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Miner Jumpman

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  1. Okay, I am not looking for a fight. I know of no Team Pixelboy title available right now except on eBay where the price is often over $100. Meanwhile, Atari 2600 has 100 titles for sale on this site alone. A large percentage of them are listed at $25. I can't remember the last time I paid that little for a Coleco game. Atari Age is making a profit on these $25 games. How are they doing it? I recall seeing you state you would only produce 50 games for specific titles. Keeping the number so small is inflating your per-unit production cost. Your products are so good that I am confident I could sell hundreds more than you currently are. For example, it's unfortunate you didn't capitalize on the Nether Dungeon game. I'm positive you could have sold many units if you negotiated a deal to bundled a cart with the Max Reload DVD. If that weren't feasible, another option would be to include an advert for the game with the DVD. Still, another option would be to produce five times the amount you did, which would drive down the per-unit cost, and aggressively market it. I have a strong background in sales and marketing, and I've noticed many missed opportunities. However, I understand these things are easier said than done. I would like to see Coleco have some sort of revival before fading into total obscurity, but every passing year makes that less likely. The chance may have died with the Chameleon debacle. Peace.
  2. I'm not sure if you are playing a game or are serious. I have multiple paragraphs referencing Team Pixelboy, CollectorVision, and Opcode making games. I end by saying it's a shame Coleco Holding can't market these products because many don't know they make new games for the system. If you can't infer what I mean from the pronoun, please let's drop this conversation.
  3. Do they make new games for ColecoVision? Yes. Are there significant numbers of people who don't know they make new games for ColecoVision? Yes. Does Coleco Holdings have more reach to market the fact these new games are being made? Yes. What here is untrue?
  4. I didn't say they did. My point is they could market games and products for developers. If Coleco were smart, they'd be selling Opcode's SGM on their site along with games. The fact they purchased 50 Phoenix units from CollectorVision is a good sign. My hope is Coleco will buy more if sales go well.
  5. No, I don't owe an apology. When someone puts a game up for sale, they should be open to feedback. Are you in a cult?
  6. I appreciate the response. You probably don't understand there is genuine frustration from ColecoVision fans. I frequently hear from people that they've lost interest in ColecoVision because the games are too expensive and too hard to get. It's not just Team Pixelboy, but CollectorVision, and Opcode as well. I hear what you are saying about not being a business. Although, I am not sure why Atari developers have figured it out. Their games are cheaper and widely available. How is Champ Games crushing it? The material cost of producing a game is a few dollars per unit. Once you've recouped the development cost, every game sold after is gravy. It is such a massive ROI; I'd think they would be available for years instead of sold out before even released. If you are ready to retire, I can imagine you don't want to deal with sales. It seems like Atari developers have turned the sales and marketing over to Atari Age, and from what I remember, the employee was befuddled that you were releasing so little. Anyway, I am a fan of Team Pixelboy and recognize you've done some of the system's most stellar work. It's a shame that Coleco Holdings is such a disaster because maybe they could've effectively marketed these products. Many fans have no idea they make new games for the system. A larger fan base means the cost of games can drop, and as the price drops, more fans come.
  7. I respect that, and if you've created games, I've likely supported them. For me, this issue is limited to essential titles. If releasing games as significant as Scramble or Berzerk, I want to see the best Coleco can produce. I see no evidence that Atari 5200 is that much stronger of a system.
  8. Interesting because you are one of the worst offenders. A few years back, I had seen someone on this forum make a valid complaint about not being able to purchase your games. You responded by berating him for not taking the time to contact you about purchasing because you would always sell. I've contacted you about games, and you said not a single game you produced or planed on producing was available or ever would be. You've made it like a private club where only a few anointed individuals are permitted admission. Many people have permanently abandoned Coleco for other communities that are more fan-friendly. I routinely give you high praise because you've done some of the most exceptional work for the community. Yet many of your business practices are head-scratching. I spoke to an Atari Age employee about these issues, and he said, "you are preaching to the choir" and couldn't understand the philosophy.
  9. Yes, I am with you. I am not even a fan of the SGM. If someone creates a unique game, I support it regardless of what I think of it. However, when someone takes the most iconic games, like Scramble and Berzerk, how it looks, sounds, and plays are important. My point is, even if programmers could easily add the tech to the cart, many are more interested in engaging in an intellectual exercise than pleasing the fan base. I've confirmed this idea by a programmer in this thread who stated, "It is purely selfish. I don't care about 'fan.'" This attitude is prevalent from developers in the ColecoVision community and helps explain why games cost double than similar games on other systems and are not readily available.
  10. Telling someone to just go play another system is an unsatisfactory answer. Your response is also telling because, for people like you, the endeavor is not about producing what fans want, but playing your own puzzle game. If someone designs a game and finds they can fit it all without any added technology, great. However, most want developers to pull out all the stops to get it as accurate as possible when copying an existing game (ideally, it surpasses the existing game giving a compelling reason to play it instead of MAME). I'm glad Tony had fun, but we are left with a version that looks more like the 2600 than the 5200. Normally, ColecoVision comes out ahead or it is at least close when making a head-to-head comparison with the 5200. Here we got absolutely smoked. That's the dead giveaway that Tony didn't grow up with the ColecoVision because anyone who did would not let it happen.
  11. No, it doesn't "disappear." It's a question of how many frames per second it is visible. Hear about the worst case scenario in Donkey Kong Arcade. SpriteFlicker.mp4
  12. I don't understand the obsession with "stock Coleco." Nobody at Coleco working on the games wanted to release it with that little RAM, but they acquiesced to the accountants with the idea they would upgrade the RAM the following year, when prices dropped, via the Super Game Module. In other words, using additional tech to boost the games is living up to the ideals of everyone at Coleco involved in game production, and focusing on "stock Coleco" is following the accountant's ideal. Those of us who had the system as children understand because Coleco sold the idea of boosting the system using the expansion port from day one.
  13. Holy cow! I was speaking figurately. "Owning" means it has the best ports of the game for both a home console and a home computer. I pretty sure I am more knowledgeable about the game than most here.
  14. You are overstating the "four sprint limit." It's not like it cause the game to crash. The new Donkey Kong Arcade game has two options: more color or less flicker. The more color option routinely puts eight or more sprites on a scanline. If you try it out, you'll see, Coleco handles it surprisingly well with minimal flicker. I wish they had programmed all the games like this because it looks better, and with F18A, there is zero flicker.
  15. Yes. My point is people thought it was impossible to produce this Donkey Kong on ColecoVision not that long ago. For example, the screen resolution is different on the arcade and Coleco, so it's a significant challenge to fit all the girders in. However, those who claimed it was impossible have been proven wrong and we see the right programmer can do it. Yes, there is a limit to have far we can push a system, but Coleco never came close to that threshold while the NES did. That's why no new games for the NES come close to the best in its '80s library. While most recent games for ColecoVision are better than the legacy games. It's doubtful that anyone will push ColecoVision to its limits the way Nintendo did with games like Super Mario Bros 3 because it is an expensive endeavor and not enough profit motive to make it happen. That's why F18A is the best option. Most of what we see with F18A can be done on the stock Coleco (except the number of colors), but it's far less time consuming for programmers to make it happen.
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