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another new Centipede


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Funny changes. :) Thanks for sharing it!




Read Me ;) :


"Welcome back to yet another CENTIPEDE hack CENTIPEDE REV ! Why so many hacks, nobody knows. Maybe it's because I once owned a sit-down CENTIPEDE arcade unit. It actually had a pause button on it. Not sure if that was a prototype, but probably was. Or I still have an arcade MILLIPEDE in my living room. Whatever it is, I took the chance and the time to figure out what makes the 7800 CENTIPEDE tick. And by now there's not much about the game that I don't know about. That allows me the liberty to do what I want when I want.

We now know what PMI stands for so what's this REV stand for? REV = Reverse. Does the Centipede do a moon dance and go backwards? No. It's the mushroom growth is in reverse. Spawned from a way-before-after-dark Pac-man hack, where the screen started off blank and then you had to do something to light up the screen with graphics. Same thing here. The playfield starts off blank and then the Centipede zigzags across the screen. So you shoot randomly across the screen to locate where the mushrooms might reside. And 3 shots later that mushroom is gone, and so on and so on. The game actually gets much more interesting at over 300K points if you play that long. The Flea is very active filling the playfield with mushrooms. By then you're hooked and can't put your joystick down, or your trackball. Again thanks to Mr. Kenfused for his Trakball version, which is modified and included in this kit. The game was originally designed to have auto-fire invoked so you wouldn't have to hold the fire bottom down so much. But there were too many times that the timing required you to not have automatic firing. So I removed that feature. It's listed at the bottom of the included change list if you went to try it. The game is re-wired for invincibility as with time it's necessary to be invincible with all the Centipede activity at the bottom of the playfield.

Hope you enjoy the CENTIPEDE REV game!

Now I'll get back to PP3 debug. I sure hope it's something easy. I really want to get this game out there real soon.

Blue Azure"

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