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Alternate Dev Sys/Cart environment?

Andrew Davie

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OK, I'm starting to think that my Krokodile Cart is a bit long in the tooth. Perhaps my time is better spend buying a new cart that's more modern (and capable)?  I really have been out of the loop for a decade, but essentially I want something that I can download to on-the-fly after each assembly, and maybe hit reset on the '2600 and see the results.

What are my options?

Last I looked it was CuttleCart and KrokodileCart

The most "up-to-date" I am is thinking about Harmony Encore/Gold. But it seems that that maybe does not implement 3E bankswitching correctly...?  I say that because I've had quite a few reports in the Sokoboo thread about people having issues.

Can someone please recommend something that would be suitable for my needs?

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I've been using the UnoCart 2600 the last couple of months. Best of all: it's Open Source, so if something doesn't work, it's rather easy to update the code. But that's not necessary for 3E, because even Bad Apple works like a charm on it. If you send me a test-case I can doublecheck this for you.


Edit: the reset button approch does not work out of the box, but you can go for a Wi-Fi sdcard to upload your stuff. Then it'll be poweroff/-on, hit Firebutton or game reset, if it's the only file on the cart. There's a thread about this here somewhere...

Edited by SvOlli
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