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Everything posted by Draxxon

  1. cool! it makes me want an all black Vader flashback all the more. I wonder what the story is on the all clear AFB1. Prison issue? Ultra rare Atari 7800 Flashback Mini All | Mercari
  2. no clue. will you even need 3d vr goggles or can you just play it on a screen? I have no clue, but I can see how not just atari, but lots of companies will do this. The Sandbox, Decentralland and even minecraft with their virtual concerts are just a couple metaverse worlds right now. Im guessing a shit ton more are gonna pop up. now if I can speak out of my ass for a second, as I have zero clue what Im talking about... I dont understand how NFTs are bad for the environment. Heat from all the PC running the blockchain? Surely that cant be that large of a planetary issue compared to all the other shit humans do. maybe im wrong and if there are quadrillions of NFTs being powered in the future it WILL be a problem. Its all crazy and makes me feel old, which is fine. but, I dont want to be out of touch yet. im only 43. lol.
  3. WIN_20211217_15_02_37_Pro.mp4
  4. No. stock, and with the last version of the community build, the ranger did not jump like that. you could play paddle games with 2 rangers and the hyperkin ranger adapter in the front P1 port. they were lagged and worked about as well as the paddles on the AFBs. 1000 points max on kaboom, but they did not jump like they do now. I have tried setting some paddle input mappings to default as recommended earlier here and it didn't change anything. I haven't tried settings for individual games.
  5. man... so... were the customers with positive views scared of a lifetime ban if they talked and said the wrong thing? Did they simply not want to stand up for a guy that has abrasive selling techniques? Maybe they sniffed out a hit piece and didn't want to participate? Maybe the journalist was indeed doing a hit piece? Who knows? Kind of strange tho.
  6. I tend to disagree, that's no fluff piece, lol. Hearing you say its kind of acurate is alarming tho, lol. I just wanted a couple 2600 cart connectors for some AFB2s and some 7800 pads, and a whole bunch of other shit. And the website looked dead, and there were crickets here at the PINNED AA thread for AFB2 mods. So I gave up, then I noticed posts like this one here at AA. And I read the vice article. Again I thought that website was dead for a long time and received no help here. I thought well, I'm suuuuuper late to modding AFB2s. TBH a lot of links to AFB2 modding were dead. Why would I think to call his shop? then i say, boycott him, and people say "he is the only one with that unstepped on atari crack, in the little zip lock bags with official atari logos." LLMFAO.
  7. That crossed my mind as it's the only thing that makes sense. Like I said, I've never met the guy, I dont know if he is cool or an asshole. Just like people don't know if I'm a needy middle aged amazon buyer or not. That's goofball shit. He does have one of a kind stuff, so I understand the deal. I'm a man. To get my money out of me, you have to act right. And that is a subjective thing only I can decide. Everyone else can do whatever suits them best. This is me. EDIT: TBH Honest, Im not a needy middle aged amazon buyer, but I am an asshole. Just an FYI. If Brad wants to trickle stuff out so that the Atari stuff he saved lasts a lifetime, thats cool with me. But make that clear. Instead, we get the crazy "rules". BTW, where are the rules in that bat-shit-crazy word jumble puzzle he calls a website? I was looking to buy something from him one time and couldn't stand the maze of words, so I gave up. zero effort in 30 years? that website isnt anything to be proud or fond/nostalgic of. I can justify not spending money with him based just off that website. Everything else I've "heard" just piles on top of that. Think about it... even if i navigate the sea of links that is his website and find stuff i want to buy, there is more shit to worry about?? For me it has nothing to do with being old school, or amazon instant gratification. It's because its all bullshit and ludicrous. HARD. PASS.
  8. I was asking Stephena if he wanted one for testing. I would gift/send him one.
  9. I totally get that. Maybe just going back to the previous community firmware is the answer for me.
  10. cool! never met the guy. weird that he lets men online stop him from making more money. Some people suck so let's make goofy rules for all the others? okay, I guess. But I'm not going for it. You guys can do whatever you want.
  11. $25 here in the states. Do you want one? Amazon.com: Hyperkin "Ranger" Premium Wired Gamepad for Atari 2600 / RetroN 77 : Everything Else I also discovered, if I plug a ranger into the retron ranger adapter's left port and plug the adapter into P1 front port the same thing happens. If I plug a second ranger into the right adapter port, player one can only move on the left hand side of the screen. You stop moving right at the midpoint of the screen. If you unplug the second ranger, it goes back to jumping like it was before. I also tried other paddle games, same thing.
  12. I should mention "I'm no expert" and I dont know WTF Im talking about. Also why I haven't changed any settings yet!
  13. WIN_20211217_12_14_44_Pro.mp4
  14. There is definitely a deadzone now when using the paddle/pads. It is in the right side of the screen. About 2/3 of the way over, it is about 25% of the play area. I only tried one pad in the 1st port. I do have two pads and one of the goofy adapters. if i should connect them all that way, just advise me, please. I haven't tried any of the stella settings. I am new to them so I'm not sure what I am doing, yet. I tried the last version of the community build again, paddle/pads worked as well as they are going to. (About 1000 points max in Kaboom! if youre lucky). Now its unplayable with paddle/pads. Same with breakout. Any idea what settings i need to try and do I need a keyboard to to set them? I saw some Ctrl+Shift type of stuff. I have an OTG adapter if that is the case. thanks for the help, I realize this isn't a priority, but it would be nice for me personally to get this sorted.
  15. deadzone when using retron paddle/pads (on last version of community build) I checked, it wasn't.
  16. I agree, buddy. I'm okay with traditional VR games. But the idea of a VR/SocialMedia world that could be used to control people in the long run is pretty scarry. When I first saw in my head what could be coming, it made me really sad to think that Video Games was the gateway to it all. Like most new technology, its seems to be a double edged sword. Like, it would be fun to run around Outworld in VR and challenge Shang Tsung to a fight, win the Shinnok's Amulet NFT and sell it on ebay. But, I can also see how the MetaVerse could become a thing where you will need it to work, shop and interact with others. Similar to the traditional internet. Digital Land/property for sale now? that is kind of nuts. I guess you would have limits to how many "places" are in your digital world. So, do we have to walk everywhere in VR world? We can't just hit start and pick and teleport? Will they sell digital cars to get around the digital world faster? I also have to wonder... we are just now learning of some of the negative effects of all of our online tech. Who knows what kind of bad shit comes with a life in VR. Bad eyesight, obesity and migraines instantly come to mind. Who knows what else. But in the near future, if you have to choose. Are you going to play a new game that is traditional or a new game that has potential NFTs you could find/win and sell? It seems like it could be marketed as a reward for spending countless hours in your mom's basement as items have real world value. As far as crypto, I'm all for decentralizing currency. but for digital baseball cards and artwork, etc. GTFOH. They just found a new way to market and sell digital (not real) items to people. At the end of the day, people will pimp this stuff out and try and make the most money off of it and use it for the influence and control of people.
  17. I updated my flashdrive with the Stella 6.6.0 version. I don't have the Stelladapter, so I don't use real paddles. I use the RetroN paddle/pads. I tested BreakOut and Kaboom! and there is a giant deadzone on the righthand side of the screen. I'm guessing the OTG and Stelladapter with real paddles is what most people here use. I realize that setup is superior. I use the paddle pads, even though they suck, because they are different and something fun, to me anyway, to mess with. Plus I bought them so I want to use them. I have other ways to use real paddles, but only one way to use these paddle pads and their own paddle/pad adapter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, it wasn't this way before, or was it? At any rate, I appreciate all the effort and realize choices have to be made in projects and the superior setup should win. So, are there maybe some settings in stella I could use to get the paddle pads semi-playable? Realizing they are going to be lagged and not perfect. As a collector I would like to have this console with all the 1st party controllers. I hate to have to completely ditch the paddle/pads (again, even knowing that they suck). Would a simpler solution be to just keep a separate sd card running stock and "enjoy" the paddle/pads that way?
  18. Stupid rules for no reason? I'll never spend my money with him. HARD PASS.
  19. definitely just buzzwords, I agree. although, I don't see it as a fad. I predict NFTs get incorporated into lots of video games. With gamers farming NFT items to sell. The MetaVerse stuff is hard to call. Maybe it will be like the Wild West for a while. Like how the original internet was. And once most people are on it, the powers that be will clamp down on it and monitor it all. And you will have to be on it to work and stuff. Same as the regular old internet. ....or maybe people won't want to wear VR Goggles all day???
  20. I never noticed the "crash". It wasn't until years later that I even heard about it from the usual goofball youtubers.
  21. I don't see why Atari would want to shut down MobyGames. I don't think this is the same sort of thing as NintendoAge. What would they gain from shutting it down? Also, they advertise products through them. So, again, why would they shut them down and hide the info there?
  22. Atari Virtual Casino and crypto currency as well. I gotta say, it makes better sense. As a HUGE gamer, people always ask me if I would like to have my own arcade. I say no, I would rather have a room full of gambling machines. BTW, I figure your being sarcastic, but I agree, for real. A crazy futuristic hotel makes sense in VR. I wondered how the virtual casino was going to work in a real hotel. Or who would want Atari Crypto. (Should we buy some now?) If VR worlds are going to be a thing, I'm not mad if Atari makes one. All the stupid shit they have been doing lately would work here. I personally don't like gambling, simply because I don't find it fun or entertaining. I don't have any issues with it, I hope Atari makes money hand over fist in a VR casino off of the gamblers. Why not? I gotta say, this MetaVerse type of shit in general looks an awful lot like any run of the mill 3D video game world with NFTs. It may take off, but it doesn't look new or revolutionary to me.
  23. Metaverse Real Estate Piles Up Record Sales in Sandbox and Other Virtual Realms - WSJ That interest reached a new peak on Tuesday when Republic Realm, a firm that develops real estate in the metaverse, said it paid $4.3 million for land in the world Sandbox, the biggest virtual real-estate sale publicized to date, according to the company and to data from the website NonFungible.com, which tracks digital land sales. Republic Realm bought the digital land from videogame company Atari SA and the two firms said they plan to partner on the development of some of the properties. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, I guess this is old news, but I haven't seen anything on the forum. If this is posted elsewhere, I'm sorry.
  24. Why is he laughing at me? When I read that, I think of something like this....
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