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Status Replies posted by Mikebloke

  1. It's 2022, the year Soylent Green happens.

    1. Mikebloke


      That's creepy I referenced it yesterday! 


      Gym bikes are used to generate electricity so... It must be all true! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. JWST has now slowed to "official" SR-71 speeds.

  3. Zoom is a good thing. I can conduct business and fart and fart and fart totally carefree!

    1. Mikebloke


      And if you split your windows you can play on your emulator while farting too. 


      PANDEMIC CHALLENGE : make a fart controlled interface to play games. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Where should someone store their dad jokes?

  5. Do you think WATA Games would grade my emulation collection?

    1. Mikebloke


      Your entire collection?




      I hope I am top bid.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  6. Do we really need the letter Q? Seems like all the words that use it could be replaced with a KW. "Iraq" could just as easily be spelled "Irak."

    1. Mikebloke


      It's funny quite a lot of Arabic words gets the Q substituted for a K when translated to English, which makes it sounds more harsh. I think this comes from Arabic sounding the Q as a C sound, that we associate with the letter K. The irony is the Q sound in Arabic is probably one of the few non-harsh constanents as most of the letters require throat gymnastics. 


      You could use a KWERTY keyboard though, and sing God Save The Kween, or go on a Kwest for the Holy Grail. I dibs a Kwarter of the profits you make though as a Kwest giver. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. I'm afraid I officially entered the 'They Make Remakes of Games I Didn't Give a Fuck About' age.

    1. Mikebloke


      I guess the age of "It was originally released in HD because it wasn't that long ago but lets call a remaster of the graphics the HD version" is finally over.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Tonight I'm watching a streamed C64/Amiga etc demo party on Twitch.

    Earlier in the broadcast, the Swedish minister of digitalization was on, soon interviews with Dave Haynie and Bil Herd, besides the demo compos.

  9. Out of curiosity, what Console Generation do you think the 5200 falls in?

    1. Mikebloke


      Out of trying to satisfy my own madness, I put it in late 2nd-early 3rd gen (where 7800 is full 3rd gen, and 2600 is standard 2nd gen).


      To me it sits in the same category as the Colecovision and the SG-1000 of sitting inbetween the 2nd and 3rd commercial generations as they don't fit nicely into either bracket. I think even then I'm being a little generous to it, and its probably closer to an intellivision level which I regard as late 2nd gen.


      because its the internet, one day I'll present my findings with a revised generation system based on game detail and console capabilities rather than where it sits year wise by sales. Then everyone get to poke all the holes into my theory like any good troll thread.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. On this day 15 years ago, I joined AtariAge.

    1. Mikebloke


      Glad you are here. May not believe it but you are a homebrew hero for all the forgotten electronic devices of the world. They get much love thanks to you, hope we get to enjoy your creations for a long time. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. HoW dO i gEt oN tHe LiSt??!

    1. Mikebloke


      hAvE yOu NoT rEaD tEh ThIrSt PoSt Of TeH pHr34D????!?!?!?!1111

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. So I see ebay is still teeming with morons. I've been watching a Guardian cart that had a BIN of $75 bucks. Some nimrod came and killed the bin in the first hour with a $10 bid. It just ended for $95. Has anyone in the history of Ebay that killed a BIN and wound up saving $$? Never made sense to me.

    1. Mikebloke


      I've never been a fan of having both options available. I'm a devil for making an offer on these types of auctions and yes, sometimes it's accepted at between the starting and BIN price. I'm happy to kill a BIN if there is a chance of me getting the item much cheaper with a bid. I don't think about other people if I don't own it myself yet. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Why do people post nonsensical comments on my YouTube videos?

  14. If a song exists,  there should be a Metal version of it on YouTube.

    1. Mikebloke


      2022: If a song exists, there is an AI interpretation of it on youtube

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. I only now discovered the free retro games that came with Amazon Prime. NOICE.

    1. Mikebloke


      Twitch Prime, presumably Amazon will just get rid of the Twitch name one day. Its now called "Prime Gaming".


      It includes various B rated games, some of which might be ones you thought "oh, I wouldn't mind trying this sometime".


      I've been "saving" each game that comes out since they started doing it, and I'll be honest I don't think I've actually booted one of them up, but if you haven't got anything to play - it might be worth a shot.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. You have a newly married couple who have to share one computer with Internet access, what are the odds that the marriage will survive?

    1. Mikebloke


      With communication, there is no issues :)


      But for their sanity, they should buy a second one. How else will they play AoE2 together?

  17. Helo Kamil,

    May I ask you for contact e-mail, if it is no problem for you ... ?

    Peter (SK) :)

    1. Mikebloke


      I have no reason to reply to this, I just wanted to be socially awkward in an online format because Covid prevents me doing it physically. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. A couple of days ago I tried to start back up on Channel F development to get something "moving" on the screen. I failed miserably and sulked.


    I think I could make music keyboard program though, it just wont have anything on screen change.

    1. Mikebloke


      its probably just me to be honest, assembly for it is similar to consoles that came out around the same time, but being earlier than the 2600 there is a few other oddities to take note of, a bit more you have to do yourself (no player0 player1 easy manipulation of movement - everything on screen has to be repainted over, location stored and then painted somewhere else).


      I've got a lot of things down:


      I can wipe the screen

      I can change colours of things

      I can paint a picture on the screen

      I can register controller and console presses and branch if pressed

      I can make beeps happen


      So I'm nearly there

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. Anybody care if I get rid of the images next to the links on my Atari page:



    1. Mikebloke


      It breaks it up a bit, but if it's something that is preventing or delaying new content then I would say get rid.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. I am never buying another new videogame console.  Feels good to be off the rollercoaster. Launch day? Don't care.  

    1. Mikebloke


      Have wondered about buying a ps4 or xbox one, but might wait another few years, or a decade, we'll see! 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  21. Opinion time! Should I bother with a Wii or go right to a Wii U? I have a modded Gamecube.

    1. Mikebloke


      With everyone else, Wii U, if you use Gamecube anyway, the need for a Wii is essentially dismissed completely. The other benefit of Wii U is you can play a large number of switch library games incredibly cheaper by buying second hand. You'd be surprised how many games have been ported!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. Do you say "Halloween" or "Holloween"? I've noticed most people say it like the a sound like in "cat", but some pronounce it as the o sound like in "dog".

    1. Mikebloke


      Where I come from it's pronounced "harvest festival". 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. So the word "speeded" was on the front page of the newspaper today. I questioned its validity as a word, but as it turns out, it is a word. "Sped" can also be used.

    1. Mikebloke


      I think it's a contextual thing, of which sped should be used in almost all situations but speeded would be reasonable, such as replacing "sped up", "he speeded onto the motorway". 


      I should ask the wife she has a degree in this stuff. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  24. www.magnavox-odyssey.com is dead. :(

    1. Mikebloke


      Yeah, it went down recently :( :( still many others though. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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