Venture Reloaded - Atari 2600



TV Type:  NTSC        PAL60      
Box Upgrade:  No        Yes (Add $15.00)      

Venture Reloaded

Winky is deep inside a dungeon laden with incredible treasures, and guarded by terrible monsters. Equipped with his trusty bow and arrow, he fights the monsters and grabs the loot. Guide Winky through the dungeon chambers… but don’t stop to count the plunder or you’ll be through!

Venture Reloaded

How to Play

To capture treasure, move Winky into any of the chambers. Each chamber contains treasure and hazards. Most chambers are full of dangerous monsters. The Wall Room has no monsters, but has lethal electrified walls instead! Once Winky is inside a chamber, he can shoot arrows at monsters to defend himself.

When entering a room the first time, Winky scores points for monster kills before and after getting the treasure. However, if Winky exits and re-enters a room, there are no points awarded in that room for monster kills until after the treasure is picked up. But be careful; if Winky even touches a monster, living or dead, he will be eliminated.

When you have grabbed the treasure from every chamber, Winky descends to a new dungeon — and the action gets even harder! Keep playing until you collect all of the treasures or run out of Winkies.

Gameplay Video


Venture Reloaded Screenshot Venture Reloaded Screenshot Venture Reloaded Screenshot Venture Reloaded Screenshot Venture Reloaded Screenshot Venture Reloaded Screenshot


Venture Reloaded has many improvements over the original Venture game for the Atari 2600, including:

  • Treasure screen added.
  • Third dungeon added (original had two dungeons).
  • All 36 treasures (original had eight treasures).
  • Rooms become solid-filled on the dungeon screen when completed.
  • Rooms will expand/shrink on enter/exit. (Special note: This is the only home port of VENTURE to do this!)
  • Music is all brand new, with multiple tunes.
  • Monsters are now animated.
  • All Monster graphics, all treasure graphics, and some room graphics are new.
  • Room name, level number, bonus multiplier, score, and lives are all alternately displayed in-game.
  • Speed of gameplay improved (original was slow!)
  • Winky will move up/down walls when entering them from an angle (original would cause Winky to become stuck).
  • Screen flashes red when Winky dies.
  • Hallmonsters enter chambers at a random corner (original just used upper-left corner).
  • Wall room speed increases with levels.
  • Spider Room Special Event – Gather the treasure and two white spiders appear!
  • Cyclops Room Special Event – One random Cyclops will teleport out of harms way. Eventually that cyclops will run out of teleports and can be killed.
  • Numerous bug fixes from original game, major code replacement and re-writes, and tweaks, tweaks, tweaks...

Get a Venture Reloaded Box!

If you'd like a boxed copy of Venture Reloaded, please select "Box Upgrade: Yes" at the top of the page before adding Venture Reloaded to your cart. Our boxes are professionally printed and include a box insert to hold your Venture Reloaded cartridge in place. We want you to play our games, so we have not sealed or shrinkwrapped the boxes in any way, allowing you easy access to the game cartridge and manual.

These boxes are the same size as boxes Atari produced for their games "back in the day". They look great sitting on a shelf with your other boxed homebrew games, or alongside games from the classic Atari 2600 library. We only have a limited number of boxes for each game, and there is no guarantee they will become available again once our supplies are exhausted.

Venture Reloaded Box

AtariVox Support

If you have an AtariVox or SaveKey plugged into the right controller port, Venture Reloaded will automatically save your high score and reload it when playing the game later.

Additional Information

Venture Reloaded includes game cartridge and full-color 12-page manual. You can optionally purchase a professionally printed box (see above). Venture Reloaded is available in NTSC and PAL60 television formats. Please specify above when ordering or you will receive an NTSC cartridge by default.

Number of Players 1
Controller Joystick Controller
Cartridge Size 32K + SARA RAM
Programming Jeff Johnson
Packaging Design and Artwork Nathan Strum
Brad Harrison on 07/02/2023 04:28pm
I was always more then a little disappointed with the original Atari 2600 port of 'Venture'. Which was missing rooms, no music, reused sounds, and completed rooms did not fill in.

Venture Reloaded addressed all of this, and also adds so much more! I have had hours and hours of fun playing this version over the last two years, and am still enjoying it just as much now as I did the first time.

Anyone who enjoyed playing the arcade game Venture will love this homebrew!
Utilikey on 08/27/2021 02:17am
Just received this in the mail today and it is everything that you could ask for. The enhancements of the game are really top notch, and open up a whole new world. It's great to see all of this progress with the VCS, and the passion that people put into it. Controls are crisp/fluid, musical touch is great, and the attention to detail is stupendous. Definitely a must have for fans of Venture in the arcade.
Steven Ramirez on 08/02/2021 07:47pm
Venture Reloaded is without a doubt, the definitive 2600 version of this game. The sprite work is beautiful, the chambers expand and contract upon entry/exit and the gameplay is silky smooth. All of the treasures are included, as well as a treasure screen. I love that the chambers are filled in upon completion.

Colecovision's Venture for the 2600--fuhgeddaboudit! Get yourself a copy of Venture Reloaded. This is the Venture we've always wanted.

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