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OIL'S WELL Atari 5200


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That's a good question -- does the Atari 8-bit version use the keyboard for anything? I did play the game for a bit on the 5200, but it's been so long since I played the Atari 8-bit version I don't remember now. I didn't actually try pressing any of the keypad buttons on the 5200 keypad.




Doesn't look like it from the instruction manual scan over at Atari Mania. As long as the Start, ESC, and Option keys from A8 have been mapped over to the corresponding 5200 controller buttons, then it should have the same functionality as the A8 original.




The Colecovision version didn't have an overlay for it. So the only other versions that might have multi-button options would be the MSX, IBM PC, or Apple // versions.

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start = start

* = select difficulty

pause = pause/resume


As with all my conversions it was done for fun and is published in this thread as a binary image for the Atarimax Ultimate SD or 128-in-1 or for running under emulation.


That someone wanted Al to make a cart of it is fine, but in buying one that's what you are paying for, not for the actual conversion.

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start = start

* = select difficulty

pause = pause/resume


As with all my conversions it was done for fun and is published in this thread as a binary image for the Atarimax Ultimate SD or 128-in-1 or for running under emulation.


That someone wanted Al to make a cart of it is fine, but in buying one that's what you are paying for, not for the actual conversion.

Thanks for the clarification, as well as creating these conversions. It's fun to see them running on the 5200. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

start = start

* = select difficulty

pause = pause/resume


As with all my conversions it was done for fun and is published in this thread as a binary image for the Atarimax Ultimate SD or 128-in-1 or for running under emulation.


That someone wanted Al to make a cart of it is fine, but in buying one that's what you are paying for, not for the actual conversion.


Thanks for all of the work and effort on your part in doing such conversions. I'd love to see a compiled page - if one doesn't already exist - that credits all of the people doing the conversions and mods out there. Unless that would raise legal issues, of course...


After I receive the game, it'll probably be another week before I get the chance to play it. I'll be using a digital stick though since none of my stock 5200 joysticks work.

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