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Status Updates posted by simbalion

  1. After dealing with the 2009 reboot and hearing what I have heard about Discovery and the Picard series, I think Star Trek should have been allowed to pass on quietly after Enterprise wrapped up. We have the memories and the old shows can be seen over and over.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cybercylon


      Voyager will probably remain in SD. Redoing all of the CGI would be very expensive, and the market is just not there for that series. From what I read, the upgraded TNG did not sell well. I'd really like to see DS9 get that treatment, but that probably won't happen.

    3. BydoEmpire


      I watched TNG yesterday on a 13" tube TV. Looked fine to me... but then again, I also think the 2600 through RF looks fine ^_^

    4. simbalion


      I have all of the TOS on DVD, but it's just the restored versions and not remastered. The remastered stuff looks neat, but personally I prefer the original flaws and all.

  2. After doing a little research on Star Trek V and finding out how many problems happened, it is a miracle the film got made at all. ILM wasn't available, budget cuts, strikes, rewrites, prop issues, studio meddling, and rushed into production by Paramount. You know, I think I appreciate the film more with what they DID manage to accomplish! Oh and the Enterprise model had been damaged before filming on a tour.

    1. jaybird3rd


      It's been suggested that the best way to interpret Star Trek V is to see it as Kirk's dream.  He spent an exhausting day in Yosemite climbing El Cap, he had lots of beans and booze, and then he fell asleep by the campfire.  If everything that happens after that happens only in his dreams, then the movie makes a lot more sense.

    2. MrMaddog


      It's like Rocky V...it never really happened.

    3. jaybird3rd


      (In all seriousness, though, Shatner deserves more credit than he gets.  I don't find many issues with his direction, and the movie does manage to touch upon some big ideas and delivers some powerful moments.  The biggest problems were with the script, and as you say, an unusually fraught production.)

  3. After seeing Disney was going to reboot more movies, I've decided to rename their CEO Bob 'Retread Man' Iger. Seems to be all his version of Disney is able to do.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. jaybird3rd


      ^^ I agree about the Star Wars "Expanded Universe" stuff, which reads like a really crappy Space Silmarillion.  Nothing there worth mining for stories, although Disney's own Star Wars stories haven't been that great either (at least in the movies).  Star Trek has had similar problems telling good stories in the last ~10 years, but it has better ancillary material to draw from; in retrospect, they should have just adapted some of the better Star Trek novels.  Unfortunately, in terms of their influence and relevance, I think both franchises are just about dead.

    3. DragonGrafx-16


      @Flojomojo  If I was born 20 years before you that would make you 8 years old... and I'm pretty sure you aren't. I'm 28, born in 1990...

    4. Flojomojo


      @DragonGrafx-16 I am 20 years older than you, not the other way around. I regret my error and will report to the punishment cubicle post haste.

      @jaybird3rd I took a long break from Star Trek and have yet to watch some of TNG and most of DS9 and Voyager. I wonder how that colors one's view of the franchise? 

      @GoldLeader Star Wars borrowed heavily from Flash Gordon and WWII movies (I gotta watch The Dam Busters someday), and the big clone fights are supposed to evoke the Vietnam war. I feel like the bomber run in The Last Jedi is also homage to a WWII film, but don't know the genre well enough to say which one. 


      Maybe they'll remake some Disney films in anime style next, that always brings out such warm feelings in everyone. ?

  4. After sitting for a year or more, my 1929 Philco 87 console radio is playing once more! Heck, it acted like I had just used it yesterday, which is good for a semi-restored radio with a patched together AC cord.

  5. Almost felt like walking off my job today, but realized that would be a stupid move. Then, came home and found out my dad almost said something that could have cost me my job! ARGH!

    1. Deovin


      I have often thought and dreamed of changing my job, but unfortunately and fortunately I didn't.!!!

  6. Burger King said that eventually all their locations will be only drive thru or take out. Well, one more reason for me to not go there! :) Sorry, I really don't like trying to eat in my car.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GoldLeader


      Drive Thrus rule!   Then ya can take the food home,  eat in front of the TV, and all is well in the world  :)

    3. Joe C.

      Joe C.

      It's annoying when you go to a KFC as an example thinking there's a drive through and looking like there's a drive through to find out there's no drive through!

    4. simbalion


      Here is my thing: I don't usually go fast food unless I am out and about or traveling somewhere. If I can only do drive thru, I will look for the nearest family restaurant or simply grab something at Speedway or Bell stores, which earns me points. The only take out I do at home is pizza!

  7. Cripes! With the prices Amazon is wanting for Arcade1Up products they can just forget it! Almost $400 for the countercades and over $700 for the couple standup units I looked at?!

    1. thanatos


      Those are probably price-gouging 3rd party sellers you're looking at.


    2. simbalion


      It might be. Seems to be all I can find on Amazon right now and was just going by free shipping by Amazon tag on the products.

    3. Elvis


      My MRS. Pacman ordered from Best Buy was 149 dollars. And the Centipede at Game stop was 149. 

  8. Dealing with yet another hard to pin down, northern Ohio seller on Facebook marketplace. Thought I had things set up for after work this afternoon, but he suddenly had to go out. Now thought I would be on the road by now, but all has gone silent.

  9. Does Best Buy ever have the Replicade units in stock? Ours has had the tag and spot for about a year, but I've never seen a unit there! I just about cussed out a manager today over that..

    1. GoldLeader


      At least you have a Best Buy!  I had to make do with Circuit City (R. I. P.),  Well technically there's a Best Buy 50 miles from here...That's where I bought my computer ;)


      But I know how ya feel...Been out of the socks I want at WalMart for 3 months, when they finally get some in,  it's ONE PACK!!   (I dunno...Is that the same?   I think it's the same!...)


      Damn those Replicades are a lotta dough on Ebay!

    2. GoldLeader


      Also did you ask if they're getting any more in?  And what did they say?  For the record WalMart told me the day the socks I wanted should be in and they weren't,...But one pack made it to the other location ...ONE!

    3. simbalion


      I hate asking if they are going to get something in when it's obviously been out of stock for almost a year now. Also, they usually say 'Oh we can order that!' and usually with my work schedule I can't get back up there! Also, driving a van with a dead AC sucks!

  10. East Central Ohio sucks if you like old buildings. One actual historic building I used to pass all the time in Massillon, Ohio bit the dust this past week. The reason? Land owners said it was torn down for 'Possible future development' with no actual stated plans. I should have checked it out when I had the chance. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. simbalion


      You might know the building then as it was one of the few old industrial buildings left by Erie Street and route 21. It had housed a Building 9 construction materials for as long as I can remember and they moved to their new Medina location late last November. I don't live overly far from Massillon and pass through it fairly often and have noticed that the land owners and developers are constantly whittling away at the older areas. Bland, modern retail structures have appeared like a slowly growing cancer. The main core is still intact, though one building burnt due to an electrical fire a few or so years back.

    3. simbalion


      Whoa, that was a long reply! Sorry!

    4. Random Terrain

      Random Terrain

      I was born there, but my family moved around a lot, so I never got a chance to get a good look at the area. Short visits here and there. For example, in the early 1980s, my mother took us to an old burger place she used to go to. I think the name was Watts, but she said everyone called it Watsies (watt seas). 

  11. Finally found my Sega Genesis games and also tested my Sega Nomad with my CiB TaleSpin cart and it still works. Sadly, the LCD screen is starting to show its age. Now, I might buy one of those nice Sega Flashbacks with the cartridge slot.

    1. GoldLeader


      Just for the record,  I had an early ATGames Genesis handheld,  and the cart slot wore out on it ridiculously fast!  I think I only ever changed games about 3 times and it was shot!   The built in games still work fine, but of course the game I was addicted to (Ultimate Qix) isn't one of them.   I'd like to think they have improved over the years...I've still bought and had almost no issues with any of their console Flashbacks (Multiple Atari, ColecoVision, Inty, Genesis, etc.)...But it took me a long time to trust them again.

  12. Finally got the new Dennis DeYoung Album in the mail today! I'm currently listening to it and so far I like the whole thing. It's a sonic soundscape and, while some reviews call it cynical, I think a better term is timely. This is classic DeYoung and his voice is almost timeless.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GoldLeader




      Seems like ya just ordered it!  :)

    3. simbalion


      I ordered it from a seller in Michigan, so it didn't take too long to get here to Ohio. Definitely an Album you want to set aside time to listen to all the way through.

    4. CharlieChaplin


      Listened to two songs of his new album and yes, I like them, so will definitely order the album... (I like both "worlds" Shaw + DDY). Besides, I have three nice A8 drawings (not done by me!) of 1980s pop stars, one of them is DDY...

  13. Finally got the valve spring I needed for my 1952, former Air Force tug. It has been a battle trying to get parts for the Chrysler flathead in the thing, even though the one I have was the most produced of the line. Friend helped me get the final part, but the USPS got it stuck out in California for nearly a month!

  14. First actual day of vacation and my van blows both a front and rear brake line simply trying to back out at home. Sigh...

    1. GoldLeader


      Well,  Darn!   My car did something similar not too long ago...

    2. simbalion


      Good old rust and corrosion setting in. Currently waiting for some place in town to actually get the right line in at the moment. Even the main brake shop was short on line for my van!

  15. Found out that I still love Huckleberry Hound today after seeing a few segments on Boomerang. Sad that they only released one season on DVD and the episodes are edited to boot. Oh well, I can at least dust off my two vintage Huckleberry Hound banks. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. doctorclu


      I bought some archives of Huckleberry Hound a few years back needing some inspiration on how to roll with life and be chill.   Gave me a good laugh when life was a bit strained.

    3. Atariboy


      It's too bad Warner Brothers won't release the rest of them on DVD. Something about music rights apparently. Some of the musical cues came from a sound library that's apparently now cost prohibitive to license them from in order to release them on DVD.

    4. simbalion


      It seems music rights have become a big pain in the arse in recent years. That's the reason why more and more of our favorite shows are either being chopped up or just not shown period anymore.

  16. Got a great Christmas gift yesterday for both me and my dad. The complete boxed set of Red Green on DVD!

    1. Ryan Witmer

      Ryan Witmer

      If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

    2. thanatos


      Keep your stick on the ice!

  17. Got a nice, working Sega Genesis (second model) for $30 this evening. Now I can play my games since I can't find the one I used to have.

    1. GoldLeader


      Money well spent!!!     And in case you wondered, I love my Analogue Mega SG!  If you ever feel the need to luxuriate and want to get the Genesis into HD, well they're the Cat's Meow!

  18. Got Tales of the Gold Monkey on DVD and watched the 'making of' extra. I was rather shocked to find out the show WAS truly a hit and was only cancelled due to ABC playing network politics. No wonder Disney had to bail them out later on!

  19. Had just settled in to sleep when a storm came through over and hour ago and heard a crash that shook the whole house. Part of the big maple tree in our front yard broke and came down on the house ripping our DTV dish off and doing damage to the roof. Can't tell much else right now, but we have possibly more severe storms coming as Ohio gets hit with the remains of that tropical storm. :(


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Atarian7


      Did the whole tree tip over or did it split?  One time, in a house we used to live in, two trees out back blew over roots and all.

      I watched it happen and the wind wasn't even that strong.  The ground was saturated from a lot of rain we had been getting over the past month,

      so it didn't take as much wind as it normally would.

    3. simbalion


      A very large branch split off, almost a tree unto itself. Already had a tree company out here to check things out and give an estimate. Gonna be a little over $6000 to get it down and cleared up due to where it sits, but the guy said if he does things right, our insurance should cover it all. He has the same insurance company that covered the $70,000 repair to his house last year after a drunk driver drove through it.

    4. atari2600land


      The tropical storm Elsa should be on the Atlantic Coast, not Ohio ???

  20. I am enjoying the old Doctor WHO episodes pieced together from sound recordings and using animation better than the last new Doctor WHO episodes I ever watched.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrMaddog


      Yeah the classic episodes had much better writting than production values, while the current ones are the total opposite...

    3. simbalion


      I just finished the second half of The Faceless Ones on BBC America last night. Yes, the reconstructions have flaws, but better than nothing and I still liked it.

    4. cybercylon


      I patiently waited for the steel box version of The Faceless Ones, and I really enjoyed it. Their (BBC's) animated reconstructions are generally not region encoded, but what can trip people up in North America is the fact it is 25 fps, and some devices don't like that. PS4  is fine with it. I plan on getting Fury from the Deep soon.

  21. I am quickly learning to hate Windows 10. Now I remember why I resisted getting it for so long.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. simbalion


      We really didn't want to upgrade from 7 here, but found out Verizon was shutting down our current Jetpack (Only way to get internet for us) and the new one would not work with Mom's computer as it had a slightly older wireless card. Also, the monitor on my HP laptop was getting flaky and for some reason the computer was suddenly like a furnace all the time. You could cook with the air coming out the cooling vents!

    3. Keatah


      Older computers start running hot when the CPU has to use hundreds of old instructions to "make up" for those high-level languages that are geared toward new CPUs that have new instruction sets which do the job in less cycles. Fucking java shit and overbloated APIs.

    4. simbalion


      That explains a few things for sure. Got to the point where I had to be careful on certain sites or it would shut down from getting too hot, yet airflow was fine.

  22. I am recovering from my first (And hopefully last!) kidney stone I've ever had. Doing better today, but I'm going to take tomorrow off from work again to get myself back in order.

    1. cvga


      Ouch! I feel for you. I had my first (and only so far) last fall. It was terrible. They had to surgically remove it.

    2. jd_1138


      Wow, prayers for a speedy recovery and no more of those bastards.

    3. simbalion


      Mine was able to be passed, but at 4mm it was on the fringe of being a more serious stone. Gotta drink more water from now on!

  23. I am so tired of taking up the work load of young workers who are worthless from the time they are hired and/or leave for a new job right as we get them broke in. Of course, my company only wants to pay the bare minimum where other retailers are offering better.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GoldLeader


      PS I'm picking up slack for new workers almost every night right now;  Although we also have hired a couple of good workers which is rare haha...

    3. simbalion


      Giant Eagle doesn't seem to want to adjust their starting wage to compete for some reason. Even the regional brands are offering better. When Walmart and Aldi's can steamroll you on starting wages, you need to adapt!

    4. doctorclu


      Well I can relate.  At least in the past.


      I see the work force out there, especially during CoVid in retail and you can tell the younger workers don't want to be there.


      At my work, it is actually the older workers who are able to slack off, they are praised for being old, and they are afraid to get rid of them, especially when they are the right sex, more media popular race, and accelerated age.  :P   All these buzzwords that will keep that person employed till the day they croak.  And if you call them out on them really not working, you are see as a terrible person.  LOL


      I just salute them for playing the system, and hope I can play it as well when I'm a much older liability.   Or, I'll more than likely retire long before then, and THAT date is only a few years out.

  24. I don't usually watch sports, but when I do, I watch BattleBots!

  25. I finally got a look at the front of our new high school yesterday and am not impressed. It looks like a mismatched stack of Lego blocks, going randomly from one to two to three stories. Also, the 1960 portion they left with the gymnasium, cafeteria, and library. (Two of those might be in the new part now) isn't even attached to the new building with an entry road between them now. Oddly, it also looks a bit smaller than the old school.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. simbalion


      Sadly, I can't say too much more because it drops into the political realm like so much does now. Basically, there was a decade long fight to try and save the building, but in the end the school board and state refused to listen. Before the final vote that finally passed for the new school, state officials came in and told us point blank that there would be no support for renovating the school and no permission for any repairs. Either we accepted the new school or the old one would be allowed to basically collapse on the kids. Yeah, it got that dirty and barely 25% of the voters turned out for that last vote. Hope this doesn't get me in trouble, but it's the only way to explain things. Oh, the new school is barely a year old and already won an Architecture Award. Don't worry, change is already happening with most that forced the new school on us at local level already replaced.

    3. GoldLeader


      My old junior high was rebuilt a year or 2 back and ya know, it looks like mishmashed LEGOs too!

    4. simbalion


      Seems to be the way with modern architecture. We have made many technical leaps, but they are literally crappy, throw away structures that look like crap.

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