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  1. I inherited two of these and I can't find anything out about them. I'm not sure they have been put together correctly as I can't work out how you would use them. If you hang on the wall from the wire loop above the Parker logo, the logo would be backwards. Maybe the logo part should be the other end. Anyone familiar with them at all?
  2. Globally there were (are?) stronger laws protecting trademarks than software so removing logos was common on commercial bootlegs for many systems - especially prevalent on NES bootleg multicarts. It's the reason why Gameboy games need to find the Nintendo logo in the cartridge to boot.
  3. Are the limitations on filenames and filepaths with the new unified firmware the same as for offline ROMs on the PlusCART? ie: Max. 1024 ROM files per folder Filenames must not be longer than 32 chars Filepath must not be longer than 100 chars
  4. Make sure it shows version 17 after R Edwards on the startup screen - if not update to that first. Mine was on 14, so I updated to 17, then did this update. Put the .bin file on the sdcard, start the 2600, select the bin file and press the joystick button. Wait a few seconds until the Update Complete banner.
  5. I finally got it installed on mine, and first impressions are these. It has a nicer interface which shows more letters of each filename and more files per screen. You can choose to display the menu in NTSC, PAL or PAL60. You can select from a few different fonts. You can get back to the menu from within a game by holding joystick right and hitting reset. I believe there is also support for some new bank switching methods and ACE files, though I've not tested yet.
  6. This is great news! Just need to find time to give it a try, now!
  7. The number of colours is a standout for me. Other than with Atari's own 8-bit lineup, it wasn't until the 16 bit era that consoles and computers had such a range of colours to choose from.
  8. I noticed that the scans on Atariage are missing the 2nd booklet - How Your Partner Bids in Bridge By Activision. It's available here on archive.org - https://archive.org/details/bridge-activision-addendum-01-images/page/n1/mode/2up Despite the auction side of things being very cut down (opponents don't bid, computer partner will respond to your bids but not open) it's got a surprising amount of bidding logic in there. It's mostly useful for practising declarer play, though, rather than bidding I would suspect, so maybe it might have been better to get the computer to evaluate the hand and pick a contract for you to play, with more effort focused on the defensive card play.
  9. Thanks, Al. Can I just confirm that it functions fully with a UNOcart, as an alternative to v17, and allows loading ROMs from SD card? If so, how does one go about getting an ACE based version?
  10. I'm a bit confused by the talk of unified firmware between Pluscart and Unocart. Is it possible to use Pluscart firmware on a standard Unocart, and if so, is it just done via the update.bin? And, would this use the same selection interface as on the Pluscart, that displays longer filenames?
  11. Is it usual for PAL Galaxian carts to have a glob top type chip? The "glob" part is just a black plastic cover that's clipped on. Underneath is the silicon directly wired to the circuit board. Board doesn't work, which was why I looked.
  12. I just took one apart that had been liberally filled with grease and wasn't working at all - the spinning disk part was coated in grease on the business side. It's not a big deal to strip down, wipe out the grease, and clean with IPA. I added some silicon grease to the shaft where it passes through the plastic, and it's all working fine now.
  13. I've just started using this instead of SIO2BSD on Raspberry Pi. I've managed to hack an old version SenorRossie's WebGUI for SIO2BSD to work with it. It's working great for XEX and ATR files. I was hoping to get CAS files working at a decently fast speed, but I couldn't get more than 125% speed up on the ones I have tried.
  14. I had no idea this had undergone such an overhaul! I think I'm too far down the rabbit hole with the older version to switch, though! I have been running with a modified version of the older release, which I changed so that it works from a mobile phone. I must have grabbed that version shortly before you released the latest version last year. I have spent the last few days modifying the older version to work with the atariserver program from the atarisio project - this gives the ability to use XEX and CAS files as well as ATR files. CAS file support isn't so useful, as you need access to a terminal to start the tape, and I hadn't realised just how slow tape loading was on the Atari as my tape deck fell apart before I ever used it! The best tape speed I could get to load Starquake was 125% and that still took 10:30!
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