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Xbox One - The System That Grows


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I think internet is a poor way to process data. I mean, no matter how good it is, it will still have latancy issues.


At least, until we get into quantum computing, and the neat stuff that goes with that. You could communicate instantly between point a and b, of course, by then, the same processor will be doing multiple tasks with each bit simultaneously so, at that point, off system processing will be useless again.


Anyhow, saving small amounts of data, sure, but as cool as it sounds, runing AI or processing other stuff over the net will never work very well.

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Either the effects of this magical "cloud" processing are going to be minimal to negligible,

or there are going to be severe negative side effects at the slightest hiccup of the internet connection.


Almost sounds like microsoft is trying to shoehorn that "always online" scheme that everyone loved so much back in.

Edited by warmachine
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Like it or not always online is going to be part of the future of video gaming and frankly I don't see the problem with it considering most people's home computers as well as cable and satellite television services have been always online for years now and those services have proven to be reliable enough for daily use. Their are ways of processing data packets so that even a spotty connection can still communicate with remote servers with little to no latency issues, Playstation Now and it's ability to STREAM Playstation 3 games is a good example, seriously people need to stop being so negative, its almost like they want to see progress halted.


And for the record Sony was planning to include many of the features Microsoft originally introduced at that E3 unveil but did a 180 at the last minute then lied about it to boost their image, this is something both companies want to introduce, many games already have introduced, and something I for one look forward to because apparently I'm a little more optimistic than some and I want to see something new that brings the wow factor I took for granted when I was a kid.

Edited by mipaol
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The "wow factor" you're looking for is nothing more than the delusional ravings of markerters hoping to

sell the "hot new thing", but delivering the "same old crap".

This is a nearly $100 billion industry with multi billion dollar corporations constantly fighting for dominance.

By the time you get to see this "wow factor" it will be nothing more than dried up carcass once the corporations find a way of shaking their profit from it.

Edited by warmachine
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Technically MMOs are already using the "cloud" to a heavy extent. And with it has come the excuse that we can't expect the same level of detail and complexity of offline games due to network throughput.


SONY's new Playstation Now (streaming games) is just a way to switch us from an "own" to "lease" mentality.


For folks that don't mind paying for the experience with the understanding that it's only going to last as long as there is enough profits to keep the infrastructure going it's fine for what it is.


I just like being able to have experiences that aren't reliant on all that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's important to note that Sony can just as easily add API functionality to the PS4. The only difference is that Microsoft's updates are more visible due to the DirectX branding.


Also, a DirectX update doesn't make a system more powerful. You'll rarely see any performance benefit from a DirectX update. What it will bring is more rendering functionality, which can make games look better. Those extra features come at a cost though, especially on a lower powered platform (compared to a high-end gaming PC) like the Xbox One (and PS4 as well).


The bottom line is that the Xbox One and PS4 are pretty evenly matched, regardless what the fanboys will have you believe. The better system to buy is the one that has more games that you're interested to play. I personally own both consoles, but the PS4 is generally getting more use and I have way more PS4 games pre-ordered over the next 12 - 18 months. I'm sure there are others who have the completely opposite experience from me.

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And for the record Sony was planning to include many of the features Microsoft originally introduced at that E3 unveil but did a 180 at the last minute then lied about it to boost their image, this is something both companies want to introduce, many games already have introduced, and something I for one look forward to because apparently I'm a little more optimistic than some and I want to see something new that brings the wow factor I took for granted when I was a kid.


Given I haven't heard this before I'm trying to google up reports about this but so far it's coming up empty. Where'd you read about this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That wow factor you had as a kid came about because the games either hadn't been done before, or you hadn't seen them before.


Name early 2600 games, and often, you got an original game, or one that hadn't been done to death yet. Now days, it's just the same garbage rehashed again and again. I find things like portal or minecraft exciting, even though they aren't particularly pretty, because they are fresh not done to death games.


As far as "always on in the home" Uh... I rarely hook my computer up to the net, and surprisingly it works perfectly fine without it. I use the net a few times a week. TV? I haven't actually had cable in over a decade, to easy and cheap to get movies and shows I would prefer without watching fifteen minutes of commercials every hour....and this is coming from someone who does NOT believe in pirating shit off the internet. It could be even cheaper, or free, if I did.


In fact, the only device I have that only gets used on a network exclusively, would be a cellphone, and that's because I get a cheap one, not a tablet, so no music, games, or art programs to play with.

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