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  1. I have this exact problem just only that the fire button didn't work when I got it. I was wondering how long it took to get your buffer from the site that you have suggested? Also what is the best site for buying these parts?
  2. ok great so I should start off with replacing the hex buffer first but is there any other components I should buy as well just to save some time
  3. It isn't a bad controller, PCB, or sodder joint and I thought it may be a bad component on the board. My only problem is that I can't a blueprint or any diagram that I can trace and find the components that are part of the fire button mechanism.
  4. I picked up a CX-2600 from a garage sale and was eager to play and it worked perfectly until I had my friend play with me. This is when I found out that the right controller port's fire button didn't work. I was thinking it may be something with the 16 pin bug or the diodes and was wondering if I should order this kit to repair it.
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