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Everything posted by 2018jh

  1. Updated the binary again in the original post; fixed a few bugs and added a life counter.
  2. Thanks for the info, pfpixel was exactly what I needed. Had some weirdness when converting the missile coordinates to the pf coordinates, but I was able to get it to more or less work correctly with a pretty ugly subroutine. I've been considering adding the ball, possibly when difficulty is increased. The highest difficulty level currently has the enemy missile/shield moving so fast that its nearly impossible, so it might be preferable to have an additional enemy object rather than just a faster missile/shield at higher difficulty levels. Will test this out next time I work on this, as well as possibly adding a life counter. Also, I've updated the .bin in the original post again. This time I've added the 'chip away' feature for the skull, and every time its cleared a new level begins with a slightly higher difficulty. I really like this addition, it makes it much more playable imo, and gives it more of a Breakout/Arkanoid kind of feeling.
  3. Thanks for all of the suggestions! I've fixed a few bugs with difficulty/sound, plus added some color changes on difficulty adjustment. Took a look at shakescreen, it seemed like a good effect to add to the game end screen so I threw that in as well. I've replaced the .bin in the original post with the new version.
  4. Thank you! Yeah, its the standard kernel. As for challenges, the the speed of the missile and enemy player should slightly increase at 100, 200, and 300 points. I thought about having the skull (playfield) "chip away" every time its shot, just need to figure out the best way to do that other than hardcoding the playfield for each of the skull's states.
  5. Been getting back into bB after some years, and threw this simple space shooter game together to re-learn it. I feel like I've got a good grip on things now, and am excited to try out some more ambitious projects! Premise: The objective of the game is to shoot at the "SkullStar" mothership to earn points, however, the SkullStar is defended by a deflector shield, which self-destructs upon impact with your missiles, taking your ship out with it. At the same time, you must dodge a constant barrage of enemy missiles. There are also barriers to be cautious of, and they will explode your ship on impact. Press 'fire' to start the game on the title screen, and press 'fire' to restart the game once it ends. Apologies for any bugs you might run into! Once the SkullStar has been destroyed, you will move onto the next level, with slightly higher difficulty. skull-star-2-11-2024.bin
  6. Back when I was in college in 2010, I had a harmony cart and was learning some batari BASIC. I recently dug my VCS and all of that stuff out of storage to get back into it, and found a few small games I'd written around 2010 in my dorm room. I'm releasing them here if anyone is interested in trying them. They're not particularly interesting or polished, but these things have only ever been played by me and some of my friends back in college. Layza Guns Use joysticks to control the little head at the top of the screen. Hold fire to shoot. Start the game with reset switch. Make sure you start moving as soon as the game starts or you'll die pretty quickly. The enemy ships don't die, but you get points when you hit them. Hanoi Classic Towers of Hanoi game. Starts at 3 tiers, but the game select button will add more tiers. Joystick to control and drop tiers. I'd completely forgotten I'd made this one until I saw it in my old projects folder, the memory is a little hazy. Hanoi_NTSC_(2010).bin Layza_Gunz_NTSC_(2010).bin
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