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256 colors

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Everything posted by 256 colors

  1. That's what a friend of mine is planning to do for me It seems a little more complex to do the mod and chips are quite pricey too I only really wanted to swap if i had no choice
  2. I have a Commodore C128 NTSC with power supply with games and joystick/data cassette unit I'm looking to swap for C128 PAL with power supply data cassette unit and leads must be in nice condition You should be in UK SUFFOLK/NORFOLK area for a face to face meet and must be willing for both parties to test both machines
  3. My SAMSUNG T32E310 32" LED TV/MONITOR seems to run everything ok I get status report of 0.46ms in the Framememeister
  4. Just bought a Commodore 128 without realizing it's NTSC machine what are my limitations i'm in the uk Can i use PAL software such disks/tapes/cartridges other types of images? Framememeister status says it's a NTSC machine label on back seems to indicate it's NTCS machine is there another way of checking?
  5. Pong that game must really push the Atari 8 bits too it's limits
  6. All my retro systems are setup in the main living room for my HDTV so everybody can use them I don't want CRT setup sitting in a dark corner being anti social
  7. Thanks it was ATR images i was using
  8. Couldn't find any info on how to do this i want too change tape side from A to B for Racing Destruction Set Another question i'm playing Red Moon but how would i going about saving a game The instructions are pretty much useless
  9. Silica shop in Sidcup is where i got my 1050 drive from then a month later some bastard broke into our house and stole my Atari gear
  10. Hmmm yeah you can keep that rare https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Atari-130XE-Secam-France-extremely-rare/153107388244?hash=item23a5e95754:g:x88AAOSwbf5bUeZ4
  11. Forgot too add this note Each time the Framemeister is turned on Filter Level must be reset too 30 or just use OK even though it's set at 30
  12. This is only a temporary solution until i can get the Sophia rev.C mod It's cleanest i could do with Unmodded S-Video input with Atari input 720x288P/Output from Framemeister 720x576@50P at 10-11 ms Tried lots of games like Encounter for example it's best i could get so far XRGBMINI.zip
  13. Just pure outright greed https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-M-U-L-E-Atari-400-800-Disk-Game-SEALED-Rare-NOT-FOR-RESALE-Version-mule/141743317022?epid=56258869&hash=item21008f601e:g:7fMAAOSwDNdVysS6 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/M-U-L-E-MULE-EA-album-box-BOX-ONLY-Atari-400-800-XL-XE-XEGS-computer/401563055366?hash=item5d7f05f506:g:ZxsAAOSwi3tbFgGD
  14. Community and very helpful people Blaster never knew there was prototype for the 8 bit Most uncool thing about Atari sometime selfish greedy eBay pricks with over inflated prices for common as muck Atari items
  15. Personally i wouldn't trust any type of PSU the age of 30 years or over the technology has moved on a lot since then I recommend https://lotharek.pl//productdetail.php?id=176
  16. I would recommend this site too pretty fast shipping with no hassles It's also where i got my replacement PSU https://lotharek.pl/productdetail.php?id=176 https://lotharek.pl/
  17. I know this much it's costing me a bomb so far going hardware 800XL £100 Replacement PSU £20 Composite cable £10 Sio2sd £20 XRGB-mini FRAMEMEISTER with correct psu and remote overlay £360 Working 1010 and 1050? Suitable HDMI TV that's good as a monitor too est £500-800 Sophia and ultimate 1mb mod purchase and fitting £? Probably missing other stuff too So don't knock emulation too hard
  18. Just tried this on Altirra for the moment i'm loving it controls seem alot more fluid on this port When i get a chance on a real 800XL i will try that too
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