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Code editor (and or tools) on a mac


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I was wondering, what is today a recommended setup to program 6502 assembly? And that, on a Mac - what code editor is nice to use?


Are there also some ntools on a mac for the A8?

Nearly two decades ago I used notepad(Windows), Xasm, Atari800win and a .bat file which compiled it and started it in the Emulator.

I'm sorry if this thread already exists...I searched but couldn't find it ?



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On 9/9/2021 at 1:15 AM, Thelen said:

I was wondering, what is today a recommended setup to program 6502 assembly? And that, on a Mac - what code editor is nice to use?


I personally have been using ca65 from the command line with BBEdit as the text editor.


I have been converting all of my old 80s projects that had been done in Atari Macro Assembler to it, and loving it.


So far I have posted a very small project to Github -- you can check that out to see how the pieces all come together.


A scan of the old AMAC code is posted as well as the modern ca65 files + makefile.




I have a voice digitizer app and a few games that I will eventually be posting, all using ca65.


I have some text adventures done in BASIC that may also wind up on GitHub later on.


And finally a BBS that I co-wrote in the mid-80s that was originally done in Deep Blue C, then ACE C, and has now been moved (but not yet finished) using cc65+ca65.


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