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Everything posted by danwinslow

  1. Why start with Rev C.? I don't get the advantage. If you are going to wind up on a much more capable basic, why not start there?
  2. I like the idea, I'm impressed by the programming, but the postage stamp size is ridiculous. I understand that it's probably necessary, but that just means it shouldn't be done.
  3. I think you should go ahead and use 128k. There's plenty of options to upgrade, and nearly everyone has +RAM or, if not, there's always altirra. I know you are probably thinking along the lines of a re-usable sprite library for 8Bit Unity, but you could have a 128k version (fast) and a 64k version(slow). Use this game to develop the fast one, and then see if there is really a need for a 64k version.
  4. Not suggesting to do a clone of DM, but suggesting the traditional RPG dungeon crawler as a topic. Maybe something like Telengard but in 3d.
  5. (IMO) Raycasting engine should raycast. Using extra memory for fast textures - OK. Trying to pre-cache every possible view - lame.
  6. Sure, but if you're thinking about doing something like calling back into basic from assembler, that's probably a sign that you should just be using assembler. I wasn't knocking basic at all.
  7. The thing to do here is to pitch basic and write the whole thing in assembler . It's actually not that much harder, it's just more tedious.
  8. As far as I know, you don't put quotes around the procedure name when you define or call it. I don't remember my Basic XE very well, but that's what stands out to me.
  9. Wat. Santa has nothing to do with Christianity. Neither does a Christmas tree, for that matter, being originally a pagan symbol for the winter solstice celebrations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_symbolism
  10. One that integrates as a device driver (I:) and runs on either an interrupt or polling. I had gotten one up to handling ICMP,ARP,DHCP, and UDP largely by wrapping/modifying parts of IP65 into extended memory and a relocateable driver handler. Was trying to support 4 channels from anything that could use CIO. Ran out of time and energy on the TCP part of it. My target was the UDP part for games, anyway, and that's easily incorporated into games from IP65, as was done recently. If on an interrupt, it would stay up and processing ARP, ICMP, etc., in the background while DOS is being used. I wrote a standalone ping command usable from DOS, etc.
  11. You are correct. I helped produce the original dragoncart. We produced about 300 carts. Nothing came of it because nobody wrote a full-featured driver. I started one and put it up for collaboration, but no takers. There's an Altirra emulation of it. This thread here was later I think.
  12. https://www.atariarchives.org/c3ba/appendixa.php https://www.atariarchives.org/c2bag/page009.php I found these in 15 seconds using the phrase "atari inverse characters print" in google.
  13. https://www.atariarchives.org/alp/ https://archive.org/details/ataribooks-assembly-language-programming-for-atari-computers https://www.atariarchives.org/mlb/ It took me 1 minute with google to find these. There's more.
  14. CC65, for some reason, seems to have some kind of documentation problem. I don't know whether people can't find it, or they get sidetracked by old cc65.org stuff, or the docs at github are insufficient, or if they are just not clear. It's such a great dev system I hate to see people getting off on the wrong foot with it. Sanny - am I wrong?
  15. Yeah, like I said, it's a cool idea and definitely doable. But, like game ideas, you need somebody to actually write it.
  16. Yeah, as long as it's small and textual, then sure. In general, I acknowledge the 'it's still cool' factor, but I'm tempering it by knowledge of how much work would have to be done for some of the less straightforward things to be possible.
  17. Yeah, but then what? After the cool factor wears off, how actually useful is it, given the ease of FN's file servers and just the general capability to shoot ATR's back and forth? That's the problem with a lot of this network connection stuff - yes, you can hit the internet. Congratulations. With a very restricted color system and a screen the relative size of a postage stamp and enough memory to hold maybe the initial headers & some text from your average website, now what? Chat? You bet. Can we do email? Yeah, sort of, an 80 col card would probably make that pretty tolerable. FTP and other file transmissions? Yep. Can we use the web? Not the real web...we might be able to use our own custom sub-web of NEON-style pages, but somebody has to write a shit-ton of code to make it all happen AND people need to generate content that's useful/interesting. Can we play games together over the internet? Yes, although somebody needs to write/adapt them, and playing a fast action game is doubtful with current setups. There's so many limitations and so much work involved in all of this, that while it's certainly cool and it does have some application, it kind of stops in 1990's-land.
  18. Probably, TNFS is pretty simple, I think IP65 has an example. Remote mount was an idea I was planning for Dragoncart back in the day, although I was planning on using a custom driver.
  19. Oring means to do a bitwise OR operation on two bit masks, thus producing another color (depending).
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