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Everything posted by semicolo

  1. The trouble could come from those resistors/inverters instead of Mikey then.
  2. You mean you replaced the lcd screen and the thick lines are still there ? If so, the chip controlling the lcd must be damaged, quite impossible to fix.
  3. TOKI If you liked the arcade version, you'll love what the programmers managed to do on the lynx, you'll find the same shoes to jump higher or the helmet to protect yourself, and the skateboard at level 5. Toki is gorgeous, gameplay is perfect, some bosses are quite hard to deal with, but that's ok, who wants to finish a game in 10 minutes. Graphics : 10 Very good, varies a lot from level to level. Sound : 10 With digitized sounds ("haaaa" when you die...). Music 9 Gameplay : 10 Responds perfect to commands, with increasing difficulty. Overall 10. If you like this sort of games, toki is really one game to own, in fact that's the only one I bought after having my lynx with a bunch of games. I you hate smashing buttons it's probably not for you.
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