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Everything posted by lucifershalo

  1. Why I like my 2600 the best and its arcade ports First that was the machine I had when I was a kid (I am 38) I was going when possible to Italy cos there you could buy THE new games for it before France or Belgium like Yars Revenge and Defender so there is definitely a nostalgic aspect but overall I like to see how programmers (then and now) can port arcade games and games from other machines to the 2600 with the incredible limitation of the hardware and memory I am not interested in arcade perfect adaptation; nowadays with mame emulation and all the more powerful consoles, what is the point...you can play the real thing the "trick" is to be faithful to the arcade engine but not perfect... Now we have to be conscious of what is possible or not TEMPEST: no way (I think) PAC MAN: was a failure and still is horrible but between those 2 extremes there are asteroids, ms pacman and recently Lady Bug to name just a few arcade ports that are still recognizable , are not copies of their arcade versions but OVERALL are fun to play... also some of those are "transformed" for the 2600 : different commands because of the joystick with only one button, space invaders and its 100 variations,.... Thats why I am crazy when I see new hacks, new arcade ports and whole new homebrews to see, notice and enjoy the works done by those programmers with the old lady limitations Congratulations to you...... 7800? no way, we are too close to perfect arcade adaptation and the sound...my god the sound....forget about it , I might as well go mame or NES 5200? mmmm, difficult case to defend here, as living in Europe I discovered that console last year and I love it, why? difficult question
  2. is it exactly the same game or are there a lot of differences? what is the format of the 8 bit release? cartridge?disk?tape?
  3. I flashed my 8Mbit flashcart on my 800xl six months ago without any problem I tried again today by pushing "option" and switching my 800xl on, and the message "boot error" keeps appearing and sio2pc interface is clearly busy doing something so I cant flash the cart again... can someone help me?? thanks
  4. Still it was funny to watch, a mario in a blocky kind of way...
  5. a port on the 2600 of this arcade game would be amazing... with its 3 part ship, that is piling up to each other and its colorful enemies
  6. maybe it is me, but is it quite difficult to use maxflash spftware with perl, with this and that, with dos windows and all I ve been able to do it and put some games on my 8Mbit flashcart to discover that half of them were not working is there an easier way/program to make itwork? I saw on the atarimax forum some multicarts images but havent found any links to download them does someone have them? thanks
  7. hello I would be interested in a LYNX flashcart, too
  8. exactly, "real" reviews and genuine articles and not disguised ads
  9. Can anyone recommend old publications with articles , reviews about atari (2600,5200,7800,xl/xe) and coleco, intellivision games? thanks
  10. I would try to find reviews to see if they are worth being bought
  11. are they roms available of FIRST STAR SOFTWARE games or not? Bristles Boulder Dash Flip Top
  12. thanks kisrael for your explanation I can understand a bit more now and good work all of you programmers keep bringing us some new homebrews and hacks we are appreciating that a lot!!
  13. This will be my last post for this topic, cause it is going in a direction that I dont like I probably post in the wrong section or... anyway, my topic was not to give ideas... not to push programmers to do that kind of game it was just an innocent topic from a non programmers, to get an idea if it was possible but it seems that not everybody is pleased with that sorry CLOSED!!!
  14. I meant a game like Super Mario I was not talking about a port especially lets say a mix of Super Mario World/ Pitfall and if I choose that kind of game, it is because Platform games are my favorite ones and on the 2600 I found them too short because of the machine limitation... and dont forget I am not a programmer at all, I know NOTHING...it was just an idea I had in my bed....
  15. I dont know what is happening with me this week end... I know nothing about programming so I am not sure if it is "feasible" I was thinking of the creation of a 2600 game NOT limited by the 4k/8k size for example Super Mario World done in the kind of graphic style that you would find on 2600 but as it is not limited you could do the complete game into a 2600 game I suppose it could only work on emulators, etc or a new game but not limited by memory size so crazy idea? stupid idea?
  16. Hello I tried a CC2 so I know how that one is working.... is the CC1 "working" like a Supercharger or is it really different? is there a lot of incompatibility? like many roms are not working? is it worth buying it? any help, advise,... thanks
  17. for sale that dip switches multicart it is new in box I would prefer some trade with some 2600/5200/7800 homebrews...hacks...or even classic games and accessories like TRACK AND FIELD joystick the omega race joystick, ...... make your proposition I am in belgium
  18. CC3 IS for intellivision, nothing to do with atari consoles and the only problem with the CC2, for homebrews and new hacks mainly you need to know the 'codes' for it to work on the Cuttle it is easier with USB atari5200 multicart for that....
  19. I am talking about any other combination than the 8 directions and the fire button? Like Raiders of the lost ark and its 2 joysticks of course all the games that use padlle or driving controllers? and except for that? which ones? which use the console switches? thanks
  20. I know that a lof of people are not keen about that idea, but personally I would like to have a DEMON ATTACK colourful game with a motherbase (if possible in the same thin-colourful design as the demons) for 2600. Does it exist?
  21. I am also looking for xl/xe cartridges , MSX cartridges and Arcadia 2001 games
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