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Chopper Commander

Chopper Commander (4/9)



  1. Another Air Raid Wow! . The case looks right although its a dark blue but might just be picture and label seems washed out also. https://www.ebay.com/itm/204600279961?hash=item2fa3208399:g:CXUAAOSwlxFlkzr-&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4HFR91Oq4vco%2BaAA4mJhIPqQn5Gigjja%2FY6lYb1ibQrLUbhHgy7dFiUJaQjlD%2Fq3NiJOInb%2FClv%2F0afYFVmyDyp7OviIDKYu0LVgy6k2%2FDwWnIViFzKmiS7zTOQFqXayrDBEgRhEQCewWSAWAWuoJVfvOOcU7eFWfHfxLIvrtwnqBVX8L%2FFx1mntTfu2aqE8BbXzpBKDp35FAV6D82bkKH5wVRE3LplHNizV5nYFkoNzKtB96Lp2p%2FsXO4XPCjLHk3j44FTLrllGVYbCHWhwqAXCR2QOV19%2BIpJZupzTz0vu|tkp%3ABk9SR4CHsvmYYw
  2. What a great collection considering they are all sealed !!! Curious you never had the urge to complete a Gatefold set during 30 years ??
  3. Yeah i have an old picture of one i think it was CPU's the blue is darker but it is mint in the box!
  4. Hilarious question but does anyone have a box or manual for sale or trade?
  5. I bought the River Patrol it look ok but seems a little light in color to me ?
  6. It looks legit. Haven't seen come up in a while what say you ? https://www.ebay.com/itm/155854324825?hash=item2449a44459:g:5sQAAOSw0L5lPCQM
  7. Wow im glad i could finally express my appreciation to the Author for these videos. Ive been off the site a while but found your videos on youtube a while back. They are simply perfect. The narration the nostalgia and the wealth of research you did was incredible . I love how you showed ads from games in local newspapers and magazines Your sound and video editing is top stuff. They are such a great venue to learning about Atari's history and culture thru the games it produced .
  8. Wait. Were any of the games found in Caracas PAL ?
  9. Also the thought about multiple stashes . As i understood these were all in a Giant Warehouse and multiple parties bought Sections from the main Pile. 2006 was first contact for me from the original Stash . Some titles were probably in multiple thousands or more. That's why there still selling on Ebay 14 years later Venezuela
  10. Ok thats a start. These are the Actual pictures of games available to me in 2011 Just the Atari and Turbgfx not including Coleco, Intellivision,Nintendo or computers . This is from the main find and i think its probably close to what titles were found and available in mass quantities of over 100 to 200 each except some titles that were 20 copies or less. I was set up too buy a huge lot for alot of Money but became suspicious after my initial buy of a couple thousand dollars .
  11. Has anyone ever tried to make a list of the Games found in the Caracas warehouse ? Back in 2006 i was trying to buy the whole room from a guy named Juan I was buying 100's motorodeo and ikari warriors plus others. I still have the pictures he sent of the Room in 2006 . There also turned out to be huge amount of software for computers too mostly Apple II, Atari 800 and Commodore stuff i ended up buying bunch from another guy in 2011. I know there were at least 93 titles available for the 2600 and about 21 for 5200 . Also Colecovision and Intellivision I think it would help with applying rarity to a few carts obviously Motorodeo and Ikari .
  12. Wow you were one of the first buyers =) i didn't hear about them till late 90's .They usually sent a games list with the orders. Thats what i was hoping someone might have. Did you ever order from Telegames or FBE ?
  13. They had mailing List with list flyers. I remember them from Rec.Games.Video.Classic Boards . Like Jerry G and others. Like this 1999 post J.F.S. 4/6/99 We own 1,000,000 Atari 2600/7800 videogames, all games are new and in mint condition with over 40 titles cost is $.80 each + shipping we accept Mastercard and Visa, our site is www.oshealtd.com Thank You O'Shea, Ltd.
  14. Pretty incredible .80 for any cart lol . I Cant even Get a snicker bar for .80 here in Manhattan =P
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