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atari2600land's Blog - Giuseppe


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This is a Mario Bros. knock-off I started working on after I got mad at Mario Bros. for the 2600. Right now there's a few bugs


CODErem : bug list


rem : if fireball is touched, cat goes down and is ready to kick

Plus probably some I don't know. And yes, it's a cat. It could be anything. I was trying to make it look like the green thing and it ended up being a cat. The sprite could change (and probably will). Oh, and there's no coins yet. If the fireball is touched and the cat goes down, the cat comes back to life. And you have infinite lives (will program lives at the end.) As for the name, I was trying to think up something Italian to match Mario and Luigi. So, should I keep working on this?



Attached File(s)



giuseppe2.bas.bin ( 4K )

Number of downloads: 0


giuseppe2.bas ( 4.93K )

Number of downloads: 0






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