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Space Invader

Space Invader (2/9)



  1. Hi there, Juan here, I also got the preorder spot, will contact you over PM
  2. ok ill upload them tonight, also rom hunter i just saw your msg, i will send them at 300dpi too. thanks for your advice BTW juan
  3. i saw you are missing some scans for bomb games, i tried to send them but it gives 404 error.. so im posting them here.
  4. hello, i just confirmed mangia is in fact NTSC about some users asking if im going to sell the bomb or mangia games, im going to in a future, but not right now, i would love to keep them but as some of you might know venezuela isnt an stable country to live in, too much insecurity, political and social conflicts and one of the worst economies (people wise) in the world, my family is from spain so im thinking in moving to madrid, to do that im gonna need money so i would have to let some games go... of course i will contact everyone and maybe they are going to be listed on ebay, im not sure yet. but you will know when i decide to sell them. about mangia how many pieces are known to exist? also how scarse are ntsc BOMB games? whats the history about them. would be nice to link an article or do one.
  5. LOL... well for a little backgroud these games were imported from the US, to make the history short, their value was 300bs, at that time every "atari venezuela c.a." imported game was around 100bs (motorodeo, off the wall, river raid), atari venezuela was the official reseller and distributor, but of course they didnt bring most of the games, VIDEO COLOR YAMIN was one of the biggest video and electronics stores at that time, they imported every single game that wasnt avaible trought atari VE, they sold them at higher prices but you could find everything, these games are from "video color yamin", BTW video color yamin was also know to bring a really really small number of pieces for games not so popular, so i can assure the even if bomb games or mangia etc.. were imported by them the numbers were less than 6 per game, sometimes this did happen to regular games, i remember buying earthbound big box, and they only had about 6 pieces because of the size, and also mega man x3 even final fantasy games were limited released here.. but of course yo could find mario & sonic everywhere.. LoL.. god the prices were so high, i remember seen th mighty NEO GEO with NAM at 17.000bs about 1000$ at the time.
  6. well they all got the "q.c. passed N" oval sticker in the box and in the cart. i think this means NTSC i havent tested them as they arrived today .. its kind of late here in Venezuela right now to be playing.. i must.. sleep.. now.. sleep... LoL..
  7. hi some might remember i found a mangia in the wild about two years ago, i wasnt really sure if it was NTSC or pal, i plugged in my ntsc atari on an old tv from the early 90's, im posting the pic for it, its kind of hard getting a crispy clear one as its a regular digital camera and a really old tv but i think its good enough, the white lines and ovals seems to be an interference between the camera an tv, it doest appear at all when playing any game. the game plays just fine like any other regular atari game, no distortion of any kind, and of course no flip on the screen (like playing a pal game on ntsc). also i found a pack of CIB BOMB games, how much are these going today?, they are mint! & complete. and all of them had the q.c. passed N sticker(that means NTSC right?) on the same pack i found some spectravision (spectravideo games) all played fine, seems to be NTSC.. any way to confirm this? and some other neat findings from the same lot its true that a pal game ALWAYS would play bad on an ntsc tv with ntsc console???.. like ps2 that plays B/W and the image rolls up all the time? or is it possible to play a pal game without problems on an ntsc atari on a regular ntsc tv. i said regular as it doesnt convert pal, or anything similar. also some background, the games were bought in a store famous at that time, that of course only sold NTSC (venezuela standard) games since atari to ps2 when it closed its doors. i dont spend too much time in the forums, but might start spending a bit more, the work + college, gets most of my spare time but im almost finished with college. so i might reply from time to time. im working on doing a database on gamecollector of my collection to share with you all guys, from a 64DD complete set to a sealed spiker pro volley from INTV but it might take me a wild doing it all. so noone thinks im flaming the forums with rare fake findings or something like that. greetings to all sorry if i misspelled something...
  8. well i live in venezuela, its weird, maybe as i stated before, atari was very popular around the nes days, maybe the took a good part of freeze stocks around US and shipped to VE. as far as i know, i have bought and sell motorodeo, of the wall, ikari, river raid, xenophebe (this one seems to be Out of stock in the warehouse), star raiders (out of stock), vanguard, defender 2, ms pac man, galaxian, milliphede, between anothers... i have to check this month the warehouse around and see how are they doing in stocks. maybe ill post some pics.
  9. cause i really dont know how much to ask for each one im looking for a fair deal.. maybe it would take a wild to define a price. any help about it is welcome
  10. well you have to think of venezuela like an extension of US... we have imported everything from US.. even with the crazy chavez with all the bulls**t about socialism we are importing more than ever(too much money in the wrong hands)... so thats why you will find anything from the states here in venezuela.... in fact, my nes, snes, n64, gamecube, 360, and 80% of my games where bought in the states, too expensive around here.. even today.. (360 is going about 1000$)... and anyone who may ask.. why i will be thinking of selling them... im not so die hard with atari rarities.. i grew up with nes.. and snes more than atari. .. dont get me wrong i LOVE atari was my first console, it came from my dad .... but i prefer collecting what brings me memories...i really prefer to sell them to someone who is a really dedicated atari collector that keeping them for myself.. i dont know... i think that person would appreciate them more... with that money i can buy more games for snes or nes or even some old school consoles im missing like neo geo AES.. i had one of those "time of your life" moment making these findings.. thats enough for me. hope you guys understand my point of view.... BTW this weekend ill be taking some new pics.. and why not maybe a video on youtube.
  11. i found the 3 of them from collectors.... the condor attack and BOMB Assault were found from one guy and mangia from other... i have visited all the atari warehouse around caracas... i also sell motorodeo and ikari.. and had never saw one of these games.. if they were in warehouse i will find them boxed and unopened... i was very common for people around here to travel to miami yearly.. and back in the days we ordered a lot from US catalogs, even clothes.. i know it sounds a lot like a third world country, but it was true... another factor was that atari had a lot of influence in those days in venezuela.. here its really rare to find intellivision, coleco, or vectrex.. we were supplied only with atari games and consoles.. most of the time 2600... even when nintendo was very well intruduced here.. you could go to any electronic store and buy atari games... but really i never saw any of these games before.. the people that i came across didnt knew what they had. and problably ordered from catalog here in venezuela or in the states.. as i know at least the guy of condor and bomb have a house in pompano FL. im been really honest here.. i even post one day my findings about rareness of ikari and motorodeo... about 120 of each is what i saw... last time i checked about 30 of each... the rest of games were... river raid.. realsport baseball.. defender...asteroids... and some others not so rare.. and a LOT of CC(something like that) clones.. some brand new 5200 and 800XL.. accesories like trackball.. also star raiders.. all of them brand new... people around this forums from venezuela will agree about that.. in fact if i wanted to make some money of this..in the ase of finding a lot of these games.. i would post like selling my holy grail in ebay... two three times... and after come here and ask.. or keep it doing... also i know about 3 more people that sell atari games here and they havent came across with one of these.. the only copy of condor attack i saw and also had is a bad made clone LoL... and for the image comparision from alex_79 i can say its NTSC... .. i cant belive it either.. in fact i did a research about 5days before posting.. but wanted to be sure with the experts as i though it was pal just because i find it. LoL
  12. hi i just played the game, NTSC console old ntsc TV. these are my results tomorrow ill upload better pics with a good camera... please help me to find out if its NTSC or PAL.. thanks. BTW i live in caracas Venezuela.
  13. Looks nice! A better top view picture/scan would be great. You better post some screenshots of the game in play too, because pictures of the cart alone don't proof anything about the format of the game. when i get home ill take some pics of the game playing.. if the game booted on my NTSC machine fine its NTSC right?... also ill use my camera to take nicer pics. thanks.
  14. OMG i just found an NTSC Mangia from spectravideo in almost mint condition!!.. only cart BTW... the sticker is brand new.. no scratchs or unglued corners... and the rest of the cart is intact. here are some pics... they are taken with a nokia N73.. it was difficult to show the condition of the cart and the sticker been reflective added some challenge too.. im going to try later to take a good picture with a real camera. im posting because sadly ill sell part of my collection, im having economic issues so i might sell some jewels i have found.. like an ntsc condor attack and BOMB assault nstc with back sticker. so any help about pricing of this cart would be welcome!. i need to get most of them... and really want the people that buy it to take good care of it. thanks CONDOR ATTACK & BOMB ASSAULT
  15. Hi, Assault is NTSC here is the image. also condor attack is NTSC; i already booted both of them on my atari, is there anyway i can confirm that condor attack is NTSC with images?. it doesnt have the same sticker of Assault. BTW i also found while ago a very rare GAME&WATCH machine from GAKKEN king arthur's knight, i might sell it too, do anyone know a website dedicated to these machines, i found handheldmuseum.com, one guy offered 200$. but i want to be sure.
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