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Everything posted by Fierodoug5

  1. These last couple updates are the first ones to not work with the older Wroom boards. When I upload file system image, i get error SPIFFS_write error(-100001):file system is full error adding file! error for adding content from www!
  2. Nice find, funny I just listened to the antic podcast on databar last night
  3. On my wroom unit, the splitter/hub works fine on my 800xl.(that's the way I have had it hooked up since I built fujinet) Fujinet will NOT boot with a 800 and splitter/hub, even if it is the only sio device plugged in.
  4. Very cool....good job Was able to update my wroom units and load both XEX on the fujinet server plus a few on my local tnfs
  5. duh, its the same way were doing it just with a new EXE. I feel dumb now...been a long hot day Works great, Thanx
  6. I can still connect to Fujinet and irata TNFS servers, just not my own local one
  7. Since I updated my fujinet units my TNFS server is dead. I downloaded the new TNFSD.exe for windows(windows10) and I cant open it. It tries to open and closes right away. What the heck am I doing wrong?
  8. Yup, got both my homemade ESP32 Wroom units up to current version 0.1.5f1b883f. Will run all the fujinet tests again over the weekend Thanx All
  9. That seems to have fixed it, Espressif32 was one version out of date. Thanx!
  10. ;FujiNet PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [platformio] description = FujiNet Atari to ESP32 WiFi Multifunction Firmware ; Change this to target the device you use from the list of [env:xxx] sections below default_envs = fujinet-wroom [env] ; Common settings for all enivornments platform = espressif32 framework = espidf extra_scripts = pre:build_version.py lib_ldf_mode = deep+ upload_port = COM10 ; Windows ;upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0 ; Linux upload_speed = 921600 monitor_port = COM10 ; Windows ;monitor_port = /dev/ttyUSB0 ; Linux monitor_speed = 921600 monitor_filters = time ; ESP32 WROVER (16MB Flash, 8MB PSRAM) based FujiNet [env:fujinet-v1] board = fujinet-v1 build_type = debug build_flags = ;-D JTAG -D DEBUG_SPEED=921600 -D BLUETOOTH_SUPPORT ;-D FN_HISPEED_INDEX=0 ;-D VERBOSE_SIO ;-D VERBOSE_TNFS ;-D VERBOSE_DISK ; ESP32 WROOM (4MB Flash, NO PSRAM) based FujiNet [env:fujinet-wroom] board = fujinet-wroom build_type = debug build_flags = -D DEBUG_SPEED=921600 ;-D FN_HISPEED_INDEX=0 ;-D VERBOSE_SIO ;-D VERBOSE_TNFS ;-D VERBOSE_DISK ; ESP32 WROVER (4MB Flash, 8MB PSRAM) based FujiNet [env:fujinet-v1-4mb] board = fujinet-v1-4mb build_type = debug build_flags = -D DEBUG_SPEED=921600 ;-D FN_HISPEED_INDEX=0 ;-D VERBOSE_SIO ;-D VERBOSE_TNFS ;-D VERBOSE_DISK
  11. Need some help updating a older Esp32 Wroom board. I have not been able to update since last month when The github changed. I am following the new github wiki for PlatformIO bulid When I try to build, i get this error src\main.cpp:10:10:fatal error: fnsystem.h:no such file or directory #include"fnsystem.h" compilation failed [.pio\build\fujinet-wroom\esp-idf\src\main.cpp.o] error 1 Thanx Doug
  12. I've been toying with the idea of getting this wrover dev board, they are on AliExpress. Was hoping to get a real fujinet board, then I missed the first 50 list. So maybe I still will. Can't seem to find this board from a American seller.
  13. Is this flash tool only for the current wrover boards, and not for older wroom boards?
  14. If you are getting mount errors, it is usually cause the filename is too long. That's the only times I have ever gotten mount errors. Rename to something shorter and it should mount fine.
  15. I use a sdrive max(as drive 1), and a sector copy program and make floppys on my drive 2 1050(leave drive one 1050 off) works great.
  16. Still kicking myself for missing the first 50 list. They look great, can't wait till I can get one. Using my homemade wroom unit has been a treat thanx to the Fujinet teams hard work.
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