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Everything posted by Foxsolo2000

  1. Dont know if this has been discussed before or not but has anyone anyalised a prototype of Dragster?
  2. True, for at school the rich kids all had C64's while the rest had Speccy's. I was the exception for I preferred my 800XL.
  3. It was the system of choice at the time in the UK and went head to head with the C64. To this day I still have friends who will defend the original Spectrum and its wonderful merits although personally I always favoured the C64.
  4. I was thinking about this to come to the conclusion why would anyone do that????? The point I was making was that the Spectrum had 48K and somehow they made the game look far worse than the humble 2600 version. I never said anything about converting a vintage system into a PS4 so perhaps you should read my question again with a little more clarity?
  5. The Spectrum was 48k compared to the 2600 so why the Hell does it look so much worse?
  6. Was never aware of that!!!! I went into a number of electronic stores as a kid and I never saw anything like that before in the UK.
  7. Thank you for that. Got to admit though Dragster was one of the few games I never attempted to fry.
  8. I agree. Long before I heard the term being coined I accidently discovered frying in 1981 when I switched on Space Invaders too quickly and discovered the double bullet effect. Frying could explain some possibilities but I dont feel that it would convientley explain everything but who knows? Has anyone ever documented all possible effects of frying for every game?
  9. Well either way a big thank you for showing the rest of us how the game played and sounded. For me it is always enough
  10. I have always wondered this too. I saw the adverts but always wondered if it ever got off the drawing board?
  11. That would be fantastic if you could. Thank you.
  12. I am with Tempest on this. Despite what a small majority think I have never expected roms to be made public just for the sake of it. I have always advocated for games to be logged in some form and photographed so we can read about them, see what they looked liked and know how they played. In this instance the previous owner did the community a huge favour and filmed the game in motion and attempted to explain how it played. For me that was always enough and I just wish others would do the same, especially the owner of Astro Chase for I would love to see a pic of that game in action.
  13. None of them. Got all my rarities from late 2001 onwards once my wife introduced me to Ebay.
  14. Cheers Pingu. I have only seen stills, good to see how it played and sounds.
  15. Has a video been released of this game? I would love to see it in action.
  16. So the story some time back was just an April fool?
  17. I seriously wonder what else can be possibly said about this game that has not already been said a million times before. Let us just agree to what ever theory each of us want to believe in and let the whole ET argument be put to sleep forever!
  18. It makes me laugh what these sellers class as rare and how much they try and sell them for. Once upon a time I couldn't even give this away and yet now the price is beyond a joke. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but utterly useless
  19. I will conceed that point to you.
  20. Pacman was not a failure, at least in Europe for all my friends bought it and played the Hell out of it. They even used it as an add in game which boosted sales so it was far from being a failure.
  21. I must be one of the few people who never needed to study the manual for ET as it was never that hard for me. I actually enjoyed the game when it came out and falling into pits was never as hard as so many claimed. Yes it could be frustrating but the pits were also very handy for taking a break without ever the fear of losing a life. ET was never the reason for the crash nor was it the sole reason for the demise of Atari but it has been done to death for years and all I said was let it go and discuss something new.
  22. Totally agree with you on this. Sick to death of the same posts over and over again. Leave ET alone and please think of something new to discuss as this grew old a long time ago
  23. Damn I was not aware that they had found that many! 23, is that verified? Also I was aware of two boxed ones but when did the third materialise?
  24. I'm more interested in what the Easter eggs are in the arcade version? Anyone know?
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