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Everything posted by Sinton

  1. I own the Atari 50: The Anniversary Collection on Steam and Switch, and would love to play the games with more authentic controllers. Did anyone try using the CX30+ or CX40+ on other platforms? If you did and it worked, which adapter did you use?
  2. I don't believe they've released any western made arcade titles, but with the exception of those owned by Midway/WB, how many western made arcade titles are left?
  3. Would love it if HAMSTER contacted them and got the rights to release their games as part of the Arcade Archives.
  4. I've been thinking about this topic lately. Who own the rights to these arcade titles: Gauntlet Hard Drivin' Paperboy Race Drivin' Super Sprint How about the many games Tengen released for other consoles? (And must a volume 4 consist of 50 games?)
  5. One game I’m missing is the original Breakout arcade game. There are probably more no-CPU games that are missing, but that one comes to mind. (Yes, I know Breakout and Super Breakout on the Atari 2600 are included in the first three volumes.)
  6. If I could find a physical version, I’d bought it already, but at this point I’m not even sure if it’s out in Europe. (I never buy digital games at full price, so if I never find a physical copy, I’ll buy it at a discount or not at all.) One thing I wonder is how the controls are, especially for games that use trackball etc. And do anyone know of any way to use original Atari 2600-controllers or the 2.4 wireless controllers that come with the Atari Flashback 8 Gold?
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