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Everything posted by Kirkman

  1. I understand th plugin is causing issues for the forum, but I wanted to say Tapatalk is my primary way of reading this forum. I hope the plugin can be restored. As far as the newest versions of tapatalk, all the old features are still there. Click the profile button at bottom right to get a list of web forums. Click a forum and then click the triple line icon to see all the options for that forum, from browsing sub boards to reading unread messages to search, etc.
  2. Besides the amazing screencasting feature I mentioned, the CE also has an IKBD injector which allows you to use USB gamepads, mice, and keyboards with your ST. The CE also supports a sort of floppy "app store." With the CE connected, using your ST you can download .ST disk images from the internet and start playing right away. Finally, the CE can be configured from the ST, or by SSHing into the Pi from some other PC. The feature that I was most interested in was the network drive. It gives me a seamless way to share a folder on my Mac with the Atari.
  3. The CosmosEx is new, and pretty awesome. Works as a floppy emulator and an SD card reader. It can also let your Atari read from an NFS shared volume on your Mac/PC. And if that's not enough, it also has a really cool screencasting feature that lets you control your Atari ST from a web browser on another computer.
  4. Weird! I will contact my ISP ASAP and try to get that sorted out. For what it's worth, I just updated the blog post with a new video. It includes sound effects as well as combat animation (surprisingly bloody). I have not seen the end of the game, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's pretty cool. The graphical client is full of little details. To give just two examples: * At the title screen, there is a torch flickering. If you let the computer sit and the title screen, the fire will slowly burn up the "Thieves Guild" banner across the top of the screen. * Sometimes the game tells you (in text) that it has begun to rain. If you have a combat interaction after this, animated rain is superimposed over the combat graphics. --Josh
  5. There were plenty of Atari ST BBS games back in the day, but I only know of one which came with a graphical front-end client: Thieves Guild. It took me a long time (and required real hardware) to be able to actually play it. Once I obtained a Mega STe, I wanted to make a video showing what the Thieves Guild front-end looked like in action. The CosmosEx's new remote screencast made that a possibility. Here's my first attempt: http://breakintochat.com/blog/2014/11/12/hatari-lantronix-and-cosmosex-my-quixotic-quest-to-play-thieves-guild/ --Josh
  6. I bought a working mega STe several months ago, and the floppy drive works. I haven't tried making disk images with it yet (I imaged my own ST stuff with an iMac many years ago), but assume I can.
  7. What a cool magazine. Wish I had heard of it back in the day. Does anyone have .st disk images of the Atari ST version?
  8. Al, just wondering if anything ever came of this. --Josh
  9. Sounds awesome. If you get that ironed out, I would be a very, very happy camper. I've been using it without copy/paste for years now. --Josh
  10. I will second that. SyncTerm is awesome. SyncTerm runs on the Mac, with one important caveat: it does NOT have copy-and-paste functionality. This is a longstanding annoyance for Mac users like me, but the software's author doesn't have access to a Mac, and can't add the feature. Apple changed some function call (or something) back around Leopard or Snow Leopard, and SyncTerm hasn't had copy/paste since then. --Josh
  11. This is a pretty awesome project. Thanks for sticking with it and putting so much into it! I grew up calling FoReM XEP and ST boards in St. Louis, and I run a private Synchronet board today. --Josh
  12. Hope they fix this quickly. It's disappointing it's taken the host so long to resolve.
  13. Same here. Can't wait for a cartridge.
  14. Has something changed with Tapatalk? I can't seem to get any forum updates in the app since yesterday evening.
  15. I used Atari800MacX.
  16. The Closer To Home collection has Atari Toons as an ATR file, along with example .SHO animations: ftp://ftp.pigwa.net/stuff/collections/Closer%20To%20Home%20Archive/Magazines/ABBUC/267.zip And fwiw, I wrote a blog about this last month.
  17. Gozar, seems some of my Textile coding in an entry from last fall was breaking the feed. I use the NewsBlur newsreader, which I guess is more forgiving of broken feeds, and everything looked normal there. Thanks for the heads up. I fixed the feed and it now validates. I don't know how long it will take for Feedly to update, though.
  18. Weird. I don't use feedly, so I'll have to investigate. Have you tried re-subscribing?
  19. Wanted to resurrect this thread because I've posted some ATASCII animations on my blog. In 1985, ANTIC Magazine published Mat*Rat's "Atari 'Toons" program, then asked readers to enter an animation contest. The winner would receive a 1200 baud modem. The video captures I made show the winning animations from ANTIC's contest, as well as two example animations created by Mat*Rat himself. The Atari 'Toons program allowed users to customize the ATASCII character set. The image above uses such a modified character set.
  20. Charlie, Can you describe how you configured remserial? I have used different tools on my Mac to do something similar (basically tcpser + socat), and it worked, but there were a number of problems. So I'm wondering if remserial might work better. --Josh
  21. Hi all. Anyone have a Lantronix UDS-1100 they're not using? Give me a holler, I'm looking for one. --Josh
  22. I had never heard of Another World until I learned about this project. Unfortunately I was too late for the first run, but I got my name on the second run list. I still have never played the game, so my first experience with (I hope) will be on the Jag. Imagine my surprise when this popped into my podcast feed the other day: http://retronauts.libsyn.com/retronauts-pocket-episode-17-another-worldout-of-this-world A Retronauts episode entirely about Another World. Too bad they didn't mention the Jag port, but still it was an interesting show. Made me want the Jag cart even more!
  23. Kirkman = me. I think I posted a question about Fido archives there, which is probably why you were posting that reply. --Josh
  24. This is pretty epic. I love it. BTW, Doc, would you consider a link to the BiC LoRD article rather than Wiki-delete-BBS-game-articles-pedia?
  25. Thanks for your compliments! Yeah, I've been surprised to learn about all the more recent developments for the Jag. I wasn't able to get in on the first round of "Another World," for example, but I hope they'll do another.
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