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Everything posted by phoboz

  1. You know that I have made a serious attempt to use Raptor 😉 I even gave you some feedback on easing the integration to C (like having alternative symbol names defined with a preceeding _) I said that workarounds are possible, but in my opinion it's just easier to do things from scratch instead. Hey, it's just my opinion man!
  2. As I understand Raptor also supports linking with C modules, but it's more about the interface which I don't prefer. Raptor is comparable to programming a GUI-toolkit (like Qt), where your code is mostly about setting up some data structures. The rest is handled by the toolkit behind the scenes. In my opinion this makes it easy to set something basic up in a few minutes, but very soon you will get blocked (or at least me). Because if I have no control over what is actually happening, it's also very hard to customize it to your game. When you sooner or later want to make more advanced stuff. I don't say it's impossible, but it feels like you have to perform a lot of workarounds (instead of focusing on programming) as you are using the toolkit a little bit differently from what was the original intention. So that's why I recommend it to people who don't have a substantial background as developers, but I would not recommend it to someone who wants to make their own engines. Don't get this info wrong, each solution has its preferred application. Unfortunately I will have to disappoint some to say that there is no toolkit to rule them all... PS. I cannot say for MK3, but risk is that you need to rewrite a LOT of code to align it to the Raptor philosophy, rather than making you own engine that is more or less compatible with the existing MK3 code.
  3. My tip: - Ignore the politics, enjoy the games! 😉
  4. You see, that why I like to hear opinions from all gamers (regardless if they can program, or not) Otherwise it's just about some technical aspects, and not about the art. Unfortunately it's a little bit similar to a dance competition, the judges tend to look at some technical stuff. In the end, everyone should be able to enjoy dancing even if some aren't experts on all the technical aspects.
  5. No, I won't. I simply responded to your comment and tried to stay on that topic (as much as I could) I am sorry if you feel offended, but if you get into discussions like this you also have to be able hear opposing arguments. No hard feelings on my side, I just expressed what I felt.
  6. No, sorry I still don't get it. Why can't everyone share their opinions, just like you gladly share your opinions? There are plenty of hardware designers that cannot program themselves, still they can (and should) tell the programmers how they should use their hardware... If I remember right, @agradeneu you are not a programmer yourself. Still you seem to have a lot of opinions about programming.
  7. Did I write anything that made you draw this conclusion? All I recall writing was that everyone can have an opinion, regardless if they are a game programmer, an artist or not. Because there are many people like this around in the gaming business, e.g. those who have opinions on games whether we like it, or not. I also noted opinions from other people on this forum (including you) on some new games. I assume you share your opinions based on your background, as gamers, and/or artists/developers. That is okay, I don't have a problem with that, neither do I feel offended in any way.
  8. If they are not bullied out of releasing games for the system, that would be like shooting oneself in the foot.
  9. Did you interpret my previous post that I somehow implied that? Sorry that was not the intention...
  10. It's like saying that I cannot think a women is attractive, without having made women myself. I think it's fully feasable for a person that has played a lot of different games, to also have an opinion on new games.
  11. For me, I already felt done with both the SNES and the Genesis back in the day. Both excellent consoles for their time. When getting older I somehow wanted to discover more exotic things, like the Vectrex, Neo Geo, PC Engine etc. When I developed KnightEx (Joust clone) for the Vectrex, there was a discussion about the pricing of homebrew games. I think it was @ls650 who compared the price of my Vectrex cart against the the price for Joust on Atari Jaguar. I thought: - Wow, Joust must look really cool on a 64-bit system? That was one additional reason for me to develop an interest for the Jaguar (besides from all the bad publicity)
  12. I already commented on the sidescroller (compared it to Salamander Life Force), and praised it.
  13. When learning about the Jaguar, I probably watched the Angry Video Game Nerd (which was recommended to me for some reason)
  14. This video (screenshot below), the first thing you see is a 100% steal from Castlevania. I pressed the navigation bar forward one time and saw the sprites from Final Fight. Then I gave up...
  15. The video in the first post of this thread. I stated like this also because I was not good with art, but I never dreamt of showcasing it (before getting the art replaced) PS. Except for one case really long ago, but I hope you won't find that.
  16. No, but I don't think stealing sprites and tiles from well known commercial games (Final Fight, Castlevania etc. like in the videos) makes a commercial grade game. It's just theft.
  17. All publicity is good for attention, even bad publicity. Like me a couple of years ago, I though I really wanted to check this thing out. It turned out to be quite niche and cool, so I started to fell sympathy for the whole scene.
  18. Everyone can easily get their opinion across today, some people may even be more interested in reading what these people think. Rather than what a trained journalist may write, or think? It's also known that influeners get paid, or get free producs/services from companies who want to get promoted.
  19. Attracting more gamers, which makes the console more interesting. Other development houses may become interested in the console as a result of that?
  20. We also have a lot of influencers and bloggers today. Some of them become very popular based on other skills, like charisma, looking good or writing things that that people find interesting to read.
  21. Why does everyone have to be a programmer, and/or an artist? What about dedicated gamers and reviewers? I don't think anyone ask a game journalist to be a programmer.
  22. Reminds me of the first level in this superb shooter on Core Grafx (yes I only cleared the first level a couple times, but even that is fun enough for me): A side scroller like this (with one 16x16 tile layer) should be perfectly feasable on the Jaguar. It probably would take years for a small team to develop such fun game (with varied, non-repeating parts on each level). Plus an environment that the player can interact with, like shooting trough the organic walls. I had some high hopes for a Jaguar sequel to Odynexus, but no updates on that yet 😕
  23. I ptobably need to create a new thread for next update, as it's not Halloween anymore.
  24. Januari 2023 update. 3 different rooms in action: The tunnel has some cool CRY lightning effects.
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