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  1. offtopic: We should have an Appalachian corridor atari and que fest... i bet theres enough of us...
  2. With this version, I was able to run it in altirra 4.10, using the altirra firmware and altirra basic. also setup with default settings for 850, modem at 19200,a default 130xe My next try will be on actual hardware I am soooo happy.
  3. I would LOVE that - 1) To get my stuff working. and B) because I wanna build externals for it - games, etc...
  4. So - other than Me, Pab, and AMIS - has anyone else tried this? Im trying to figure out where im going wrong.
  5. This is brilliant - thank you for doing this. It solves a lot of issues I was going to have with creating and reading "drop files" to manage this exact thing. I starred your repo.
  6. this is perfect - I just need a way to create a persisted set of data across loading various programs. ex: run program1.bas - this would load in a config file, stuff some values into peekaboo memory - provide a menu the user can select from - assume user selects "program2.bas" program2.bas - Reads data from memory locations set by program1 - maybe update those locations with its own information - user can return to program1 program3.bas - same thing as 2.. and so on. use case: with a bbs, AMP and MOE did this - however the source to those is unavailable, and if it were, I don't think "we" have permission to mod and use it. So - id like a startup program that reads and sets info to memory locations. - launch additional programs that use that data - information that would need to persist without having to recode everything to read a drop file or some such thing - I *COULD* use drop files that contain the data.. but what a PITA to have to rewrite all that code for each additional program...
  7. I think im gonna step away from this. Super far out of my element. Really - I just want a way to make sure a modem is working properly and still connected while loading and unload basic programs. If it could be extended to also hold some string values i can read via USR/PEEK, that would be excellent. However, this is just so far outside my skillset - I think Ill try to find another approach Appreciated the help here.
  8. awesome - I am digging in using you folks comments. I have applied some - and I'm getting freezing, but it does seem to get past some of the earlier issues.
  9. I am attempting to write some mac65 code that will watch a modem to find the state. Use case: BBS program where a user unceremoniously hangs up; or if a program crashes and there is no recent activity on the modem because of that. The idea is to run this as a TSR; and if the modem goes into a non-active state, execute a BASIC program. My code does not work. It compiles to an OBJ file, and I can execute it - but as soon as I try to take a peek at the memory location to see what the state is froma BASIC program, the system crashes nastily. 1000 START: 1010 JSR OPEN_RS232 1020 JSR MONITOR_STATUS 1030 JSR CLOSE_RS232 1040 JMP END_PROGRAM 2000 OPEN_RS232: 2020 RTS 3000 CLOSE_RS232: 3020 RTS 4000 MONITOR_STATUS: 4010 LDX #2 4020 LDA #7 4030 STA IOCB2+2 4040 JSR XIO_COMMAND 4050 LDA $02EA 4060 STA STATUS_BYTE 4070 RTS 5000 XIO_COMMAND: 5010 JSR XIO_ENTRY 5020 LDA IOCB2+4 5030 CMP #0 5040 BNE HANDLE_ERROR 5050 RTS 6000 HANDLE_ERROR: 6010 LDX # <ERROR_MSG 6020 LDY # >ERROR_MSG 6030 JSR PRINT_STRING 6040 RTS 7000 PRINT_STRING: 7010 LDA #9 7020 STA IOCB2 7030 LDY #0 7040 JSR CIOV 7050 RTS 8000 ERROR_MSG: 8010 .BYTE "ERROR OCCURRED",$9B,0 9000 END_PROGRAM: 9020 RTS 10000 IOCB2 = $0350 10010 XIO_ENTRY = $E456 10020 CIOV = $E456 10030 STATUS_BYTE = $0680 11000 .END
  10. I let it sit for about a minute just in case - no go. I did try from the mac - no go there either. I am pretty much convinced at this point that I am just not configuring something properly. Nothing makes you feel humbled like 40 year old tech kicking you in the (insert sensitive area here)
  11. Did this - still cannot connect to the bbs Changed the connectivity options per yours and amis suggestions. My goal is to be in parity with what you are doing in altirra - then once this works, see if i can get it going on a 130xe
  12. Applied the changes - not much of a difference. Also @Pab - I dm'd you a video. I wonder if my "modem" settings are incorrect - attached are the screens. Incidentally - I ended up with these particular settings just trying different combos.
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