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Everything posted by rush6432

  1. If released on cartridge you shouldnt need to mod the system to play. The necessary tools to encrypt jaguar cartridges and cd's has been around for some time now and can be used on homebrew games. The publishing rights for the jaguar were released into public domain some time ago as well.
  2. You're right, my mistake. db25 parallel port. you can buy one though still from newegg.com for 20-25 USD.
  3. VGLQ.COM ..... those were the days when you could get a jag for like....30 bucks.. this was a long time ago though.
  4. Not cheap, but worth it but seriously though. i mean you can buy a card with a serial port on it for your box these days from newegg.com that are like 20 bucks.... build a cable and transfer speeds are just fine... multiple revisions of the bjl uploader tool exist and have been re-tooled for different platforms. no need to re-invent the wheel....
  5. if im not mistaken the jagulator issue lies in the config file in just defining the ENTIRE path to the boot rom file and not just a portion of it by default. Its been ages since ive really fired up jagulator myself but i seem to remember that being the issue last i messed with it for fun.
  6. Nice!! Im impressed by the cartridge announcement. I assuming your using lz77 compression or something of the likes? Anyhow good to see you are bringing this title to the jag!
  7. Would be cool to see an updated version of wolf3d for the jag. The source code for the jag version from what i understand has not been found but i could be wrong. A collector might be sitting on it... Anyhow, give myself or any of the other devs here a shout if you have any questions on anything. Always happy to help or point you in the right direction atleast.
  8. Skyhammer is cool graphical wise but its not much fun i have to admit. Cool use of the avp engine though. (or atleast it looks to be an advanced version of the avp engine)
  9. Yeah the pro controller definatly has gone up in price. ive still never used one myself. The controller isn't bad. People bash it for the keypad itself but to tell you the truth it can come in handy for debugging purposes in games if not used in the real game and doesnt really get in the way... controller is solid and comfy but over time the rubber grommets under the d-pad and buttons get worn out over time.
  10. Skunk is the best way but bjl is cheaper. Bjl has its quirks i will say that much.
  11. Ive still yet to test ultra vortek over long distance but i might here shortly with jagslave and see if that short distance thing is 100 percent true. The original jvm faq mentions mixed play between local and long distance so it gives me some hope As for other networkable titles, NetWar (i-war beta) supposedly has modem code in it.... never seen the actual rom file myself or tested it but ive heard this from a few. Club drive has modem code too but a quick look at the code doesnt really show a connect sequence screen (enter number or wait for call)... it LOOKS Like it just connects to the other end (probably setup for line simulator) Whats crazy is that its all there.... just disabled. Needs to be turned on with a few flags and compiled and tested. EIther way though, no homebrew games make use of the jaglink yet. Zerosquare did release a demo of how to use this a while back (software uart/bit banging) but it hasnt really been put to use that i know of. I did confirm that i was able to tunnel jaglink connections over ethernet however... Aircars seemed to be the most cooperative... doom struggled as its code is already crippled and neither is meant for latency, but with the doom source it could be implemented possibly.... Hopefully the skunk brings more possibilities as far as networking to the table in the future. Would be very cool to network some jag games over the internet,
  12. Ahh moving to the atari platforms? welcome! i see you have done some cool stuff for the genny.
  13. He's slow on emailing. i was able to get 2 from him a while back. He infact lives not that far from where im at (30-min maybe) I dont personally know the guy though...
  14. I cant say they're horrible because i couldnt do a better job myself composing mod files and i know whats somewhat involved in making tracker modules. They are somewhat bland though...
  15. I think the composer never got paid on those songs either....
  16. Graphics do look nice i have to agree. very smooth nice vibrant colors. great overall job graphics wise. Controls i wish could be better but they are what they are. Not a bad game at all.
  17. Highlander 2 exists.... someone has it here i think and its completed from what i heard but doubtfull it will get out..
  18. Already exists a demo of this but not with rotary from what i understand
  19. Unfortunatly atari probably wasnt going to offer them much for it and nintendo waved the cash in front of them. Given how atari treated developers back then for the jag id say it probably wasnt a bad move on the phear developers part...
  20. That youtube review of the jaguar cd is rediculous. The thing didnt work because he slams the cd lid and jams discs into it. the laser mechanism itself is touchy already but the review makes it out to be worse than it really is by about 10 times... ive owned 3 jag cd units and never had an issue with one of them. Treat the hardware nicely and dont slam the lid and dump "shit" into it along with slamming discs into it and you're fine....
  21. Ahh phear... it became tetrisphere for the n64.... Weather or not a prototype/beta exists is still un-confirmed. There is a video of it somewhere i thought.... i could be wrong though.
  22. While pre-orders do work, the only issue i have with this is un-forseen issues with people having to back out and us having to refund after we have invested the money into parts. Not saying i wouldnt refund someone's money but id rather make sure the parts are paid for and nothing un-forseen can happen. Not saying i wouldnt consider it but just depends.. As for shipping, we do plan to ship internationally so everyone may have a copy. As long as there is a demand for a physical copy, we will produce them. Again this is still a little ways off and we cant say when this will happen but we feel we have hit atleast a halfway or more mark and are considering publishing details at this point so this is a good thing
  23. Update! Making good progress. Id say half the levels are in the game and we are done designing all levels just havnt put them 100 percent in. As for production we have sourced some parts for cartridges and are pricing things out, however this is just something we are doing in advance while we are still finishing up the game. We may only make an initial run of 25 copies due to our limited funding to purchase cartridge parts/chips here. Once we sell the 25 copies and make back our production costs we will re-invest that in parts/chips for more copies to produce more. After we sell about 50 copies, we are thinking we will release the rom file for anyone out there as the free version to load to a skunk/emulator. This free version may contain the actual words "free version" at the bottom of the title screen and or additional credits to certain people/companies within the atari community ect ect blah blah blah <insert other stuff here> This is just our thoughts. We are trying to get a physical cart with box/instructions overlay out there to those that wish to have a complete official "atari like" release. Feedback very welcome. Again we are limited ourselves with funding to throw hundreds of dollars into this up front for productions costs thus the 25 initial and then if demand requires we can make 25 more and then release the rom file.
  24. The programmer is the expensive part. eraser can be had cheap too if you screw up a few eeproms but. i dont know the average price of the programmers because there are quite a few chinese knockoff willems out there but a GOOD name brand one runs like 250-400 from what ive seen in the past. Bulk for cart parts/chips is the way to go as it drops the price significantly as OMF said. Burning beebris wouldnt be illegal since the rom is avail for download and the authors released it for download. Reselling a cart version however might not be a wise idea without consulting the authors for permission though just out of respect. Would be cool to have cartridge versions of all the complete homebrews though
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