Deflektor Kollection - ColecoVision



Deflektor Kollection is a homebrew game for the ColecoVision programmed by Daniel Bienvenu. Deflektor Kollection is the first homebrew to support the driving controller and roller controller (joysticks are not supported). Deflektor Kollection features three different games:

  1. Deflektor I: Daniel Bienvenu's first game for the ColecoVision, programmed in 1999
  2. Deflektor II: A variation on Deflektor with new features
  3. Dacflektor: A hybrid game combining both DacMan and TV Tennis (2 players)

Deflektor Kollection is not a new homebrew, but the previously named Double Breakout by Daniel Bienvenu. The name was changed to avoid a conflict with Atari's trademark regarding the name Breakout. We held a contest in our forums to solicit a new name, and Deflektor was suggested by neotokeo2001. Artist Francis Meunier then created a new logo for the game, which you can see in the pictures below.

Deflektor Kollection includes game cartridge only.

Author Daniel Bienvenu
Number of Players 1 - 2
Controllers Driving Controller, Roller Controller
Cartridge Size 32K
Label Design Francis Meunier and Tony Morse

Cyril DENIS on 01/07/2006 01:39pm
This game could be great but we have no really control on the ball. It exists only two directions. It's really annoying. Too, Dacflektor only works with two players. But how is it possible? Only one Roller Controller can be plugged in the Coleco system!
There is no doc with this game ... So perhaps I don't understand how this game works?

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