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pboland last won the day on January 9 2013

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About pboland

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    Classic Video Games, and Electronic Drumming
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  1. To be totally honest, I think this is nothing more than a numbers thing. Boomers & Millennials out number GenX 2 to 1. So of course they are going to see themselves as the focus of things just because of the numbers.
  2. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but I might (key word is might) be able to make something like this happen. I'm currently waiting on some brushed label material. If I can get this to work for the 7800, I should be able to get it to work of the 2600 jr as well. Sorry but the 5200 is too large to work with my printing set-up (same goes for the Colecovision face plate). More to report soon...
  3. I know I'm bumping an old topic, but I was looking at a book I have called "How to Repair Video Games" by Robert Goodman (from 1978). I was thinking of scanning it and decided to do a search to see if it has already been done. And it has. Here's the link: https://archive.org/details/how-to-repair-video-games-robert-goodman/mode/2up I was trying to find out what was used as the game chip for the 5000. Unfortunately, this book stops at the 4000. I'm putting this link here because it has some really good technical info in it on many (not all) Odyssey units. Including the original Odyssey and 100-500 (I think) & the 4000.
  4. That's Cool! Yes those are O3 controllers. I think you might be right about them just using what ever they had. You have a very odd beast on your hands. Most likely quite collectable too.
  5. That's a great find! BTW, I couldn't help but notice that the joysticks look a little odd for the O2 (NOT the 4000 unit). They look kind of like the O3 controller from what little I can see of them behind the O2 voice module. Do you have a better picture of the joysticks? This person didn't happen to have a unit for sale called the Odyssey 3 Command Center? O3's look like this:
  6. I know this post is from 2005, but I thought it would be neat to adjust for inflation in 2024. And that $24.97 game in 1980 would cost (wait for it)....$94.65 today. That was using this calculator: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ Just to test the calculator, I put in the $57.23 form 2004 to today and got $94.63. Only off by 2 cents.
  7. I've had a couple more people ask me about cleaning a cart for a new label. I sent them to this topic. It may be an older topic but the info is still valid.
  8. You can order just the end labels. Please keep in mind I can not guaranty a 100% color match to a 40 plus year old face label. It will be close, but not 100%. Also keep in mind I still have a $25.00 minimum order (not including shipping). PM me if you want to place an order. 🙂
  9. Yep. Please PM (personal message) for more details.
  10. @theonlygood I had some time today to give this a go. Funny thing, as I was taking dimensions of my "Frogs and Flies" cart, the original label fell off. I put it in the image for reference. The label I show here is a one off that I cut by hand as a test. It is a single wrap around label. I'll keep in on my desk for a week or so to make sure the label sticks well. It's not exactly like your label, but it's close. I flipped the image, moved the M-network logo, simplified the main image art a tad, and changed the title label area with a font that more closely matches the box font (added the original copyright info to make it feel more authentic ).
  11. Those look nice! I don't know if you really need me to "run with this" being that your labels look really good. If you want I can try putting something like this together. The only thing that stands out to me might be the textured surface of the carts in that area. I find that most label stock really needs a super smooth surface to stay on. Any little bit of texture tends to be an issue over time (corners start to come up).
  12. right...April fools I could see a homebrewer working on something like this however.
  13. This might be true, but if a new significant revision is ever released, making it look exactly like the current version is a very bad idea. It will create confusion with consumers and they will not understand why they should purchase a newer console that looks like the one they already own ("I think I already own that"). I know, some are going to say "make a six switch model". That might be possible but, new molds would need to be made and making new or modifying molds is really expensive. It would be a better option to just reuse the molds they already have. This means only small cosmetic changes can be made that have nothing to do with the molds and that is where the Vader style console idea comes in. BTW, don't under estimate the physical shape of the 2600 console itself. I would bet that the shape is just as recognizable as the wood grain.
  14. Not necessarily. I think you are correct about the form factor. People recognize the shape of an Atari 2600, but a slightly modified Vader style system might work. Maybe not the red text (I was playing with a splash of color so it wasn't so B&W looking) but, I think you guys get the idea. I was trying to add in the brushed metal look, but it's hard to show in a still image.
  15. I got a feeling that many who are new to collecting Atari 2600 carts (because of the 2600+) are going to have the same issue as the OP. Many of these new collectors don't know or don't want to clean carts. I'm guessing because they are nervous that they might break/ruin something. I really think a cartridge cleaning kit might be a very good idea. I know most seasoned collectors see cleaning kits as unnecessary (I know I do, since I know how to clean carts), but for new users/collectors it might make them feel a little better about those old carts. Just a thought.
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