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Posts posted by chewy

  1. On 12/6/2022 at 11:38 AM, zzip said:

    Dial-up BBS was a common way to distribute cracked games before the internet

    not really-  the presence of keyboard (and maybe mouse) plus the ability to run lots of non-game software is what defines a computer.

    floppy disks were slow,  but could store much more than cartridges at the time, so that allowed for better graphics and deeper gameplay.   Consoles eventually got CD-ROM drives and had to endure slower loading that is inherent for spinning disks.  

    if you are playing cracked games, the cracker often inserted their own screens that keep going until you press some key to move on.   Otherwise they title screen will display until the game loads.    Most emulators have ways to speed up the disk loads so you shouldn't be waiting so long in 2022.


    you bring up a great point.  this superconolexpro (cheapest on market): it is emulating the sustems i think in REALTIME for sure.  it even MIMICS various harddrive noises per system.  its all pretend.  thats why i thought they could have instant play w/ this game data now cause its supposed to be modern.  its like my xlink which pairs 1916 wall telephone w/ 2017 computer-telephone: and it has a dialtone, but its not real its just in the xlink.  (AND A LOT OF PPL want xlink to allow for user edit of that tone which doesnt yet exist- a forum like this would just crack it open and go to it.  

  2. the load time on some of these computer games is exteremly long.  so this is what differentiates them from a console game? better graphics but you have to wait for it?   AND THE START SCREENS.  why so many start screens that go on forever and ever and ever and ever.  i was there for the APPLE IIE and i expected a little wait w/ that but that but baby chewy always thought the mysterious Atari i heard mentioned was somehow better

  3. so im going through the ST library and these roms have the added screen - were these traded via online sharing in the early 90s, is that what theyre talking about in those screens.   Was that the method of distribution or something else, some screens are newer and have website links but some are older mention bbs.  


    so i have superconsolexpro and im going through and yeah a lot of the programs dont work (even w/ keyboard added) but the games that do work  good, think the ones that would be more applicable to a game-speicifc console, most of those work.  with keyboard most of the text games work but i have no idea how to play them.  just landed on one called Striker, that works perfectly w/ the game controller and the actions insanely fast.  


    i *never* throught id ever be seeing these games myself.  this thing also as the 800 library + 7800 + 5200 (and vcs but i didnt even look at it i perfected my perfect harmony cart)



    for 5200/7800:  only a few of the games have i favorited.  mostly the console specific games.    the VCS is VASTLY superior to the remakes with the exception of pole position is better on 5200/7800 but besides that id take VCS over everything the color layout is just so much more adapatble to arcade style espically w/ modern programming.  i dont like the decent into "everything cartoon-y" games...has this ever been discussed.  by 1987 everything looks like a cartoon show not an aracde.  certainly this has been discussed, no- what other directions could gaming have gone in, why did vector go away

  4. On 4/26/2021 at 7:03 AM, ErikDavid said:

    I recently purchased one of these, and 1st impressions are generally positive. Growing up with an Atari 800XL I was excited to see over 5,000 Atari 800 games included on my version. Problem is a lot of these require a keyboard to play in one way or another.  You can access a virtual keyboard on some of the other PC emulators, but don't see one for the 800. Has anyone else with on had success finding a virtual keyboard?

    battlezone works perfefctly w/ my wired 3do controller so im happy but yea most dont work.  also this thing proves further how superior VCS is, the 5200/7800 game play better than ever before here w/ this controller but still cant live up to the VCS. 

  5. my cart is physically breaking i think.  upon removing the flash and reiserting im getting not read errors many times until i get it in "just" right, i suppose.  instead of buyin a new one since they are kind of scarse instead of tossing it and getting new can i mail it in for repair, if so how much and to whom.  thanks

  6. 22 hours ago, cd-w said:


    Thanks for finding this issue - there is a hidden exit on every level apart from the bonus rounds.


    I found a race condition in the code: if you are killed as the exit is being uncovered then it wont appear - please let me know if you find any more bugs! 



    i found a bug? wow- sounds plausible as i wasnt playing very good!

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  7. 2 hours ago, Prizrak said:

    Played good here the last few times I've played it.

    Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk


    is there always like an hidden exit.  I am playing on a light 6'er//harmony regular if that helps.  will play more soon

  8. im not in love with it.  is it kind of like sinistar?  I also dont quite understand it yet too though.   Its also frusterating that video game world is big on private collectors gatekeeping stuff.  the big thing here is you released it and thats a major kudos to you.  

  9. OHhh also my games-- ports ---arcade --- CAPCOM folder only has THIS, and what was labeled as hb 'street fight world' (Street Fighter 2).  vcs had commando.... have to go through the whole list

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