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Atari 2600 game you play the most (of all time)


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VCS has many awesome games but every system has one game you will play forever and for the 2600 for me it has always been Vanguard, it's like the granddaddy of Konami's Salamander and I prefer the colourful VCS graphics to the 5200 arcade carbon copy graphics. I will still be playing this in decades ahead :)


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Actually the "granddaddy" of Salamander is Scramble

Salamander alternates vertical and horizontal scrolling shmup levels, so Scramble may be the single celled Amoeba of all shmups but Vanguard was the first shmup I know of that alternated between vertical and horizontal scrolling levels.

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Salamander alternates vertical and horizontal scrolling shmup levels, so Scramble may be the single celled Amoeba of all shmups but Vanguard was the first shmup I know of that alternated between vertical and horizontal scrolling levels.


Salamander, Konami 1986 http://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=9410

Salamander was originally a spin-off of Gradius



Gradius, Konami 1985 http://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=7987

This is a horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up where the player destroys waves of oncoming enemies.



Scramble, Konami 1981 http://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=9447

Player controls a spaceship that must infiltrate the enemy Scramble system in this side-view shooter/bomber classic.


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There are 100s of vertical OR horizontally scrolling shoot'em up games from Gradius/Nemesis backwards chronologically and its progressive weapons upgrade system rather than it's scrolling background are the greatest improvement to gameplay in Gradius (and this is the spin off aspect of Gradius) including limited shielding (seen in Vanguard first).


Salamander however is different to gradius in a few areas.


1. The play area although horizontally scrolling in Gradius/Nemesis does allow some 20% vertical movement if you move your vic viper to top or bottom edge and continue doing so, Salamander does not provide this extra breathing space, the screen width is the play area width too.

2. The weapons upgrades are generic tokens in Gradius which you accumulate and use with strategy (multiple or laser first etc) in Salamander they are specific instant upgrades for specific weapons/feature upgrades so you literally pick up a ripple laser pack upgrade instantly.

3 Salamander is the first one I know of after Vanguard (there may be others) that has a specific map which requires the game to be changed from horizontal to vertical shmup sections combining two previously separate game types and alternating back and forth between H/V scrolling again many times in order to play through the entire game to completion.


4. Salamander and Vanguard have speech, Scramble and Nemesis/Gradius do not.


5. Scramble has no shield power up, Vanguard/Nemesis/Salamander do however (even if Vanguard's is time limited and Konami classics are hit sustained limited)


So for that reason whatever Wikipedia says Salamander has nothing more in common with Scramble than it scrolls the screen SOME OF THE TIME from left to right (although technically Scramble like many early arcade machines is using a monitor rotated 90 degrees in the cab so it is technically a vertically scrolling game too as far as the executed machine code goes). Like I said Scramble is a single celled organism and Vanguard is the equivalent of the mammal that outlived the dinosaurs if Salamander is the modern human in gaming style evolutionary terms.


YMMV and we shall agree to disagree methinks :)

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