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I think i've found a new XB bug


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I have tested this in Extended Basic v110, XB 2.7 suite, and RXB 2015E in Classic99, as well as my physical copy of Extended Basic v110

On any program line, type


When listed, the invisble character will be turned into a PRINT.

And yes, it is a valid executable line of code.



and it will faithfully print hello.

It does not work in immediate mode (gives * UNRECOGNIZED CHARACTER error), and does not work in normal TI Basic.

I am little lost by this...

I did not think the TI supported command abbreviations?

I know C64 has abbreviations for just about everything, usually the first letter followed by a SHIFTED-second letter (L-<SHIFT>-i for "list" etc.)

I have a video of this behavior in action.

Can anyone please explain this to me?


Edited by ramidavis
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I have tested this in Extended Basic v110, XB 2.7 suite, and RXB 2015E in Classic99, as well as my physical copy of Extended Basic v110

On any program line, type


When listed, the invisble character will be turned into a PRINT.

And yes, it is a valid executable line of code.



and it will faithfully print hello.

It does not work in immediate mode (gives * UNRECOGNIZED CHARACTER error), and does not work in normal TI Basic.

I am little lost by this...

I did not think the TI supported command abbreviations?

I know C64 has abbreviations for just about everything, usually the first letter followed by a SHIFTED-second letter (L-<SHIFT>-i for "list" etc.)

I have a video of this behavior in action.

Can anyone please explain this to me?


When you type in a program it is kept in the RECALL BUFFER at VDP >08C0 that holds 153 bytes and XB takes that and turns it into tokens

and stores them at >0820 that holds 163 bytes.

All you did is find a key combination that makes a Token character, so here is the list of XB tokens and values:

*      EQU  >80               spare token
ELSEZ  EQU  >81               ELSE
SSEPZ  EQU  >82               ::
TREMZ  EQU  >83               $
IFZ    EQU  >84               IF
GOZ    EQU  >85               GO
GOTOZ  EQU  >86               GOTO
GOSUBZ EQU  >87               GOSUB
RETURZ EQU  >88               RETURN
DEFZ   EQU  >89               DEF
DIMZ   EQU  >8A               DIM
ENDZ   EQU  >8B               END
FORZ   EQU  >8C               FOR
LETZ   EQU  >8D               LET
BREAKZ EQU  >8E               BREAK
UNBREZ EQU  >8F               UNBREAK
TRACEZ EQU  >90               TRACE
UNTRAZ EQU  >91               UNTRACE
INPUTZ EQU  >92               INPUT
DATAZ  EQU  >93               DATA
RESTOZ EQU  >94               RESTORE
RANDOZ EQU  >95               RANDOMIZE
NEXTZ  EQU  >96               NEXT
READZ  EQU  >97               READ
STOPZ  EQU  >98               STOP
DELETZ EQU  >99               DELETE
REMZ   EQU  >9A               REM
ONZ    EQU  >9B               ON
PRINTZ EQU  >9C               PRINT
CALLZ  EQU  >9D               CALL
OPTIOZ EQU  >9E               OPTION
OPENZ  EQU  >9F               OPEN
CLOSEZ EQU  >A0               CLOSE
SUBZ   EQU  >A1               SUB
DISPLZ EQU  >A2               DISPLAY
IMAGEZ EQU  >A3               IMAGE
ACCEPZ EQU  >A4               ACCEPT
ERRORZ EQU  >A5               ERROR
WARNZ  EQU  >A6               WARNING
SUBXTZ EQU  >A7               SUBEXIT
SUBNDZ EQU  >A8               SUBEND
RUNZ   EQU  >A9               RUN
LINPUZ EQU  >AA               LINPUT
*      EQU  >AB               spare token (LIBRARY)
*      EQU  >AC               spare token (REAL)
*      EQU  >AD               spare token (INTEGER)
*      EQU  >AE               spare token (SCRATCH)
*      EQU  >AF               spare token
THENZ  EQU  >B0               THEN
TOZ    EQU  >B1               TO
STEPZ  EQU  >B2               STEP
COMMAZ EQU  >B3               ,
SEMICZ EQU  >B4               ;
COLONZ EQU  >B5               :
RPARZ  EQU  >B6               )
LPARZ  EQU  >B7               (
CONCZ  EQU  >B8               &          (CONCATENATE)
*      EQU  >B9               spare token
ORZ    EQU  >BA               OR
ANDZ   EQU  >BB               AND
XORZ   EQU  >BC               XOR
NOTZ   EQU  >BD               NOT
EQUALZ EQU  >BE               =
LESSZ  EQU  >BF               <
GREATZ EQU  >C0               >
PLUSZ  EQU  >C1               +
MINUSZ EQU  >C2               -
MULTZ  EQU  >C3               *
DIVIZ  EQU  >C4               /
CIRCUZ EQU  >C5               ^
*      EQU  >C6               spare token
LNZ    EQU  >C9               LINE NUMBER CONSTANT
*      EQU  >CA               spare token
ABSZ   EQU  >CB               ABS
ATNZ   EQU  >CC               ATN
COSZ   EQU  >CD               COS
EXPZZ  EQU  >CE               EXP
INTZ   EQU  >CF               INT
LOGZ   EQU  >D0               LOG
SGNZZ  EQU  >D1               SGN
SINZ   EQU  >D2               SIN
SQRZ   EQU  >D3               SQR
TANZ   EQU  >D4               TAN
LENZ   EQU  >D5               LEN
CHRZZ  EQU  >D6               CHR$
RNDZ   EQU  >D7               RND
SEGZZ  EQU  >D8               SEG$
POSZ   EQU  >D9               POS
VAL    EQU  >DA               VAL
STRZZ  EQU  >DB               STR$
ASCZ   EQU  >DC               ASC
PIZ    EQU  >DD               PI
RECZ   EQU  >DE               REC
MAXZ   EQU  >DF               MAX
MINZ   EQU  >E0               MIN
RPTZZ  EQU  >E1               RPT$
*      EQU  >E2               unused
*      EQU  >E2               unused
*      EQU  >E3               unused
*      EQU  >E4               unused
*      EQU  >E5               unused
*      EQU  >E6               unused
*      EQU  >E7               unused
NUMERZ EQU  >E8               NUMERIC
DIGITZ EQU  >E9               DIGIT
UALPHZ EQU  >EA               UALPHA
SIZEZ  EQU  >EB               SIZE
ALLZ   EQU  >EC               ALL
USINGZ EQU  >ED               USING
BEEPZ  EQU  >EE               BEEP
ERASEZ EQU  >EF               ERASE
ATZ    EQU  >F0               AT
BASEZ  EQU  >F1               BASE
*      EQU  >F2               spare token (TEMPORARY)
VARIAZ EQU  >F3               VARIABLE
RELATZ EQU  >F4               RELATIVE
INTERZ EQU  >F5               INTERNAL
SEQUEZ EQU  >F6               SEQUENTIAL
OUTPUZ EQU  >F7               OUTPUT
UPDATZ EQU  >F8               UPDATE
APPENZ EQU  >F9               APPEND
FIXEDZ EQU  >FA               FIXED
TABZ   EQU  >FC               TAB
NUMBEZ EQU  >FD               #
VALIDZ EQU  >FE               VALIDATE
*      EQU  >FF               ILLEGAL VALUE

The above is from the XB Source code Token table.

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It looks as if all the <Ctrl> key combinations will do this, except for <Ctrl>< Try this:

NUM 10





and then LIST and you will see that each line has a valid XB statement.

This is of questionable utility because you cannot see what you have entered until you list it, but still pretty interesting!

TI BASIC does not do this; instead you get a BAD NAME error message.

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