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The review of A-Z of Atari ST Games Volume 3 book RetroLaird is trying to delete!

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9 hours ago, PlanB said:

I do think it might be an overreaction to describe Laird as a psychopath. In saying that though, when I spoke to him on the retro canteen chat a few weeks ago, he discussed how he finally fell out with Chris Wilkins, and said: "he may have fooled me at first, but he didn't fool my mother." ?????

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1 hour ago, Spector said:

I do think it might be an overreaction to describe Laird as a psychopath. In saying that though, when I spoke to him on the retro canteen chat a few weeks ago, he discussed how he finally fell out with Chris Wilkins, and said: "he may have fooled me at first, but he didn't fool my mother." ?????

He's not a psychopath, he's just a very naughty boy! ;)

We've been through this before, he's a sociopath. Simple as that. No ifs, ands or buts.
It's undeniable.
But anyhoo.

There have been several posts here that have wandered from the topic in hand; not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, but we need to remain focused on the singular reason for this particular thread.

People have suggested not "rising to the bait". For some that is virtually impossible, because at times he does sink to fairly loathsome levels that cannot be shrugged off and ignored. Other times he is like a dripping tap and keeps on and on at people like a dog with a bone.
(Yes, I understand the irony of that last sentence but harsh times call for harsh measures.)

Those who are targets for his repeated and unspeakable attacks have not done ANYTHING to instigate such actions.
The only crime for some is they have not recognised the genius that is the godlike Kieren Hawken and his encyclopedic (almost Wikipedic) knowledge of the industry and all its complexities.
They have somehow slighted him and this is the ultimate crime, for he is beyond reproach or criticism. To do so is to find oneself on his list of detractors who will thenceforth find themselves slagged off endlessly and without any foundation in truth throughout the scene.
Rumour, slander and libel will be the tools of his trade as he mindlessly spreads lies to anyone who will give him time.

He cannot, as has been suggested by myself and others, simply go away and live in his own gilded bubble, creating his masterpieces of journalistic majesty and get comfort from the praise that falls upon his every word from the legion of adoring fans these creations always garner.
He has some innate need to attack anyone he sees as worth his ire.
You may never have heard of him before but if you have gone on record as saying something that may be based in irrefutable fact, if he thinks differently then consider yourself on his "naughty list".

He will never disappear. He is the eternal turd. Sometimes his stench may blow in your direction, sometimes another. You may, if you are lucky avoid getting any underfoot, but you'll always get the stink.

He will fly in the face of rules and regulations, of social and personal mores simply because they don't apply to him.
His world is not built on the concerns, worries, feelings or sympathies of others. His world revolves purely around himself and his catalogue of delusion.

He has an eye for weakness, for a victim and through experience he knows how to play his victims. He will use them for whatever purpose he sees fit, then discard them and if they are lucky they may be forgotten, but the chance of that is always low.
Everyone who has crossed his path has suffered his wrath to some extent at one time or another.
He is a god and we are fools not to realise this and cry it from the rooftops.

This our crime.


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2 hours ago, Landstalker said:

He's not a psychopath, he's just a very naughty boy! ;)

We've been through this before, he's a sociopath. Simple as that. No ifs, ands or buts.
It's undeniable.
But anyhoo.

There have been several posts here that have wandered from the topic in hand; not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, but we need to remain focused on the singular reason for this particular thread.

People have suggested not "rising to the bait". For some that is virtually impossible, because at times he does sink to fairly loathsome levels that cannot be shrugged off and ignored. Other times he is like a dripping tap and keeps on and on at people like a dog with a bone.
(Yes, I understand the irony of that last sentence but harsh times call for harsh measures.)

Those who are targets for his repeated and unspeakable attacks have not done ANYTHING to instigate such actions.
The only crime for some is they have not recognised the genius that is the godlike Kieren Hawken and his encyclopedic (almost Wikipedic) knowledge of the industry and all its complexities.
They have somehow slighted him and this is the ultimate crime, for he is beyond reproach or criticism. To do so is to find oneself on his list of detractors who will thenceforth find themselves slagged off endlessly and without any foundation in truth throughout the scene.
Rumour, slander and libel will be the tools of his trade as he mindlessly spreads lies to anyone who will give him time.

He cannot, as has been suggested by myself and others, simply go away and live in his own gilded bubble, creating his masterpieces of journalistic majesty and get comfort from the praise that falls upon his every word from the legion of adoring fans these creations always garner.
He has some innate need to attack anyone he sees as worth his ire.
You may never have heard of him before but if you have gone on record as saying something that may be based in irrefutable fact, if he thinks differently then consider yourself on his "naughty list".

He will never disappear. He is the eternal turd. Sometimes his stench may blow in your direction, sometimes another. You may, if you are lucky avoid getting any underfoot, but you'll always get the stink.

He will fly in the face of rules and regulations, of social and personal mores simply because they don't apply to him.
His world is not built on the concerns, worries, feelings or sympathies of others. His world revolves purely around himself and his catalogue of delusion.

He has an eye for weakness, for a victim and through experience he knows how to play his victims. He will use them for whatever purpose he sees fit, then discard them and if they are lucky they may be forgotten, but the chance of that is always low.
Everyone who has crossed his path has suffered his wrath to some extent at one time or another.
He is a god and we are fools not to realise this and cry it from the rooftops.

This our crime.


The eternal turd. Lol I like it.


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Hmmm. My point about 'bate' was because most of us know that that is exactly what he wants. To engage gives him fuel. To engage gives him something to rage about. If he were a happy guy, contented with his lot, he wouldn't be such a bloody pest. He knows that angry rants and 'drama' are gold on youtube / social so he uses every spat to his advantage.

That old saying about hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. My point was by all counts defend yourself but don't burn yourself up in someone else's fire.


He will be reading this thread (mentally jerking off) and be loving every moment of it. That's the problem. An idiot thinks if people are talking about them then that makes them famous. They would rather have that than no one listen to the crap they say.


To a cretin, 15 minutes in the sun is 15 minutes in the sun whether it's Love Island or something worthy of actual validation.


At no point in his 'career' has his motivation been to produce actual A-Z books of systems. His only motivation is money and fame.

Two things that unsurprisingly do not rate high on an autistic persons list of priorities. 


He keeps bringing that out as a shield for all criticism and every time he makes a statement about his current position all he does is use it as an excuse for self-aggrandisement and not to acknowledge any real points anyone may have made, however constructive.


His books are bashed out, copying copious amounts of wikipedia because to him that is a valid and reputable source. Even wikipedia itself acknowledges the indisputable fact that it is completely unreliable due to the fact that any old tosspot such as Hawken can and do make random, factually incorrect edits at will.


The key to all of this is, of course that Hawken has cottoned on to the fact that, because there is a real appetite for everything retro, especially here in the UK, that as long as he pumps out enough crap at a cheap enough price point people will continue to lap it up.


The un-knowledgeable, those who were not 'there in the day', casual gamers. The wikipedia generation who take everything at face value and question nothing the internet says. They are his market. Not the hardcore or old-schooler who were there and know their stuff. That is why all the factual errors he lavishly bangs into each and every 'volume' don't really matter. To him as long as he believes what he is saying then it is correct no matter what.


In the past the gatekeepers of traditional publishing would have kicked his arse to the kerb long ago. The problem is with an open door policy of self publishing, very much like the Mobile games market, any old crap can and does get thrown out there. The devaluation of the market place directly as a result of talentless fucks who leach on the previous works of other, more actually talented people.


His Unbound campaign for 8 Bit on a Budget died a death.

And rightly so. This was an attempt for real credibility. A hardback book. Some of the perks were bloody laughable. 'five' 5 (second hand) random games from Kizza's large collection. TWO two copies of the book. Tickets to a retro event he is now banned from? People saw through his bullshit and didn't want to pay £25 for the privilege. The 'preview' for what it was was a piss-poor banged together effort that looked like it had been physically cut and pasted together by a 6 year old.





Oh and it must be costing him a fortune to do his 'paperback editions' because unlike someone with half a brain who would just get a few hundred printed at a cost effective printers he has chosen to go the 'vanity' publishing route. Those packages cost a fortune and the sharks who run them offer a host of services including 'proofreading' and 'editing' well whatever is happening with his books, they are not providing those services. 

All the while Kizza is kidding himself he is a professional journalist / writer / author and a published one at that.


The BIG problem is, he has actually had his stuff put into Retro Gamer. A globally distributed physical high street magazine.

Or to call it what Kizza does, the Award Winning Retro Gamer. That one thing, he has built his whole reputation on.

Secured lots of work in other venues because of that association and let's face it, he only got any work from them because he actively bullied Jones.


He's going to continue to pump out as much content as possible (as well as mis-appropriate most of it from others), because he knows he can make money for old rope. Other people's old rope.


I give you Kizza the Jizza, The Katie Hopkins of Retro Gaming.










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This is something that has been stated before, but should be stated again. Anything regarding Kieren that's stated here should be kept to FACTUAL statements. Speculation about some things of course will be unavoidable, such as sock puppet accounts, but especially in regards to people other than Kieren, please keep it factual. For instance, no one really knows if his brother is "spying" for him in any capacity, nor has he been involved in any of the hijinks as far as I'm aware, so speculating about him isn't doing much good here. If you're reporting something done by Kieren, make sure it's something that we have proof of rather than just speculating about it. Just saying all this as someone else brought to my attention that a few recent things in this thread aren't factual.

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10 hours ago, ∞ Vince ∞ said:

The BIG problem is, he has actually had his stuff put into Retro Gamer. A globally distributed physical high street magazine.

Or to call it what Kizza does, the Award Winning Retro Gamer. That one thing, he has built his whole reputation on.


Yes, that indeed was a big problem and one he used to start spreading his farce of a 'career' on.  It also just completely disgusted me for several obvious reasons and made me cancel my subscription to a magazine I otherwise enjoyed.


It's a shame that Darran did not listen after being warned 10 years ago about just how completely unsuitable Kieren was to be anywhere near this particular subject area/magazine...



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I cancelled my Retro Gamer subscription when he was 'active' on the magazine and re-installed it post K. 


I've said everything I have to say about this now so I am going to remove myself from the discussion. Happy Retro Gaming everyone.







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3 minutes ago, markopoloman said:

Why are people leaving the thread? Surely the best thing to do is watch what the little Wankpuffin is posting, find the errors/where he stole it from and then keep it active?! 


Today's total output is a rehash of an old post and gathered 4 likes.


His 4 play toki video got none :)

Not even his puppets liked it.


i imagine when the next videos hit.... ;)



Edited by Welshworrier
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14 minutes ago, Felice_Atari said:

Bearing in mind where KH is from, this is an example of some of the people who live in Luton ... :( No wonder quite a few people from there are weird ....




Should hire that skank bitch to give old Liard a slap! Unfortunately those scumbags are in every town! 

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57 minutes ago, Felice_Atari said:

Bearing in mind where KH is from, this is an example of some of the people who live in Luton ... :( No wonder quite a few people from there are weird ....




Looks like a lovely town with decent, hardworking and honest people.


Seriously, that video demonstrates some extreme differences between police in the UK and the US. But that's another topic for another thread.


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Sell them! He didn’t  write an article in every mag... and those that he did, you know it’s one of his articles the second you start reading - so just skip it (or rip it out and sell that as there is a shortage of toilet paper currently) ?

Edited by markopoloman
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5 hours ago, markopoloman said:

Sell them! He didn’t  write an article in every mag... and those that he did, you know it’s one of his articles the second you start reading - so just skip it (or rip it out and sell that as there is a shortage of toilet paper currently) ?

Yeah it's really unnecessary to besmirch Retro Gamer particularly given that Darren has made it very clear that he's not involved in the mag and hasn't been for over a year. Bare in mind he has to put his corporate hat on and probably can't say any more than that, even if he might want to.

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