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Emulator hardware SIO support?


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Can any current emulators support SIO peripherals? Altirra seems to have some SIO options in the menu, but I can't find much information on it. Do any current emulators support a 10502pc or sio2pc? This seems like it would be very useful for creating physical floppies directly from the emulator.

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No, as far as I know there's no Atari emulator that can do that.


Easier to do on the Atari with the same device..


I think someone asked Avery if he could do it a while back and the short answer was no but I don't remember if he said if was or wasn't possible, I seem to recall his saying it was to do with the way the emulation was done (but don't quote me on that).


To be honest it would be novel but it's way more impressive that the 40yr old Atari can interface with brand new tech (SD-Max etc) with the storage of hundred of thousands of 1050s (if not way more, too lazy to do the maths). (based on a 32gid SD and 90K files, 90K being the average commercial software sized disk alone) OK did the maths, 355,555 disks..

Edited by Mclaneinc
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As you have an SD-MAX you must have an Atari (?) and it's so simple on that, unlike a CD-Rom for say PSX emulation, the 40yr old SIO has no direct interface and then you have to worry about latency, therefore timing etc etc  etc


I dare say it can be done but why bother when it's already out there the other way around.


In the end it's for Avery to really comment on but with the work he already puts in to Altirra plus his very demanding daily job, I doubt it's something he's going to run towards :)


He's the boss though...

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