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  1. Thanks for the nice comments, and the shout out! The animated GIF is cool. It shows the mockups in the order that I made them (notice with the last one I quit trying different colors and went back to your original ones). Also, the one with the blue background was my first attempt, and it wasn't turning out that great, so that's why it's not finished. I knew you want to keep the look of the game minimal, but I couldn't resist having a little fun. Maybe you could make the minimal version for the contest, and then if you feel like it, make the space version. The flashing cursor effect is really cool, but since you were wondering (a while back in the thread) about just keeping it white, would it be too much trouble to make the flash so it can be turned on/off? Another thought would be to have it only flash when the timer begins its warning. Choosing colors drives me crazy too. What about having a default color setting, and then the player can cycle through available colors with the keys, if they want to? Like cycle through background tile color of the board with one key, and cycle through foreground tile colors of the board with another key, etc.
  2. Hi everyone. Sorry to be MIA from this forum, but it's just very time consuming for me to participate a lot (much as I want to). Hopefully, my computer situation should improve in the not too distant future, and I will be a regular here. Matthew180, thank you for posting this collaboration thread. I think it's an excellent idea. I bet a lot can be accomplished with small teams, rather than one guy doing it all alone (like the "Hero" in Tunnels Of Doom ). From everyone's comments, sounds to me like what we're going for is kind of "casual commitment": Just enough commitment to get a project done, but laid back enough for the project to be fun, with no pressure. Sounds good to me. :-) So, please add me to the PEOPLE list: UnderExtended (Rich G.): I'm a TIer who is happy to contribute to projects. I enjoy doing pixel art and game design. Even though I don't post here much, I usually keep up with things regularly. I can get artwork done quickly if needed. A thought on Project Ideas, Matthew: maybe someone has an abandoned, half-finished game they want to submit to a team. I remember seeing an abandoned game here in the forum before. But I guess for a game to really happen, a programmer needs to come along with the desire to work on a project. -- Rich G.
  3. Yeah, good idea Codex. Maybe you can show the game graphic doing something to convey the message, like if Munch Man is for "Active Development", show him happily cruising along. Doesn't that game write messages between levels like "KEEP MOVING!"? I move at the speed of thick mud, but I've made a couple rough ideas, some using an iconic TI image (not a game character). Retroclouds, with your permission I will email them to you, and if you like them, you can post them here for me. (Long story, just easier for me to email images.) --Rich
  4. I just emailed you a small army of characters. Sorry it took me a while. Ever see 'Red Sonja'? You know the scene where she had to pick out her sword? "Choooose..." Sorry, I'm giddy from lack of sleep. --Rich
  5. Thanks! I've already drawn a little better version, but not yet gotten the Hex. One thing I'm not sure about is: does the shield move too much? In the new version, I made it sit still. BTW, I wasn't sure which shield design to go with, but I realized with that circular shield, there's a little 3x3 pixel square which could maybe be seen as an homage to the original game's hero. --Rich
  6. If a few new items end up getting added to the game, one might be a torch or lamp. You'd have to learn your way through the pitch black maze with the light before you could pass through with another item (in the dark). Or, if that sounds annoying, another item could be a backpack, which would allow the player to carry an item unused, while carrying a usable item. So you'd put the sword in your backpack and carry the light through the dark maze, and then once out of the maze you'd swap the items. Just pray you don't encounter a dragon and have to fight in the dark! However... being able to carry two items might change the gameplay too much...? Codex mentioned Venture, and that brings up something I've been meaning to get to: I used to play Venture in the arcades, and my brother was huge fan of the game, and even got it for his 2600 or Vectrex or something. And so, every time I call this project "Atariventure" it sounds like it should be THAT game. Not a huge deal, I just hope maybe we can call it something else when it's done. (Maybe just "TI Adventure"?) BTW, you guys are correct: Venture would be cool on the TI. And in other news, below is a new submission for the possible hero for the game. This is an unfinished demo that's kind of fun being half done. I want to get the lance to flip appropriately when the player changes direction. Please try to pick it up in an aesthetically pleasing way . I threw the little castle in just for flavor. --Rich 100 ! DEMO3 OF POSSIBLE HEROBY UNDEREXTENDED - JUNE 25, 2010 110 CALL SCREEN(2) :: G=2 :: CALL CLEAR :: CALL MAGNIFY(4) 120 DISPLAY AT(1,2):"PRESS 3 OR 4 FOR MAGNIFY" :: DISPLAY AT(3,1):"PRESS I TO CHANGE ITEM COLOR" 130 DISPLAY AT(6,17):"xy yz";TAB(17);"{|||}";TAB(18);"|||";TAB(18);"|t|" 140 DISPLAY AT(22,1):"PRESS SPACE TO DROP ITEM -- (USE SCREEN EDGE OR MAGNIFY 3 TO BREAK A STUBBORN COINC)" 150 CALL CHAR(96,"070C09010768F7D7B7B87FF9A09050A00080C18EDFBF7B7970FEF99EC102") 160 CALL CHAR(100,"06091B1303026DFDDDBEBF3B713C0A0500008000C12EDFDFDB39F07898146408") 170 CALL CHAR(104,"00018371FBFDDE9E0E7F9F7983400000E0309080E016EFEBED1DFE9F05090A05") 180 CALL CHAR(108,"000001008374FBFBDB9C0F1E192826106090D8C8C040B6BFBB7DFDDC8E3C50A") 190 CALL CHAR(112,"8060100C0701"&RPT$("0",30)&"C0F07E1C0E09") 200 CALL CHAR(136,"0000000000030F7E387090000000000001060830E08") 210 CALL CHAR(140,"40BC54"&RPT$("0",43)) 220 CALL CHAR(120,"0A0A0A0A0F0F0F0FA5A5A5A5FFFFFFFF50505050F0F0F0F00F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F") 230 CALL CHAR(124,"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F") 240 CALL CHAR(116,"7C547C547C547C54") 250 CALL COLOR(12,11,1,13,2,1) 260 CALL SCREEN(15) 270 CALL SPRITE(#2,96,2,70,120,#1,112,15,60,25,#3,140,3,120,55) 280 CALL JOYST(1,A,B) :: CALL KEY(0,K,S) 290 CALL MOTION(#2,-B+-B,A+A) :: CALL COINC(ALL,H) :: IF H THEN 400 300 IF A=-4 THEN D=1 310 IF A=4 THEN D=0 320 IF S=-1 AND D=0 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,96)ELSE IF S=-1 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,104) 330 IF K=51 THEN CALL MAGNIFY(3) 340 IF K=52 THEN CALL MAGNIFY(4) 350 IF K=73 THEN G=G+1 :: IF G=16 THEN G=2 360 CALL COLOR(#1,G,#3,G+1) 370 FOR E=1 TO 20 :: NEXT E 380 IF S=-1 AND D=0 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,100)ELSE IF S=-1 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,108) 390 GOTO 280 400 CALL JOYST(1,A,B) :: CALL KEY(0,K,S) 410 CALL MOTION(#2,-B+-B,A+A,#1,-B+-B,A+A) 420 IF A=-4 THEN D=1 430 IF A=4 THEN D=0 440 IF S=-1 AND D=0 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,96)ELSE IF S=-1 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,104) 450 IF K=51 THEN CALL MAGNIFY(3) 460 IF K=52 THEN CALL MAGNIFY(4) 470 IF K=73 THEN G=G+1 :: IF G=16 THEN G=2 480 CALL COLOR(#1,G,#3,G+1) 490 IF K=32 THEN 280 500 FOR E=1 TO 20 :: NEXT E 510 IF S=-1 AND D=0 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,100)ELSE IF S=-1 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,108) 520 GOTO 400
  7. John, can you post the Win99 cart version please? I just don't have Classic 99 yet. I have been able to convert a few things to work in Win99, but when I loaded your file in TI-Dir, all I got from the size 49 file was: 10 CALL INIT :: CALL LOAD(8192,207,058) :: CALL LINK("RUN") --Rich
  8. Uggh, NOOOO!!! lol, no offense to anyone who's into Airbender, but it's ALL my brother wants to talk about. He brings his laptop over and makes me watch YouTube videos of fans bashing the live-action film, and clips of the show. But I figured out what to do: I said "Hey, search for 'Opry99er' and 'see you at the faire'" He did, AND really got a kick out of your song, Owen, as he is a TI-er too (we used to play Tunnels of Doom all the time). Owen, your song is awesome! Do you have an MP3 of it somewhere? ...Sorry for the long delay here in my replies. But what else is new? Thank you! It's definately cool (and fun) and an honor to be helping you with the graphics in LOBR. The way you *constantly* move forward with your project is impressive! Absolutely, please email me or attach (like png or gif) to the Atariventure thread. PSP6 starts in a blink of an eye on my quad-core. I wouldn't go back (to PSP4), but changes in UI might annoy you. I think I have to take a look at PSP8 since it has ability to control most elements via scripts/macros. And I'm honored to have a fan ! Cool! I'll email an attached GIF to your address on your website, because that's the easiest way for me. (Browser is too old for uploading to forum, etc.) PSP4 does have a few annoyances, but I'm used to them. Funny you mention fast start-up time, because that's why, years ago, I chose PSP4 over slow loading Photoshop when I was looking for a new paint program. I want to cram as much in each 16x16 box as I can, so that's why I often design sprites displaced like that. I don't know how much of a hassle it is to a programmer, but to an artist, it's great! Yes, I've been using Paint Shop Pro 4 for many years. But then getting the hex values is usually agony for me because all my old computer can run (at least, of what I've been able to find to download) is a simple 8x8 Character Grid Converter. So I am VERY interested in trying Grapefruit, and all the other utilities you guys have made -- if I can ever tear myself away from "Old Betsy" and get my "new" (only three years old!) computer set up! And you should. I know I would. Why limit yourself, when the hardware allows for it. It's just that my Beryl sprite designer has taken off with all the multilayered sprites in the same position. I'll give it some more thought. Having 4 more or less independent sprite layers and have them reallocate for each frame in an animation is not impossible. Do you have AnimationShop ? If one creates a new animation with width and height set at 32, custom colors set to the TI-99/4A etc. Creation and animation would be "easy". You just have to remember to limit each sprite to the size of 16x16. Then the output gif file could be sent to a analyzer for conversion. Output would be like patterns, colors, positions, frames and time. The clever reuse of layers, in different colors and/or at different positions, with or without pixels overlaying, well ... Maybe I'll be turning my face back to PSP6 again. I've been using PSP4 for simple animations: place frame 2 over top of frame 1, and then alternately hit Delete and Control Z (undo) many times. Just be careful to not hit delete twice!! It's crude, but it works. Not good for complex animations with like 20 frames of 250 x 250 pixel GIFs, but fine for a couple of 16x16. I have never tried AnimationShop, but I'll take a look at it. I used one called ProMotion for a time (on a borrowed laptop), and really liked it. I might get it when I get my new computer going. Your suggestion for AnimationShop sounds like a good idea, and it might work in ProMotion too. Old Betsy is just too old for Beryl. However, I did try Beryl months ago (I think before it was called Beryl?) while working on my parent's computer, and it was nice! I think I'll be OK with .NET and Java on my new machine. Owen, I've started to work on making the LOBR sword & shield art loadable in XB. It's slow doing it "by eye" in PSP4. :\ Which utility is a good one for a mix of tiles and sprites? --Rich
  9. ...still catching up... Thanks very much! I'm sure Owen will have me animate him eventually (but I doubt badass B.R. ever ran for his life from anything! ). Please let me email you some other little characters I've made, and then I can animate one, either as a possible hero for Atariventure, or whatever. (I've been a fan of your demos for years, so I'd be honored. ) I want to cram as much in each 16x16 box as I can, so that's why I often design sprites displaced like that. I don't know how much of a hassle it is to a programmer, but to an artist, it's great! Yes, I've been using Paint Shop Pro 4 for many years. But then getting the hex values is usually agony for me because all my old computer can run (at least, of what I've been able to find to download) is a simple 8x8 Character Grid Converter. So I am VERY interested in trying Grapefruit, and all the other utilities you guys have made -- if I can ever tear myself away from "Old Betsy" and get my "new" (only three years old!) computer set up! Owen, I've been meaning to tell you that sword & shield graphic you picked was the last, and most complex of the bunch, and by then I wasn't being quite as careful about watching the sprite limits. But I think it is probably, possibly do-able. Maybe. --Rich
  10. I sure hope that "last" donut wasn't the one that fell on the floor! The story behind this sheet is: Owen sent me three pictures of helms to use as a basis for the Helm of Wooldridge. I usually do several variations of whatever I'm working on, then pick the best one. Even after I get to one I really like, I may do a few more variations just in case I might get an even better one (or, in this case, to give Owen a wide selection to choose from). So that's why there are 300 helms there. They're grouped in the three different styles, and they kind of progress left-to-right or top-to-bottom. Thanks The weeping willow type tree was based on Sometime99er's oak tree. Very cool, Owen, that it inspired a character! --Rich
  11. I know RetroClouds has settled on the name, so I hope he'll forgive a couple more suggestions: Nutty Tutty or Tutuncommon -- you get the name AND cartridge rarity all in one! --Rich
  12. It's been over a week, so I hope this isn't too late. :] Made his head smaller (less anime="more badass"). Love the sword, so I moved it up to show up better/not be mixed in with his body. Hope it's OK with the sprites offset... 100 T=15 :: P=108 :: Q=85 :: CALL SCREEN(2) :: CALL CLEAR :: CALL MAGNIFY(3) 110 FOR C=1 TO 14 :: CALL COLOR(C,16,1) :: NEXT C 120 DISPLAY AT(1,2):"PRESS 3 OR 4 FOR MAGNIFY" 130 DISPLAY AT(23,1):"HOLD DOWN SPACE BAR TO TURN OFF FRONT SPRITE" 140 CALL CHAR(96,"202020207050D952517020A9F92120000000000000E0B008B0A14214B5B504E2") 150 CALL CHAR(100,"070F0D0F07030F1F3FF7E3C707060E1EC0E060E4CE9FFFFFFFDF9FCEC4C0E0F") 160 CALL SPRITE(#1,96,T,Q,P,#2,100,5,90,110) 170 CALL KEY(0,K,S) :: IF S=0 THEN T=15 :: GOTO 160 180 IF K=51 THEN CALL MAGNIFY(3) :: P=108 :: Q=85 :: GOTO 160 190 IF K=32 THEN T=1 :: GOTO 160 200 IF K=52 THEN CALL MAGNIFY(4) :: P=106 :: Q=80 :: GOTO 160 210 GOTO 170 --Rich
  13. Nice! And it's not April 1 either!!!
  14. Hey Owen, been busy! (Stupid real life! -- like Homer Simpson saying "Stupid gravity!") Thanks for the nice comment. Below is a 1 color version of a possible "hero". He's a little different than the 3 color one (has a little mouth and 1 pixel less hat). I know there's some bad sluggishness... just haven't tightened it up yet. The sizing you all worked out sounds great (agree it should go with the TI's size). Definitely the maze to the black castle is a signature element, but I like the idea of new mazes. I don't know how much the game can be expanded, but to add a couple new mazes would be cool! How about a new maze somewhere that is randomly generated each game? Like if you try to go to the white castle but go the wrong direction, you get to the alley-room with 2 empty rooms. Maybe put a new maze in each room, each leading to a new castle (or something) that could hold an item. Or maybe a castle of just weirdness, like a strobe light, or all colors cycling...? Do some simple thing that makes weird effects, like (just guessing here) make the character's trail stop erasing as he walks? It could be a rave taking place in the castle. 100 ! DEMO2 OF POSSIBLE HERO - 1 COLOR BY UNDEREXTENDED - JUNE 4, 2010 110 G=14 :: CALL CLEAR :: CALL MAGNIFY(4) 120 DISPLAY AT(1,2):"PRESS 3 OR 4 FOR MAGNIFY" :: DISPLAY AT(3,1):"PRESS B TO CHANGE BACKGROUNDCOLOR" 130 DISPLAY AT(24,4):"USE JOYSTICK TO MOVE" 140 CALL CHAR(96,"0103070D0C1EB961070F1D0107070603E0F0F8FAFC540828FBFFF6F0B89A1E0C") 150 CALL CHAR(100,"010307050C0E1FB963070F0D05010301E0F0F8FAFC540828F0FBFFF6F0E0C0E") 160 CALL CHAR(104,"070F1F5F3F2A1014DFFF6F0F1D59783080C0E0B030789D86E0F0B880E0E060C") 170 CALL CHAR(108,"070F1F5F3F2A10140FDFFF6F0F07030780C0E0A03070F89DC6E0F0B0A080C08") 172 CALL CHAR(112,"80605029140B05170C"&RPT$("0",22)&"80800000804") 174 CALL CHAR(116,"000102254A74283A4C8000000000000040808000000000000") 180 CALL SPRITE(#2,96,2,70,120,#1,112,15,55,25) 190 CALL JOYST(1,A,B) :: CALL KEY(0,K,S) 200 CALL MOTION(#2,-B+-B,A+A,#1,C,F) :: CALL COINC(ALL,H) 201 IF H THEN C=-B+-B :: F=A+A 210 IF A=-4 THEN D=1 220 IF A=4 THEN D=0 230 IF S=-1 AND D=0 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,96)ELSE IF S=-1 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,104) 240 IF K=51 THEN CALL MAGNIFY(3) 250 IF K=52 THEN CALL MAGNIFY(4) 260 IF K=66 THEN G=G+1 :: IF G=17 THEN G=2 270 CALL SCREEN(G) 280 FOR E=1 TO 20 :: NEXT E 290 IF S=-1 AND D=0 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,100)ELSE IF S=-1 THEN CALL PATTERN(#2,108) 300 GOTO 190
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