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  1. I have just released a new version of Greaseweazle tools which includes timing information in Kryoflux stream files. However I doubt this will fix the a8rawconv issue, which I have already diagnosed as a different root cause, that being an edge condition which a8rawconv should handle.
  2. I have a user report that a8rawconv won't work with KF streams produced by Greaseweazle: Unable to match index mark against stream position This is probably because Greaseweazle index-cues its output, and places an index mark at the very start of the stream (literally stream position = sample counter = index counter = 0). But a8rawconv uses start of stream as a sentinel to detect when it is unable to place an index mark. Could a8rawconv be fixed to check for and allow an index mark at start of stream? For now the workaround is to convert to scp and pass that to a8rawconv. I can provide an example KF stream if need be, but should be easy to generate using the gw command line tool (gw convert foo.scp foo_track00.0.raw for example).
  3. Another firmware supporting a few more formats (SSDD, DSSD80, and the 16-sector-per-track DD formats): https://github.com/keirf/FlashFloppy/files/1880786/ff_88_2.zip Give it a test, it will be in the next release when I get back from holiday week after next.
  4. F-F is only supporting v9t9 sector images at the moment, so no copy protection is represented in those images anyway. I'm not sure how prevalent are pc99 track images? I'm also unclear on how much the track layout represented within pc99 images actually matters -- the layout seems prescribed and most parsers choke if they don't see the exact expected layout. Not much scope for handling copy protections there either, if that's the case. For current support, just try various sizes of v9t9/dsk image and see what works and what doesn't.
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