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Everything posted by scitari

  1. Please! I would love to see this come to fruition and would definitely buy one
  2. You can call me crazy, but I am still prefer SIO2PC. I have more direct control over the virtual drives and don't need to update and swap SD cards. Of course, I work more with ATR files than I do with ROMs.
  3. I couldn't find much online about the Frontrunner Super Cart for backing up Atari cartridges to floppy disk. I documented the process here with screenshots. Backup Cartridges to Floppy Disk using the Super Cart (15-30 mins) – Atari Projects
  4. I recently posted about how to copy files from your PC to a real floppy disk using SIO2PC and RespeQT. As noted in the last comment, you can reverse this process and go from real floppy to PC. Also, Randall Kindig did a guest post showing how to do this with FujiNet. Have fun! Write Atari 8-Bit Computer ATR Files from Your PC to a Real Floppy Disk Using the RespeQT Peripheral Emulator Software and an SIO2PC Adapter (15-30 minutes) – Atari Projects Archive Atari 8-Bit Computer Disks from a Real Floppy to a Virtual Disk Using FujiNet (15-30 minutes) – Atari Projects
  5. I gave it an 8. Would have gone higher but the joystick needs some serious improvement.
  6. I do not like the joystick provided with the 400 mini. I find it lacks fine control and it is too easy to accidently press the extra buttons and disrupt the game. Not sure why they felt the need to re-engineer the CX40 that we have loved for decades......
  7. Here are step by step instructions on how to copy ATR files from your PC to a real floppy disk. This uses RespeQT, SIO2PC, and Copymate. I just went through this, and it works great! Write Atari 8-Bit Computer ATR Files from Your PC to a Real Floppy Disk Using the RespeQT Peripheral Emulator Software and an SIO2PC Adapter (15-30 minutes) – Atari Projects
  8. I love the Sakata SC 100. A great monitor and it looks much better with an 800XL.
  9. Finally gave this bad boy a spin. Very nice! Easy to use. Nice menu. Boy do I wish it could play ATR files! Purchase an A8PicoCart for Loading Cartridge ROMs on Your Atari XL and XE 8-Bit Computers (10-15 mins) – Atari Projects
  10. Rock on! Looking forward to new posts
  11. Here it is with BASIC XE. Note that this card only works with line text programs. Atariwriter, for example, does not work.
  12. I tried it and it did not work in my hands.
  13. 80 columns on the 1090XL remake. Thanks Brian!
  14. Thanks for 10+ years of Atari goodness. I have been going back and listening to the early episodes (1-15 so far) and have been really enjoying them. They have reminded me of some things I would like to revisit or had forgotten. Also, I love the infectious enthusiasm of the early podcasts. Rock on Brad, Kay, and Randy!!!
  15. Here are some tips for upgrading the RAM and the video: Upgrade an Atari 400 to 48K of RAM (1-2 hours) – Atari Projects Upgrade an Atari 400 to Composite Video with the Super Color CPU Card (1-2 hours) – Atari Projects The RF only video is a major limitation compared to all the other 8-bits
  16. Are updated HFEs available with CP/M? Thanks!
  17. Welcome to Atari 8-bits! I have a web page with over 200 projects for the Atari 8-bit computers and game consoles. Lots of info about hardware, software, and programming. Enjoy! Atari Projects – Fun projects for your Atari 8-bit home computers and video game consoles
  18. Some photos of the wonderful Atari exhibits. A strong showing!
  19. The Vintage Computer Festival (VCF) SoCal will be held this weekend (Feb. 17-19, 2024) at the Hotel Fera in Anaheim, CA. I will have an Atari 8-bit exhibit along with several other Atari folks including Randall Kindig of Antic Podcast and Rob Sherman of Southern Amis BBS. Stop by if you are in SoCal! VCF SoCal | Vintage Computer Festival in Southern California
  20. Good luck! This is the right place to find one in good condition. It is my favorite drive
  21. I also like using stock hardware for an authentic old school experience. I started doing hardware, software, and programming projects on my 8-bits more than 5 years and documenting them on a website called Atari Projects. There are over 200 projects there. I hope you find something fun and useful there!
  22. You will need to replace the plastic gears. Nearly all are broken or will break with limited use. Here are my notes on how to do this. Repair an Atari 1020 Printer (30-60 mins) – Atari Projects
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