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Everything posted by evg2000

  1. @TheMontezuma thanks, it's starting up now! @Torq I need to read through the information for yours, seems like it could be handy. But a lot to digest. What version of python do you need to run? I'm running 3.9.13/64bit
  2. usually white tiles needs to be coated with titanium dioxide or something containing it to emboss it. engraving it would show the material below the ceramic coating, usually not very pretty
  3. I get a class not found for the kohsuke arg4 package. I'm running open JDK: Started openjdk version "11.0.17" 2022-10-18 OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-11.0.17+8 (build 11.0.17+8) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-11.0.17+8 (build 11.0.17+8, mixed mode) Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/kohsuke/args4j/CmdLineException at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:398) at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main(JarRsrcLoader.java:56) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException at java.base/java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:476) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:589) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:522) ... 3 more Finished Press any key to continue . . . I've tried recompiling and including the kosuke jar file and still have issues. Any suggestions?
  4. is there an image of one? just wondering what they look like
  5. aren’t the ceramic tiles actually embossed and not engraved?
  6. I know some people have had issue with hitting one of the buttons on the A400 mini JS ring and reset their game etc. I've designed a solution that is available to download and print. One version has cutouts to get to the buttons, the other doesn't but the plastic is thin enough that you can still press them. https://makerworld.com/en/models/424465#profileId-327847 if you prefer thingiverse the raw files are here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6576425
  7. Did you try reaching out to them? Did you verify they received the return? Did you tell them you will pay the postage to resend it and also pay any postal charges they may have ensured due to the return? If the package never made it back to them, then they should not be required to send you a new one. It's not their fault that you were away, unless you asked them to hold off on sending it.
  8. Have you checked to see if there is a fixed version already? there is a sce version someone did years ago.
  9. i haven’t tried it. if it’s not working post in the BB forum, evie is relay great with responding and implementing fixes.
  10. nice compact design. what’s in the bottom right corner? looks like a volume pot.
  11. there have been issues with some HBs and systems that hav3 been modded or fixed. sometimes the ground is connected properly and this can cause issues
  12. On could be made using something like an arduino, some optocouplers to separate voltages, and various other parts. There is already code to read a snes type controller, so the rest wouldn't be too hard. Even easier if you just cared about the direction and fire and use a wire cable to connect an original controller for the keypad.
  13. thanks for the info about it being an upgraded version!
  14. was gooninuff also an msx port? graphics look very similar
  15. You need to open a cmd window and run the command as shown in the instructions included in the zip. You also have to download the assembler per the instructions. If you follow the instructions it should work. Usage: cvbasic in.bas output.asm The following modules are automatically included as prologue and epilogue of your generated code and these set important variables and helper code: cvbasic_prologue.asm cvbasic_epilogue.asm Afterwards you should assemble your program using tniASM v0.45 available from http://www.tni.nl/products/tniasm.html tniasm output.asm And finally you can test the generated game.rom file using CoolCV, blueMSX, openMSX, or a Flash cartridge for real hardware.
  16. sorry, noobie to cv programming. what is a .VGM?
  17. I used the gosub pause to: I wanted to try the gosub , is this the closest we will have to a function/method? I wanted to be able to do multiple waits without having to inline them. Will we be able to chain multiple .bas files through the assembly process?
  18. Thanks Oscar, I did a quick program, just a bouncing animated bug. I need to play with is some more, but I wanted to give it a try. I need to slow down the animation of the bug and speed up the bug traveling across the screen. So far it seems fun! BUG.BAS bug.rom
  19. @opcode Have you given any consideration to moving off of WP for your site. I get multiple security alerts when I go to the site, plus it's http.
  20. they are, their site isn't secure (http, not https) so you might get a warning from AV software, unfortunately it's a wordpress site. one of the least secure hosting sites around. https://opcodegames.com/digital/order_now.html they have a presence on facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/706207564139338
  21. I think it's available in the link he put in the first post.
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