ;use this to determine if we should start ;painting SkipP0 LDY HeightP0;put HeightP0 into Y for addressing BEQ FinishP0 IsP0 LDA Player_0_up-1,Y;put a line of graphics into A STA GRP0; put the line of graphics into the graphics register DEC HeightP0; to decriment so we know when to stop FinishP0;jump here if we are not painting DEX BNE loop LDA #0 STA GRP0;turn off player graphics ldx #6 Draw_Picture_loop STA WSYNC LDA Playfield_PF0-1,X STA PF0 sta PF1 sta PF2 DEX bne Draw_Picture_loop LDA #%01000010 ; Disable TIA Output STA VBLANK ;EndDrawScreen ;================================ ;================================ OverScan ;now you have 30 scanlines of overscan ;(2280 machine cycles, 6840 color clocks ;initialize graphics LDA #$00 ; put $00 in A STA WSYNC STA PF0; clear out first playfield section STA PF1; clear out second playfield section STA PF2; clear out third playfield section STA GRP0 ; clear out player graphic 0 STA GRP1 ; clear out player graphic 1 STA ENAM0 ; clear out missile 0 STA ENAM1 ; clear out missile 1 STA ENABL ; clear out ball STA COLUP0 ; set player 0 to black STA COLUP1 ; set player 1 to black STA COLUPF ; set playfield to black STA COLUBK ; set background to black ;end initialize graphics LDX #29 LDA #2 O1 STA WSYNC DEX BNE O1 ;EndOverScan ;================================== ;/////////////////////////////////////// ;go back to the beginning: ;inifinate loop JMP StartOfFrame ;////////////////////////////////////// ;***************************** ;Graphics ;***************************** Playfield_PF0 .byte #%10000001 ; .byte #%10000001 ; .byte #%01000010 ; .byte #%01000010 ; .byte #%00100100 ; .byte #%00011000 ; Player_0_up .byte #%00001000 .byte #%00011100 .byte #%00111110 .byte #%01111111 .byte #%11111110 .byte #%01111100 .byte #%00111000 .byte #%00010000 ;this is the end. change origin to the end of the 4k rom org $FFFA TheEnd .word Reset ;NMI;used in 7800? .word Reset ;RESET .word Reset ;IRQ;used in 7800? ;end of file END
  23. Hi, I'm still reading Andrew's tutorial and I'm sure I'll figure this out eventually. I'm certain it's a timing issue.. probably have some wsyncs in the wrong place.. But anyways, I'm only testing moving a sprite up, down, left and right. There is also a simple reflected playfield on the bottom 6 scanlines. When my sprite reaches the left side of the screen one of the top bits disappears, almost as is there is an invisible line doesn the side. I'm attaching two screen shots, the first shows what the screen looks like when it first starts up, the second shows when the sprite reaches the left side. I guess what I'm looking for are some possibilities for me to look at, I don't anyone to hand hold me.. not unless you really care. Thanks! Jim
  24. p.p.s. never mind. I found where you're setting vsync.. in macro.h. jim
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