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  1. I agree with this guy entirely. This forum comes across as very toxic - and I don't mean from the disappointed customers. It's actually ridiculous that someone can post a genuine, valid concern and in response be jumped on by people who seem to have some kind of mental heatlh issues. Then in addition, for so-called admins to not only do nothing about it, but in some cases actually contribute to the toxicity. Flicking back through the last few pages in this thread, there are a few examples that basically pan out like this: Customer: Hey, of course your health is the most important thing in the world and I have no problem with you delaying the product but it would have been great if you could have somehow informed your customers that their order had been cancelled rather than left them hanging. Mentally Unstable Defence Force Member: OmG U R sO eNtItLeD HoW DaRe YoU ThInK ThAt a CaRtRiDgE Is MoRe ImPoRtAnT ThAn SoMeOnE's hEaLtH! GeT BeTtEr SoOn, SainT, We LoVe YoU!!! xxxx I mean... what? Do you guys even read the content of the posts you're replying to? Better yet, do you not read the content of your own posts before hitting submit? The stuff that you accuse these people of saying or suggesting is nonsense. And the admins seem to either silently let all this happen, or even add to it themselves. It's quite amazing to witness, and not in a good way. Disclaimer: Of course health - both physical and mental - is more important than some product. This is obviously common sense and no-one has said otherwise, including myself. But I look forward to someone from MUDF jumping in and telling me what a terrible, horrible person I am. You guys all need to grow up.
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